Lucius Mortem
Nicknames: Lucius
Age: Appears six, is thirty
Gender: Masculine
Rank: Khadivate to the Magna Imperator
Desired Rank: Content

[character belongs to myself. do not steal nor use the images. credit can be found upon the pieces]
Lucius Mortem is a large individual, standing at 39 inches, but weighing only 120 lbs if not less. He has a lithe and lengthy physique, certainly not that of a normal form. His features are highly sunken in and defined, making it appear as if he himself is undead. Lucius' body appears sickly, with his ribs slightly poking out of his sides and his legs thin. However, that is simply the appearance he has been given. No matter what he eats nor how much, Lucius always appears the same weight; it's fixative.
With his sickly bodily appearance comes a certain elegance. Rather, one may say that it suits him, complimenting his role and looks. You see, Lucius does not look like an average canine. Well.. he does, but not like others may picture. The Demi-god does appear like an average wolf, if you count the skeletal interior that each one carries. Lucius has the same anatomy as a wolf, only his features have been inverted and flipped around. Rather than having flesh throughout his entire physique, Lucius is part skeletal.
Where his eyes should be rest two empty sockets. Where his nose is, only a black hole can be found. His entire face is a canine skull, and yet, he can both see and smell like any other. Where his left leg resides, only the interior can be espied. He has no flesh surrounding that leg, merely a lengthy radial and ulna bone attached to anterior toe digits. However, it functions like that of a typical leg. That is not all the skeletal matter that appears upon Lucius, for father down his body, right past his haunches, bone is seen once more. It begins at his scapula, continues down his vertebrae to his pelvis, before resuming at his femur and ending at his hind toes. However, this part of him cannot be touched. Rather, his body is translucent there.. see through if you must. One may see the skeleton within Lucius, but it cannot be felt, for while his body is indeed semitransparent, it is still solid to the touch.
Lucius is made up of two main colours: purple and grey. There are no further colours beyond that upon his pelt besides a lighter version of one or the other highlighting his fur. Upon his head and ending before his shoulder blade, pure purple fur exists. This purple does not take up much, barely reaching his chest before being abruptly cut off by grey. These two colours do not fade nor blend into one another. Instead, the switch in colour appears sudden. Taking up his shoulder blades and his legs is a dark grey. So grey, that it is nearly black in certain lighting. This grey does not stay for long, for just past his shoulder blades, the purple reappears suddenly once more. This time, it stays lingering, taking up most of his body and illuminating his skeleton. This purple is not too bright, and slightly transparent. Following that, the grey reappears, claiming his tail. The entirety of it.
His fur, while not matted, appears rugged and disheveled. It sticks out at odd ends, always seeming as if he had just awoken from a deep slumber. However, this rugged look does not last long, and only takes up the first half of his body. His lower half, where his skeleton is seen, is smooth and neat, as if it had been groomed for hours. However, upon Lucius' tail, the fur becomes rugged once more. Oh, how very long his tail is. It is the length of his body, dragging after him, yet never growing dirty.
Wise || Articulate || Compassionate || Gentle || Forlorn || Knowledgeable || Enigmatic || Patient || Kind || Sympathetic || Tranquil || Not Quick-Tempered || Analytical
When one thinks of death, they associate it with fear and evil. After all, death takes life. How could such an entity related to dying be anything short of cruel? Many, it seems, misunderstand Lucius for that matter, for the Demi-God couldn't be more opposite.
Wisdom and Knowledge: He is a wise individual with knowledge to last him lifetimes. He is one of the older Demi-Wolves, and has had more time to wander the realm and learn. Lucius can communicate with the dead, and that means he can ask for advice from the wisest of wolves, or the most cunning. They have been his only companions for many years, and have gifted him wisdom. As a result, he shares this gift with others. He is known to also be articulate, picking and choosing what to say to convince others to see his side of things. In addition, he is analytical and logical, knowing what choices would benefit others most.
Compassionate and Gentle: Lucius is known to be compassionate and gentle. It is seen in all of his actions, with minor little details exposing these traits of his. He walks as if he's afraid to harm the grass beneath him, and handles everything with such an intense care, it's as if he believes anything he touches can be broken. Towards others, he acts the same. When they talk, Lucius listens as if it's the most interesting thing he has ever heard, offering them his undying attention and devotion. Everything he sees, he seems to love.
Enigmatic: Lucius is known to be enigmatic to both mortals and Demi-Wolves alike. He has spent many years alone, keeping to himself and doing his role. There isn't much known about him anymore. There was a time where he used to be different, befriending all he encountered. However, the happiness and energy he felt doing so depleted over time, when those same individuals he befriended, he had to watch die. As a result, Lucius had chosen to remain isolated, refusing to make connections and wandering on his lonesome. Even when encountered, Lucius spoke little, never revealing too much.
Patient and Kind: He is patient and kind, something he has learned from his duty. There has never been word of Lucius ever lashing out, as he is known to be one of the more peaceful Demi-Gods. When approached, he isn't one to turn his back on another, mortal or not. Lucius is fond of assisting and helping, but his kindness is not to be taken advantage of. He knows when he is being underestimated, and even a kinder individual such as himself won't tolerate it. He is still a Demi-God, after all.
Sympathetic: Given his role, Lucius has learned how to be fairly sympathetic. He relates to others and their feelings, and seems to always know how to handle emotional situations. He knows what to say and how to deliver it.
Tranquil and Not Quick-Tempered: Like mentioned before, Lucius is a more peaceful Demi-God, and isn't one to easily lose his temper. That isn't to say that it is impossible for him to do so. He has just as much capability as any other to grow enraged, but seems to be better at remaining composed when in those situations. He is predominately tranquil, and rage isn't typically associated with him. Then again, neither is forgiveness.
Forlorn: Beneath all of Lucius' layers, he is actually quite forlorn and lonely. His role is not an easy one, and he has seen and been surrounded by death for years. While he suppresses this aspect of himself for his duty, small emotions escape ever so often.
Bloodline: Son of Bacia, Goddess of Death
- Necromancy: Lucius has the ability to conjure the recently deceased and manipulate them. He can bring back numerous amounts and use them for whatever he pleases. They are his army of the undead, and can take various hits before being defeated. However, bringing them back takes up a lot of mental excursion on Lucius' end.
- Communication with the Deceased: He has the ability to communicate with the deceased by summoning their spirit or raising them bodily. As a result, this allows him to discover hidden knowledge and assist him in wisdom. He is able to speak to whomever he pleases, and part of his communication involves helping guide spirits into the afterlife and reassure them. Lucius can speak to them anytime he wishes.
- Levitation: Lucius can levitate and fly, despite not having wings. This gives him advantages when on the battlefield, as he can spectate and assist whomever. It also offers him a means to escape if he's ever in danger, giving him a speedy departure.
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ He can communicate with the dead and ask for advice when needed.
+ He can conjure the dead and use them for battles.
+ He is colossal in terms of height, and while he is thin, he has his share of muscle.
+ He heals quickly. Not too rapidly, but faster than most.
+ He is very logical and intelligent, able to choose the best decision suited for everyone.
+ He is able to know when somebody is close to death in addition to knowing if somebody died somewhere.
+ Conjuring the dead takes up a lot of mental exhaustion for Lucius. It takes a long time for him to grow tired, but it depletes over time.
+ Since he is thin, he does not have much physical strength to defend himself. He relies on his abilities.
+ He will push himself past his limit, often to the point where he will mentally or physically collapse.
+ He cannot fight physically very well. He can fight very well mentally, but not well physically.
Likes & Dislikes:
+ Bones, he has an odd fascination with them
+ The night sky, specifically, during a full moon
+ Life, it's a nice change after being surrounded by death
+ Company, he gets lonely without anybody near
+ Peace, he likes when things are calm
+ Graveyards, something is so serene about them
+ Chaos and anger, it's simply not entertaining for him
+ Drama
+ Pain, but not his own. He dislikes seeing others in pain
+ Being alone, because then he gets sad and lost in his thoughts
+ Pain, but the emotional type, like heartache
+ Nightmares
Crush: None
Mate: None
Pups: None
Kin: His mother is Bacia, Goddess of Death. His father was a lone mortal wolf called Eònan. He knew him well before he passed. He misses him.
Durga ~ wip