
Unnamed Deer Rp - Insert Title Here
For the Deer of the Clover Lake Herd, life has always been relatively peaceful, with minor interruptions of chaos and confusion. It isn’t a perfect life, and they do have to deal with wolves, coyotes, humans, and other animals trying to make meals out of them, but for the most part, they live pretty easy lives. That is, until mother nature decided to shake things up a bit. Unfortunately disaster struck and a group of deer were split off from the rest of the herd, pushed into new territory where everything is unknown. Of course, most blessings come in disguise, and this seems to be one of them.
Separated from the rest of the herd, there is room for someone else to lead them who wouldn’t normally get a chance. Among other things too, such as a smaller herd is easier to protect, plus there is less competition for mates and ranks. As the smaller group works together to survive, they’ll have to decide: Do they want to find and return to their original herd? Or do they remain away, and try to make it on their own as a small herd?
Basically: This is the dramatization of Herd Life for the Deer of this Rp. It’ll be all about the drama of the Herd, and everything about it.
I’m going to be much more relaxed with this rp than I am with my others. It’s just a small little Rp for me to have fun with, it doesn’t need to be the longest, most detailed Rp ever.
Have fun!
Edited at November 18, 2022 06:24 AM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow all of WPs and Eve's Rules 1. Be Active. In Rp & Discussion. 2. Semi-Literacy is the Minimum. 4. Four Character Minimum. 5. No Perfect Characters, Godmodding, Powerplaying, etc. 6. Follow all of WPs rules in regards to using images. Otherwise I won't allow their usage. 7. There will likely be events like predators, or a plagued animal, or something environmental, and I will allow them to happen throughout the Rp, but please ask for permission first. I don't need there to be 4 wolf attacks back to back. 8. No Orphaned Fawns in the Rp. Yearlings don't require a parent. 9. In Rp Drama is Allowed and Encouraged, but Drama in OOC is Not. Put the Missing Number in your Form. 10. Have fun!
Roleplay Note For this Rp, I will be allowing for different species of deer. Just for individualism. Since it's Semi-Realistc, there won't be any issues with relations between different species of deer. Basically: a Red Deer Stag can still happily be with a Fallow Deer Doe, and their offspring will be just fine. This is just to make things easier for all of us. All I ask is you use an existing species of deer, with the exception of Reindeer, Moose, and Elk. Below I've listed acceptable options for speces. Species List: - Red Deer - White Tailed Deer - Fallow Deer - Roe Deer - Mule Deer - Sika Deer All I ask is you stick to the stats for those deer. A Roe Deer won't be larger than a Red Deer, etc, etc. Also keep mutations to a minimum.
Another Note: For Stags, keep it semi-realistic when it comes to their antlers. Deer that are younger, like 2-3, are not going to have 14 point racks. Certain species of deer also won't have as large of antlers either. If you use a picture of a white-tail deer, and your basing it's appearance off that, then those are the antlers it'll have. On the other hand, elderly deer are not going to have strong antlers.
Original Herd Ranks
Lead Stag > Leading Stag of the Herd Lead Hind > Favored Doe of the Lead Stag, his “primary mate” among all his harem.
High Harem > The Lead Stag’s Harem, “Untouchable” to others
Second in Command >Stag that is Second to the Lead Stag and Helps him Lead.
Captains >They are the Leads of the Sentinels. Strongest and Bravest of the Stags among the Sentinels. Always Stags who are between the middle of the Prime and coming out of their Prime.
Sentinels >Strong and Brave Stags within the Herd that have been trained to keep watch and protect the herd. Range from three year olds to just before elder-ship.
Herd Stags > The other Stags in the Herd.
Herd Hinds > The Adult Hinds [or Does] is in the Herd.
Herd Yearlings > The young deer in the herd over the age of one, but under the age of 3.
Herd Fawns > These young of the herd, all deer under the age of one.
Herd Elders > These are the male and females of the herd who are above the age of about 11 or 12 years old.
Other Terms Heorot or Hart – Deer Hind or Doe – Female Deer Stag or Buck – Male Deer Tines - The points that branch off the main antler beam of a buck. The amount of tines per antler decide what type/size of rack that buck has. Brow Tine - The first tine coming off the main antler beam. Spike - A yearling fawn who's antlers have come through, they have one point for each antler, and therefore are a 2-pointer. Forkhorn - A buck with 2 points on each antler, equating to a 4-pointer. Usually a yearling or a 2 year old. Thin-Horn - An insult directed towards Bucks or Stags with smaller antlers, whether it be point wise, size wize, or just having thinner antlers. These are signs of a "weaker" stag. Albeit, sometimes it is a sign of youth too. Heavy-Horned - Referring to Bucks who have thick and heavy antlers, and are often a sign of good directions. It's also a sign of a male in it's prime, and you'll never see a male below 4 Years with Heavy-Horned Antlers. Bleat - A sound a Doe or Fawn make that is similar to the sound of a sheep. Often to alert to danger and to call in a stag. Legacy – A deer chosen to be a sacrifice for one of the gods
Time Sunhigh = Morning Middle Sun = Afternoon Fading Sun = Evening Sundown/Sunlow = Right before Nightfall Half-Light = The Twilight Hours Nightfall = Nighttime Moonhigh = About Midnight Lowlight = Early Morning I was given permission per Spellbound to use these Time terms that she created for her Art of War Rp. Thank you spell!

Available Roles
Herd Deer Aletha | F | 4 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1 Eryx | M | 6 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1 Msitu | F | 5.5+ Yrs | Fruit Lovers | Pg. 2 Mtoro | M | 6.5 Yrs | Fruit Lovers | Pg. 2 Skald | M | 5 Yrs | Tenebris Umbra | Pf. 2 Fawn | Reserved for Me Bidziil | M | 7 Yrs | Wolf Pride | Pg. 3 Achak | M | 4 Yrs | Wolf Pride | Pg. 3 Keme | M | 5 Yrs | Wolf Pride | Pg. 3 Kuruk | M | 12 Yrs | Wolf Pride | Pg. 3
Lone Deer F | Reserved for Me
The Lone Deer, stag or hind, can be herdless deer in general, or even deer from the main group of the Clover Lake Herd who left in search of the others.
Edited at November 19, 2022 02:21 AM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name: Age: Gender: Species: Original Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Personality: Crush: Mate: Fawns: Kin: Affiliations: Other:

This is Now Open. Have fun!

Name:Alethea; Meaning "truth" in Greek Nicknames: Thea or Ali Age: Four Years Gender:Female/Doe/Hind Species: Red Deer Original Rank:Herd Hind or Doe Desired Rank:None Really Appearance:
Credit for the Image Belongs to Quiet-Bliss on DA.
words words words Personality:Calm || Wary || Quiet || Compassionate || Stubborn || Strong Willed || Caring || Supportie || Anxious/Nervous at Times || Over-Protective Mother || Jealous || Not Overly Social || Observant || Loyal || Dedicated
Crush:None Mate:Technically Skald. Fawns:She is pregnant with one fawn by Skald. This is her first. She has no Yearling. Kin:None, but Open to a Sister Maybe. Affiliations:Open - Wip Other: None for Now Edited at November 18, 2022 01:42 PM by Imperial Sands


Name:Eryx Age:Six Years Gender:Male Species: Red Deer Original Rank:A Captain of the Sentinels Desired Rank:Unsure Appearance:
Personality:Loyal || Strong Willed || Proud || Stubborn || Intelligent || Brave || Courageous || Fighter || Stoic || Reserved || Kind to his Hinds & Fawns || Fatherly || Regal || Dignified || Dedicated || Driven || Not Overly Ambtitious || Content || Cautious || Attentive || Patient || Protective || Reliable
Crush:None, Open Mate:Open to a few Hinds Fawns:Open Kin:Potentially Open Affiliations:Open - WIP Other: None for Now
 Credit for all Images Belongs to Quiet-Bliss on DA. Stock Images. Edited at November 18, 2022 12:43 PM by Imperial Sands

Could I reserve a male sentinel red deer and the lead doe please? I could have them finished today or tomorrow.

Of course ^^ just keep in mind those were their original ranks, right now the small herd doesn't really have any as they haven't decided on what to do. Fruit Lovers said: Could I reserve a male sentinel red deer and the lead doe please? I could have them finished today or tomorrow.

Imperial Sands said: Of course ^^ just keep in mind those were their original ranks, right now the small herd doesn't really have any as they haven't decided on what to do. Fruit Lovers said: Could I reserve a male sentinel red deer and the lead doe please? I could have them finished today or tomorrow.
Oh I thought those were the current ranks. I'll just change my doe to a regular herd member than. Edited at November 18, 2022 09:06 AM by Fruit Lovers