Evangeline Yendell
March 17th
Lavender, incense, tobacco
Evie is a bit tall for a woman, standing at somewhere around 5'6. She's a slim woman with slightly tanned skin that's dotted with freckles. She is a curvy woman with a bust bigger than average. Her hair is black and is in between being curly and wavy. It falls just below her shoulder blades. She has a slightly sharp jawline and full lips, paired with an upturned nose. Evie has what's called Marie Antoinette Syndrome, causing a white patch to appear in her hair. It colors the hair that frames her face all around, and then goes back towards her scalp on the top left side of her head. It's a medium sized patch and stops halfway before it leads down the rest of her hair.
Her eyes are doe-like and framed by long black lashes. Her eyes are a pale green flecked with a darker green, and a little bit of brown. She has rounded brows that she tries her best to maintain. She has freckles along her jaw, scattered on her nose and cheeks, and a few stray ones on her forehead. She has faint freckles all over the rest of her body, prominent on her chest and back. Evie can be described as having a resting bitch face, which often seems to deter people from speaking to her.
Evie is a pretty woman, save for the scars littered around her body. The most prominent one is a clean scar going across the front of her throat. It was caused by her own stupidity, an accident with a knife.
She hides her scar with necklaces, or simply with her hair. She has one necklace she never takes off, it's a silver tarot card necklace with 'The Lovers' card engraved into it. It has a little charm with her zodiac sign on it, and when it clinks against the necklace, it makes a sound similar to the bell on a cat's collar.
As far as piercings go, Evie has a few. She has a septum piercing, two lobe piercings, and an industrial. She often is seen with moon jewelry.
Evie has a few tattoos. She has a portrait of her late cat on her right bicep, followed by a luna moth on her right hand. She has the phases of the moon going down her spine, and a wolf paw right next to it. And finally, she has a lily of the valley on her left forearm, and a little cat skull with lavender around it on her left thigh. They all have meanings.
Evie is a relatively kind woman. She is quite caring, almost motherly in a way. Though she can be a bit of an airhead or an ignorant person, she tries her best to understand people. She isn't necessarily one to pick fights, but on the occasion that she's irritated she'll snap.
She is the type of person to shut up an obey, and not question things. Often times when asked a question or asked for something, she wont even question it or ask why. She just does it and goes on about her day.
She's in between being optimistic and pessimistic, more pessimistic though. She loves physical touch, even if it's just knees brushing together or hands slightly touching.
Evie is incredibly observant, she always notices if someone's in a bad mood or if something is off. This doesn't mean she'll try to cheer them up, though. She is quite intuitive, and is rarely wrong when she makes an assumption or feels like something isn't right.
Evie is a very romantic woman. She spoils her significant other with gifts and attention. Her main love languages physical touch, quality time, and gift giving. She will give them little things that she found or bought simply because it reminded her of them. She loves to cuddle and will always somehow be touching her significant other, even just slightly. Evie plans tons of dates, romantic nights out or in, and just little get togethers.
Evie can be viewed as an opinionated person. While she doesn't force her opinions onto others, she will voice them even if the person has a completely opposite view. She is a very patient and lenient person, she is the type of person to sit there and explain something to someone for the 100th time without snapping at them. She's the kind of friend who waits for you to tie your shoes while everyone else continues on.
Evie is generally liked by most people she meets, but of course, there's people who dislike her. She will act as if she doesn't care that someone dislikes her, but really, it hurts her. In her mind, she's a likable person. Upon meeting new people, she is quiet and doesn't speak very much. But with people she knows well and is close with, Evie doesn't shut up. She will go on and on about the most random topics for hours.
Evie will often try to help people with their problems and give advice, but she doesn't necessarily focus on her own problems. She always puts others first and will rarely ever put herself first, it's an incredibly bad habit she can't help.
- Birds
- Cats
- Autumn
- Company
- Exploring
- Collecting things
- Arrogant people
- Hot weather
- Caring too much
- Squirrels
- Changes in routine
- Show offs
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Quarter Horse and Mustang cross
credits go to deirdre-t on DA

Apricity is a big mare, standing at a height of 16.2 hands. She's a pretty mare, with a dappled buckskin coat, and black legs with a black nose. She has a long, flowy mane and tail. She has black feathers on her feet. Apricity has the build of a mustang, but her legs are more of a quarter horse.
Apricity is a goofy mare, she's always messing with someone or something. She takes her work seriously, but any other time she's just messing around. She is incredibly patient and is a good horse for beginners, as well as a good learning experience. She loves what she does and often shows off her skills, particularly to other horses. While she can be a show off and a bit arrogant, she's still a sweetheart all around.
Apricity loves other horses and doesn't exactly like to be alone. She works better with another horse, as well as put on the trail. She often takes the lead on things, but let's the others have a go as well. Apricity can be seen as motherly figure to foals, and has raised a few in her lifetime. Only one was hers, but it doesn't really matter to her if they are or not. She is used as a buddy horse for younger horses, she teaches them how things work, what to do and what not to do. She also teaches misbehaving horses, and they will often get tied to her so they can't act out or hurt someone.
Apricity is all around a good horse, but of course, she does have her flaws and downsides.
-Other animals
-Being alone
-Stall confinement