
Mavikra students of royal and middle-class blood are trained as fighters from the moment they turn 10 years old. This is because of the soon-coming war, between them and Driken, their old rivalry stemming from thousands of years ago. At age 13 five students are chosen to join the Dragon Army, where they bonded with a 1-2-year-old dragon to ride, take care of, and fight on during their time in the Army. They spend their high school years bonding with these dragons that had chosen them and learn their abilities, and the abilities the dragons have given them. Most dragons choose their human-based on personality rather than size or shape. Edited at June 17, 2022 11:44 AM by La Push

Dragons ~ Klenir- Klenir is small dragons, only coming to 9-12 feet at their shoulder. These dragons live in tropical areas, so they naturally have bright-colored scales. They have relatively small wings, having only a 7-foot wingspan across, they cannot lift themselves very far off the ground, but they are used to gliding from high places. They can also be carried in the talons of Drecfre They have two little nubs on their head only about a foot long and twisted like a unicorn horn, and they have spiked tail that is used for defense. They can also camouflage. They have large eyes that are usually dark blue or purple. Klenir dragons are usually very energetic and hyperactive, almost always go-go-going, but they are very loyal and possessive of the ones they care about. After bonding you gain: -Camouflaging ability -Scale patches on the face and torso -Teo nubs of the head that are about 3 inches long, horns ************** Drecfre- These dragons are the tallest of dragon species standing an average of 14-16 feet at their shoulder. They are lean dragons, with wide shoulders tapering into slim waists, and hardened muscles. They usually gather in hot places, deserts, volcanic chambers, etc. They come from shades of tan to shades of red. They also have the largest wingspan is being about 14 feet across. They have two large horns that curl like rams horns and spikes on the ends of their wings and tails. They usually had red or orange eyes sometimes heterohromic. They have lightning powers, being able to conjure it. Sparks often fly around them when they do this. They are often proud and hardheaded, though they do have short tempers. After Bonding you gain: -Patches of scales on face andor torso -Ability to summon small lightning storms ************** Frija- Are medium-sized dragons being 10-13 feet at the shoulder. They are very stocky and do not have wings. But they do have the ability to run as fast as other dragons fly to keep up. They are longer than their counterparts as well, being about 14 feet from nose to tail tip. They don't have any horns but do have spikes running from their neck to tail tip, the longest being mid-back. Frija usually was icy blue eyes or white ones, and have white to light blue scales to blend. These dragons live in cold environments, but usually, run hot. They have a frost breath, which will freeze almost anything. Though in extremely hot environments they will get sluggish, and have to be cooled down. Frija dragons are usually cold and reserved, but they are extremely loyal. When Bonded you gain: -Patches of scales on face andor torso -Ability to frost things Edited at June 17, 2022 11:10 AM by La Push

Roles Instructors (02) These people will split the students into groups. Each group will be a team and they will go against each other in fighting exercises. In the academic classes they will split them between the two. They are often in there late twenties to early thirties, and their own dragons will be stabled with the students. They will also take the students through ways to bond farther with their dragons, and how to read what their dragons are feeling. They will also educate them in the ways of the dragons, and the way the dragons do things. ~ Students(05) These are the selected five that are the most promising of the ones that had been trained. They have just bonded with their dragons and are now learning how to communicate, bond, and read their dragons. ~Res for La Push Dragons(05) They have just chosen their human counterparts and are being trained along with the humans, their training being patience and the ability to put up with foolishness. While they often choose personalities similar to their own, there have been cases where they bonded with someone completely opposite to teach them a few things. ~Res for La Push Edited at June 17, 2022 11:37 AM by La Push

Rules 1) Follow Eve's rules at all times 2) Post at least once(1) a week 3) Don't overdo cussing, please 4) No NSFW at any time! 5) Don't injure or kill someone's character without permission 6) I have a right to decline a form 7) Be responsible 8) I control weathertime of day 9) Have Fun! Edited at June 16, 2022 06:59 PM by La Push

Forms ~ Humans ~ Name Age Gender, Pronouns Sexuality Appearance Personality Dragon Strengths Weanesses Likes Dislikes Family Royal or Not Other * ~ * Dragons ~ Name Age Gender Appearence Personality Likes Dislikes Strengths Weanesses Powers Other Edited at June 17, 2022 11:36 AM by La Push

My characters ~ Humans ~ Name Kai Malkov Fresja Age 15 Gender, Pronouns Masculine, HeHim (not opposed to TheyThem) Sexuality Demiromantic, Pansexual Appearance Kai has a very intimidating presence with his 6'3 self, even if he isn't that bulky. He has a lean build, kinda like a surfer, and is quite tan. He as a dusty of freckles along his cheekbones that you can really only see if he blushes He has a straight nose and a sharp jawline, and high cheekbones the image interrupted by a nasty scar that goes over his nose from one cheekbone to the other one, from a home accident. The skin of the scar is incredibly pale and contrasts greatly against his tan skin, it being almost always the first thing people notice about him. He has pale pale blue eyes, them almost being white if looked at a certain way. He has little flecks of brown and green in the pale irises making them look a bit wild. His body, though lean is strong, his arms, shoulders, and torso being defined enough to see but not toned. He has his ear, tounge, and a shark bite lip piercing that usually are n unless they shouldn't be. Personality The best was to describe Kai is to compare him to a wildfire. Once there's a spark there a flame. There are select few who can get I'm to calm down when said wildfire starts. While he isn't eas to rile him up, once you do its over for you He is also quite reckless and loyal, and would die forhis friends. Some would call this is fatal flaw. He says it's normal. Dragon Rhys Strengths -Stealth -Agility -Daggers -Cooking Weanesses -Hand-to-hand combat -ClimbingSwimming -Apple -Baking Likes Dislikes Family Royal or Not Royal Blood Other * ~ * Dragons ~ Name Rhys Age dragon-2 human-14 Gender Male Appearence Personality Likes Dislikes Strengths Weanesses Powers Other He's Drecfre Edited at June 18, 2022 10:27 AM by La Push

Yes i know my charcters aren't filled out but you may post