
This is a discussion thread for members of the "Vanishing Time" fae roleplay. If you haven't been accepted to the roleplay yet, please don't chat yet. This is for members that have been accepted. This is where we chill, talk about our characters, dramas and whatnot ~ ~ Night Court Landscape: link Night Court Cities (More detail): link Some Helpful Fae Types: Link Day Court Landscape: link ~ Edited at December 19, 2023 10:56 PM by Salem
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Hi. Caite and Nan are up for friends/affiliations. Edited at November 21, 2023 09:19 AM by FrostyK

So is Aether ^^ I was thinking of adding another character since we can play two (currently) but I can't really find a place for her. She may be an unknown fae type?
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Oooo that would be interesting.

He'd be sightless (not actually, his eyes just look like this so he'd seem like he can't see) and I'm debating his place in the world. Maybe he's a forgotten type of god? In the refrence books there's forgotten death gods so maybe he's like.. a type of god you'd have to go to for approval to make a human fae? He could turn the future high lady into high fae and that stuff ;-; im trying
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Ooo no I think that makes sense. Yeah, someone they have to go to.

I only work half a day today, so I will be free to do plotting and things later today.

Same here actually ^^ I'm uh, on to avoid my work today so thats fun..
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Hey I am guilty of doing that as well.

I may pass out- A lot happened in the last hours ;-; I just got home aaanndd i'm suffering from burnout. BUT, i do really wanna design the new character. Have yet to find a good name..
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