
New station, new friends, new companion. This RP follows a group of new police handlers (and maybe some normal officers) as they all move to a new station from different places. They've never met before this, will drama start to brew? These handlers are just being introduced to their new loyal companions, will they get along or will it take a few days, or even weeks, to trust each other? Edited at July 19, 2022 10:28 AM by Thunder Struck

hey everyone! i don't mind how long this rp lasts, this is just a fun little idea i came up with Rules - no OP characters, every character has flaws - no gary sues, mary sues, weeping willows or anything like that - every user is limited to two handlers and one dog (and if you'd like, a normal officer) - Follow all of Eve's rules - Hate the character, not the player - As this is not a Lit, 100+ words per reply but I will accept 50+ if you have writer's block, just PM me to tell me. Put an animal fact in other in your form so I know you've read the rules - DO NOT attack someone's character without permission, always ask beforehand! Though, please avoid attacking each other unless it is really necessary. - Please please please credit your images if you use any, they must be F2U or stock images! - NO wolfdogs! They are often overpowered - As this is a semi-realistic rp, no dogs can have bright colours or powers (same as the handlers) - please only use dog breeds that are bred for police work (tracking included) UNLESS you really want a dog that will just laze about the station, PM me for permission! - Relationships and enemies are allowed and encouraged - NPCS can be made. They will be added to a list so either everyone or one person can use them, they are often criminals - users can have their handlers own another user's K-9, just PM the person - RESERVES ONLY LASTS 72 HOURS Information about the roles: Captain The Captain is the most experienced officer/handler, they don't need to have a dog. They can boss other handlers and officers around since they are the highest ranked, they 'control'/manage the station. Officer Officers are like handlers but don't have a dog. They are just your everyday police officer. They are the ones that go on patrol most as they don't have an animal in harms way, though they team up with handlers a few times to catch a fleeing criminal. These can also be NPCS. Handlers The handlers are officers that have dogs. They spend all of their day with their dog unless they are told not to. They are often seen training with their partner, like agility, bitework, scent training etc. When they are called to help, the handlers give a criminal a few warnings if they flee, they let their dog loose. K-9 The K-9s are the handlers companions. They are trained in different languages and are supposed to stick with their handler. Some K-9s specialised in different things. Like, some are trained in scentwork. Criminals often NPCS, they do things ranging from stealing to arson and many others. ------------------- Edited at July 26, 2022 03:50 PM by Thunder Struck

Captain (1/1): Jasper Millwood|Male|41Yrs|K-9: Tolkieryan|Biromantic|Played by Lokaste Officers (0/3): - - - Handlers (6/6): Audrey Senita|Genderfluid|24Yrs|K-9: Maverick|Bi|Played by Pastry Lord Rachel "Bear" Harris|Female|27Yrs|K-9: Whiskey|DemiLesbian|Played by Teddy Bear - reserved for Chicks with Kicks Alberess "Alber" Kramza |Male|27Yrs|K-9: Theo|Bi/Asexual|Played by Teddy Bear Aspen Indiana|Male|27Yrs|K-9: Kodiak|Bi/asexual|Played by Pastry Lord Cassandra “Cassie” Troy|Female|25Yrs|K-9: Phantom Ace|Pansexual|Played by Teddy Bear K-9s (7/7): Maverick|Male|5Yrs|Belgian Malinois|Handler: Audrey Senita|Bi|Played by Thunder Struck Tolkieryan|Male|7Yrs|Dutch Shepherd|Handler: Jasper Millwood|Panromantic|Played by Lokaste Kodiak|Male|5Yrs|German Shepherd|Handler: Aspen Indiana|Hetero|Played by Firefox Phantom Ace|Female|4Yrs|Handler:Cassandra Troy|Omni|Played by Pastry Lord Theo|Male|3Yrs|German Shepherd|Handler: Alberess Kramza|Gay+Poly|Played by Free-Claw12 Whiskey|Female|3Yrs|Handler:Rachel Harris|Hetero|Played by Moonshed - reserved for Chicks with Kicks Criminals (if you really want to)(2/3): Kaitlyn Hawke|Female|16Yrs|Hetero|Played by Firefox Kaiser Dresden|Male|32Yrs|Hetero|Played by Fangsoffire NPCS (3/unlimited)(npcs don't need a form, just PM me): Sebatian Willwood - can only be played by Lokaste Vera - Retired sniffer dog (9yrs, golden lab, female) - often seen walking around the station - only played by Thunder Struck (for now, just to get her personality out) Sady - Stray (9yrs, German Shepherd, female) - seen wandering the streets - only played by Firefox K-9 SLOTS ARE NOW LOCKED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Edited at July 30, 2022 04:59 AM by Thunder Struck

* IS OPTIONAL FORMS: K-9 FORM: Name: Gender: Age: Breed: Sexuality*: Handler: Appearance: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Mate* Crush*: Other: HANDLER FORM: Name: Gender: Age: Role: Sexuality: K-9: Appearance: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Crush*: Partner*: Other: Captain and officers have the same form, just without the K-9 part (unless you're the captain and want a k-9, pm me) Edited at July 20, 2022 01:56 AM by Thunder Struck

Name: Maverick Gender: Male Age: 5 Breed: Belgian Malinois Sexuality: Bi Handler: Audrey Senita Appearance: Maverick has the iconic Mal look. The black mask and different shades of brown. Though, he has a stripe of white on his chest. He has deep brown eyes which glow with mischief. He also wears a bulletproof black vest with various patches on it ranging from, "DO NOT PET," and "K-9 UNIT." when doing a job He wears a black matching collar with his name stitched into it in yellow thread. He has a slender but slightly muscular frame which helps him tackle a fleeing criminal. Mav has long legs which helps him fling himself through windows and various obstacles and also to pick up speed very rapidly. TH is here for a better look at his gear As Mav is imported from Germany, he has a slight hint of a German accent when he speaks to other dogs. Some may pick up on it, some may not. Personality: Mav, when not doing a call, is very playful and mischievous, often being described as a handful by his previous handlers (He has had three before this). He likes to disobey at random times, which is known, as he is stubborn - he also does this sometimes when doing a call, nearly leading to an early retirement because it isn't aloud so, this handler is his last chance. Most of the time though, he tries his best to focus and do his job. He is very serious when his mind switches from play mode to work mode but he can still get distracted and disobey by accident. He likes to chase the criminals as long as he can before biting them as he likes to sense the fear in them. Strengths: - Fast - Agile - Biting/strength Weaknesses: - Untrustworthy - Distracted easily in certain places - Hates swimming - Not greatly experienced Mate: open, pm me! Crush: open, pm me! Other: Maverick is trained in a mix of German and English commands but mostly German The distracted easily and hates swimming weaknesses can be trained out of him if you wish to put in the effort There are over 470 million dogs in the world :0 Edited at August 1, 2022 04:28 AM by Thunder Struck

K-9 FORM: Name: Whiskey Gender: F Age: 3 Breed: Malinois Sexuality*: Hetero Handler: Rachel Harris Appearance: Below Personality: Usually pretty friendly, and knows how to have fun, but she takes her job very seriously and doesnt like to be messed with. If she sees something as a challenge, shell take it. Strengths: Slender frame allows her to be very agile and quick, like a typical malinois she is benefitted by her breed and apperance in military/k9 training Weaknesses: Seperation Anxiety/Sometimes gets ahead of herself/young age/pulled from military school Mate* open Crush*: Kodiak? Other: Fixed Edited at July 24, 2022 11:29 PM by Moonshed

please read the rules ^^ Moonshed said: K-9 FORM: Name: Whiskey Gender: F Age: 3 Breed: Malinois Sexuality*: Hetero Handler: open! Appearance: credit to europeanbelgianmalinois.com Personality: Usually pretty friendly, and knows how to have fun, but she takes her job very seriously and doesnt like to be messed with. If she sees something as a challenge, shell take it. Strengths: Slender frame allows her to be very agile and quick, like a typical malinois she is benefitted by her breed and apperance in military/k9 training Weaknesses: Seperation Anxiety Mate* open Crush*: open Other: N/A

TEAM: JASPER MILLWOOD & TOLKEN aka SKRAPS JASPER WILLWOOD Name: JASPER WILLWOOD Gender: MALE Age: 41 YEARS OLD* Role: SENIOR K9 HANDLER Sexuality: BIROMANTIC K9: TOLKEN** Appearance: JASPER WILLWOOD is an older man, standing at 5'9 he's rather lean. Muscles don't really stick to him, but thats not to say his strength is anything to contest with. Light stubble litters the bottom of his face, a majority around his pale, charred lips, split down the middle by a nasty scar that just escapes the tip of his chin. His eyes are a deep evergreen, framed with dark lashes and dark eyebrows, and hidden behind dark lenses that swallow the majority of his face and features. h When on the job, it is not uncommon to see Jasper wearing the standard uniform and a few additional features, including black steel toed boots, scraps of camo tied around his neck and a black scarf around his neck. Tattoos litter his body as well as scars when you get the chance to see it. A majority of the scars are burns, where the skin has failed to complely recover, however there is a major scar appearing to be some sort of bullet hole that enters through his chest, just below his chest. Jasper's tattoos are a majority of his arms, carefully placed memorials and dates trail his arms, and a religious cross sits on his shoulder. Personality: JASPER WILLWOOD is perhaps the eldest and most experienced person in this group. Having a background in the military and having a long career in law, Jasper is the man to come to with any sort of questions. He's a smart man, however his lack of early schooling does show itself in conversation and in general banter. As well does the side affects of his 4 year service. Regardless of his bad days, there's something about Jasper that secures himself in the role of caretaker. h Jasper is a kind, caring man. Kind of like the father of the station, he goes out of his way to make sure the k9's and their handlers are well taken care of and that everyone is alright. However, when it comes more to a personal relationship, Jasper withdrawls. Relationships seamingly being his biggest flaw. Well, that and his adoration for his husband of 19 years, Sebatian Willwood who often visits the station with crissonts and is much more interested in relationships with the crew. Strengths: * Experienced Gunman. * Military Experience. * Working for 12+ years. * Knowns whats up. Weaknesses: * Hates Making Friends. * Has a high expectation. * Very Hard to Please. * Expects Dogs befor Handlers. Crush: SEBATION*** Partner: N/A h H h TOLKEN (Moon) Credit: ghost-echo Name: TOLKIERYAN Call Name: TOLKEN Gender: MALE Age: 7 YEARS (EXPERIENCED) Breed: DUTCH SHEPARD Sexuality: PANROMANTIC K9: JASPER** Appearance: Personality: TOLKEN, in his years of service, was a model k9, with the perfect ammount of obedience, a great amount of strength and a unwillingness to back down, he's been praised to be one of the best dogs in training and in service. However, as of recently. Tolken has been taking a downfall. 2 years ago, with the loss of his handler, Tolken has began to ignore obedience in order to protect his peirs. While this, at first would seam like nothing major. His disobediance has started to reach new highs with his most recent incident leaving him injured and on rest for 2 months after chasing a suspect through traffic and onto a busy road. After this incident, he was handed to Jasper who's previous dog retired and is now on a path to retraining and service. Strengths: * Years of Experience. * Fearless. * Knows Expectations. * Does His Best To Exceed Such. Weaknesses: * Does His Best To Exceed Such. * Growing Older. * Often Independant. * Growing Independant. * Expects Fearlessness. Mate: PM ME Crush: PM ME Partner: PM ME Other: WIP h H ADDITIONAL NOTES * Jasper's career started when he was 18 and enlisted in the military for 4 years, after completeing the appropriate schooling and time needed, he has been working in this field for 12 years, making him extremly experienced. ** Jasper and Tolken's careers together is fairly new, despite both having quite a few years in the field respectively. *** Sebatian is an NPC whom Jasper is married to, and has been for a total of 19 years. - If you want help organizing this, want help finding refrence images or want help with ages (in terms of what is the appropriate ages for handlers and canines, or just general information on K9 Teams, pm me! Edited at July 19, 2022 01:21 PM by Lokaste

yup! Lokaste said: Can I reserve a handler and a k9?

Can I reserve a K-9 and a criminal?