
Welcome to Winston University. Congratulations on choosing Winston Univserity to obtain your higher education. Here at WU we take learning seriously and take pride in the teachers and courses that are available at this school. There are also a variety of clubs to join and monthly activities to help students build their skills and meet others to create lifelong friendships. There is of course on campus housing and all dorm pairings are carefully chosen to create a warm environment where possibly the roomates can become lifelong friends. If you have any questions about your schedule or housing, please reach out to our home office which is located in the Masterson Building and our staff will be able to help with most inquiries. Know that we here at Winston University believe in you and know that you will accomplish great things. (WIP, will reword later as this didn't flow as nicely as I want it to)

Plot: Two girls move into their dorm and find out in some interesting ways that they were placed in the all male dorm. Of course this has to have been a mistake but upon reaching out to the office, they are notified that they are not able to move into either a co-ed dorm to be on a female floor or the all female dorm as all of the rooms have been filled. Of course they are placed on a waiting list on the off chance that a room opens up but can they survive until that low probability chance happens? Will they be able to have any quiet time to study for those hard college course tests? Or will they actually enjoy being in the dorm? **Please be advised that at this moment this is a WIP. I am a little burnt out mentally from my job but the creativity is starting to come back and I do check on here daily. The rules and other necessary information will be following this post, but I wanted to get some pages up and my thoughts written down before they were wiped from my brain.** Edited at August 17, 2022 11:04 PM by FrostyK

Rules for Players: - Please follow Eve's rules.
- Some swearing is allowed but please do not overuse it.
- Hate the character not the player, try to keep drama between characters.
- Put your character's favorite quote in the other section of the application.
- This is a Semi Lit to Lit rp. This means posting at least 3 paragraphs per post. I understand writer's block but please try to do at least one paragraph so that there is something people can go off of.
- Please no Mary/Gary Sues in the sense of personalities. We want to have a pretty diverse cast of students.
- LGBT+ is allowed in this rp.
- There may be more rules but everyone will be warned if that happens.
- Romance and drama are a part of this rp and if there are any risky scenes (You know which ones) please fade to black.
- Please be able to post at least once a day. Do not hesitate to pm me if something comes up.
- The age range for this rp is going to be 18 and older. Some characters can be freshmen but try to vary the ages of characters from 18 and up. Not all characters have to be freshmen to the college.
- Please let me know via pm if something comes up and you have to drop the rp or if you have any ideas to cause chaos within the group of participants.
- Reservations last for 24 hours. Please pm me if you need an extension, I will give 2 extensions, or if you will no longer be applying.
- Please pm me an rp example unless we have rp'd before.
- I reserve the right to deny applications that I do not feel will not meet the needs of this rp. If there is a question about if you are denied, please pm me and send an rp example. I may make exceptions if the examples meet the requirements.
- I wish everyone the best of luck and am looking forward to this rp.
- Only 1 character per player at the moment, this rule may change depending on interest in the RP.
- More characters may be added to the rp as necessary, but is dependent on interest.
Edited at August 16, 2022 09:57 PM by FrostyK

List of Characters: Females in the male Dorm(1/2): Jaime Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Males in the Male Dorm (0/6) Warwren Open Open Open Open Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Females in other Dorms (0/4) Open Open Open Open ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Most of the other students/staff will be NPC's that can be played by the players that are accepted in this rp.** Edited at August 21, 2022 06:36 PM by FrostyK

Reserved -Layout of Winston University  If you would like a larger view of the map of the campus please pm me. -Class Schedules -Activity & Club Schedules -Important Event -Dorm Room Layout Wilson Hall  -Discussion: -Roleplay **All pictures were created by me in Window Paint** Please do not laugh at my poor Paint skills. Edited at August 17, 2022 11:16 PM by FrostyK

Sign Up Sheet: Application: Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Major: Job: Personality: Appearance: Year in College: Fears: Strengths: RP Example: Any relationships (ie friends, partners, etc.): Anything else you want to share: Edited at August 19, 2022 08:36 PM by FrostyK

Schedule: 6:00 am-8:30 am: Breakfast which is located in the cafeteria in the lower level of Geofferson Building. 11:00am-2:00pm: Lunch is offered in the cafeteria. There is also a little coffee shop that offers more specialized food for students. There is a lunch special every day in the cafeteria. 4:30pm-7:00pm: Dinner is offered in the cafeteria. The coffee shop is open from 7am-1pm and only during the week days. Cafeteria is open all 7 days unless the school is closed for holiday break. Class Schedules vary per student but most courses run for 1.5 hours. Unless it is an evening course or an Integrated class, those run for 2 hours. **The activity schedule will be added after the RP starts to get an idea of what activities will be participated in by the characters.** Majors offered: Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Biology Economics Business Social Sciences Nursing--has a program with local hospital Psychology Music Production Music History History Communication Legal Computer Science Political Science Art Education Edited at August 19, 2022 02:05 PM by FrostyK

Application: Name: Jaime Gregory Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Major: Music Production/Paralegal Job: Paid internship at a local radio station. Personality: Appearance: Jaime has dark brown almost black eyes that seem to pull people in when she talks. Her eyes are lined with long lashes that many girls envy. She has full lips that are usually in a smile and a soft button nose. There is a more natural beauty to the young woman. She is a whopping 160 lbs and stands at 5'8'' when she isn't wearing heels. Her normal work attire is a tank top, in the summer, with jeans and well loved cowboy boots. In the cooler months, she will wear a long sleeved shirt with a jacket but still jeans and the well loved boots. Many times she will wear an oversized shirt with shorts when she is relaxing. She has a muscular frame that still has feminine curves. Her chest is slightly larger than normal but ties into her stomach and hips proportionately. It is a very rare occasion that someone will Jaime in a dress or something more flashy than her jeans and t-shirts. Jaime is self conscious about her body as she was heavier when she was in high school but has spent the last few years working out and working on her eating habits. Sometimes her insecurity does come out and she tends to shut down and leave. Jaime has one tattoo that only her closest of friends know about. It looks to be a horse with its neck arched coming out of her skin and is in greyscale. The inside of the horse is a thunderstorm with a vibrant purple/white bolt of lightning with the phrase “Thunder is the sound of hoofbeats in heaven” written just above her right hip. The tattoo is located on her right rib cage area. Jaime's facial structure is softer with rounded cheekbones with slightly larger eyes. She has waist length dark brown hair that appears darker when she gets out of water. Jaime has two piercings on both ears and her cartilage pierced on the left one. Many times, she will have a chain connecting two of the piercings on her left ear to adjourn the rim of the ear. Year in College: Junior at Winston. Fears: Singing in front of people, being alone, disappointing her family, and snakes. Strengths: Working in a group setting, reliable and will always show up for a friend if needed. Jaime is also super friendly which can mask her true feelings about people. RP Example: Owner, so I don't have to do this part. Any relationships (ie friends, partners, etc.): Anything else you want to share: Edited at August 19, 2022 08:58 PM by FrostyK

Id love to reserve either a male or the second misplaced female, if you have a preference for which role needs to be filled faster

Would you be able to pm me an example of your writng? Usagiyama Rumi said: Id love to reserve either a male or the second misplaced female, if you have a preference for which role needs to be filled faster