Dragon Classes
When making your dragon the temperaments listed below are more of a guideline, you can expand and add to your character as long as you incorporate a few of the items listed!
Helvede Class, Rare [ 1/1 ]
Danish, Translates directly to Hell.
Ability: Fire
This Dragon class is ancient, one of the first 4 core classes, and therefore the most powerful. The Dragon controls fire with the mind. Allowing fire the appear with the blink of an eye in any amount they choose. The flame color gives off a bluish-violet hue. They can withstand the hottest hot temperatures made by mankind, they cannot be killed with fire. Excellent flyers.
Stats: 17-22 feet at the shoulder
Color Variations: Red, orange, black, & purple(more uncommon)
Temperament: Territorial, aggressive, stubborn, trustworthy, dominant, & disdainful at times
Weakness: The most susceptible to the cold. The use of their ability saps their energy depending on the extent used. The longer and more fierce the fire the more energy used. If used long enough they can die.
Lysende Class, Rare [ 1/1 ]
Danish, Translates to Luminous.
Ability: Light and Illusion
This Dragon is one of the first core 4 and therefore the most powerful. This dragon has the ability to create small flashes of light, this is meant as a distraction from their real power. Commonly confused with Himmelsk or Lyn class due to the flash they create, their true power is illusions, the more experienced, the more real an illusion becomes. They also have fire breath though it is weak and gives off a whitish, or light blue hue. They are great flyers.
Stats: 17-21 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Opalescent looking, whites, creams & other similar colors. Some may have gold markings.
Temperament: Patient, wise, regal, cautious, calm, peaceful & has an independent side
Weakness: Heat weakens them severely. Creating illusions for a prolonged time will weaken them, if not stopped their power will flicker, shortly after the dragon will collapse in a weakened state and temporarily lose its illusion abilities. This is where fire breath is handy.
Verden Class Uncommon [ 0/1 ]
Danish, Translates to World.
Ability: Camouflage
This dragon class belongs to the core four, therefore it is one of the most powerful, it is considered uncommon due to the increase in population. This dragon has the ability to shift the color of its body to different colors, allowing it to blend seamlessly into whatever background it pleases. They are able to climb and burrow.
Stats: 12-15 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Browns, tans, greens, and other forest-like colors when the ability is not in use. May have small bronze flecks/markings.
Temperament: Thoughtful, social, curious, creative, protective, & easy-going
Weakness: No true flight is achieved, these dragons have wings, though are only able to glide. These creatures are also sensitive to light, exposing their eyes too much can lead to blindness.
Plaske Class Uncommon [ 0/1 ]
Danish, Translates to Splash.
Ability: Water
This dragon class belongs to the core four, therefore it is one of the most powerful, it is considered uncommon due to the increase in population. Instead of breathing fire, Plaske class breathes a version of boiling water, they can also create a fog or mist. They are excellent swimmers, though they can only glide, not fly. The oldest and most experienced can start to make a form of ice.
Stats: 17-22 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Any shade of blue, purple, and some have silver and small tints of green
Temperament: Extremely territorial, wise, humorous, sometimes grumpy, & occasionally aggressive.
Weakness: Overusing abilities causes dehydration, and their skin is very susceptible to heat. They need water in order to immediately recharge their abilities, so they must live near a source. They cannot have true flight, though they can glide.
Lyn Class Uncommon [ 2/2 ]
Only one may be able to produce a “Charge” and the other can have cloud concentration
Danish, Translates to Lightning.
Ability: Electricity
This dragon is a descendant of the core four, more specifically Plaske class, they are not as powerful as their parents though still hold immense value. Lyn class can control small amounts of water like Plaske class and has a weakened version of their fire breath. Mainly they are able to conduct lightning through their bodies and are most powerful during thunderstorms. Some can produce their own lightning in the form of a “charge” but most need a storm to due so. Older and more experienced Lyn class can begin to control cloud concentration, bringing rain a bit sooner, this is also very rare.
Stats: 20-25 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Grey's, blues, blacks, yellows, & whites. Sometimes purple.
Temperament: Protective, light-hearted, some have a playful side, an eye for shiny things, curious & easily content
Weakness: Creating charges is the fastest way to lose energy. Dragons are awkward on the ground, they are built for more time in the air. Heat will weaken them and must be well fed to use powers to the full extent. Can dehydrate easily.
Toksin Class Common [ 0/2 ]
Only one will have the stinger
Danish, Translates to Toxin.
Ability: Posin
This dragon is a descendant of the core four, more specifically Verden class, they are not as powerful as their parents though still hold immense value. The Toksin dragon emits two types of gases, one will stun, and one will kill, slowly, allowing them the advantage in battle. Some have a stinger on the end of their tail, it will release poison onto their opponent when they stab them: decent climbers and flyers.
Stats: 9-14 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Bright colors, including red, orange, and green. It May be black or iridescent
Temperament: Dominant, stoic, possessive, can be arrogant, disdainful at times & impulsive
Weakness: They lack brute force, loud sounds stun them, as do bright lights. They weaken in the cold and dehydrate when using their ability excessively. They can hide decently, though not as well as Mørk class. Lack of speed when flying.
Mørk Class Common [ 0/2 ]
Only one can control shadows
Danish, Translates to Dark.
Ability: Smog
This dragon is a descendant of the core four, more specifically Helvede class, they are not as powerful as their parents though still hold immense value. Mørk class admits a black smog, similar to the smell of smoke, yet much thicker and darker. It’s a non-toxic fog. Excellent at flying and staying hidden. Some more experienced Mørk class can begin to control small shadows.
Stats: 15-19 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Mostly Black, they may have other colors as long as they are kept dark. Purple is also a common color.
Temperament: Apathetic, dominant, reclusive, territorial, aggressive & hardworking when it comes down to it
Weakness: These dragons are unable to climb, and they are extremely sensitive to bright lights. Mørk class also is sensitive to extreme heat and extreme cold due to their skin being a bit delicate.
Himmelsk Class Common [ 0/2 ]
Danish, Translates to Celestial.
Ability: Light
This dragon is a descendant of the core four, more specifically Lysende class, they are not as powerful as their parents though still hold immense value. Himmelsk class are able to create light, it is produced after charging when they open their mouth. It can become blindingly bright. They also breathe fire, the color can be white or a light yellow, and the strength is a medium.
Stats: 9-14 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Whites, creams, faint golds, and pastel colors
Temperament: Dedicated, wise, protective, resourceful, calm & social
Weakness: Stronger Mørk class dragons that control shadows can banish light created by them. Flying at a higher altitude weakens them more than others, they fly better lower to the ground. Can exhaust themselves by overusing their ability, some may feel uneasy in the dark.
Kuling Class Common [ 1/2 ]
Danish, Translates to Gale.
Ability: Wind
This dragon is a descendant of the next generation, more specifically Lyn class, they are not as powerful as their parents though still hold value. Kuling class finds it easier to breathe at high altitudes and are the best flyers out of the dragons due to greater endurance and speed. Their wings can send gusts powerful enough to break a tree, and instead of blowing fire breath, they release high-speed winds from their mouth.
Stats: 17- 20 ft at the shoulder
Color variations: Whites, greys, blues, silver, and light purples
Temperament: Trustworthy, social, can be energetic, passionate & a little air-headed at times.
Weakness: The most uncoordinated dragon on the ground, however, they are the best flyers. Using their wind breath will tire them out if used for too long. Easily startled when on the ground.
Rarity is based on how many there are in the world, as well as their abilities.
Rare Dragons: Helvede & Lysende
Uncommon Dragons: Verden, Plaske & Lyn
Common Dragons: Toksin, Mørk, Himmelsk & Kuling
[ The Original Elemental dragons. Fire, Light, Earth, and Water ]
Core four: Helvede, Lysende, Verden, & Plaske
[ The Offspring of the Core 4 dragons, their powers are relatable to that of their parents ]
Next Generation: Lyna, Toksin, Mørk, & Himmelsk
[ The newest evolving generation ]
Evolution: Kuling
image (c) me