
• Links • . Sign Ups: you are here. Discussion: tba. RP Thread: tba. Edited at March 26, 2022 05:14 AM by M I S E R Y

• Plot • . Once bonded. The next, broken. There lived a pack filled with life and ambition. Overpopulated due to females constantly reproducing. They were the most dominant pack around. The prey, land, everything..belonged to them. They were called the Sacrificials. The Sacrificials were on the more stronger side, due to having large hunting parties bringing tons of food. They felt overpowered, if you will. However, the constant reproducing meant the pack needed twice as much food than before. This also meant they had to expand their territory, which meant higher risk of running into threats. The pack began to worry for their safety and willingness to put up with the scarce nature. . Due to a food shortage for the older wolves, as the pups were the first ones to eat, this created a lot of tension and fights often broke out. Half of the wolves did put the pups first. The wolves saw them as the future of the pack. They needed the Sacrificials name to run through many generations. But the other half of the pack were selfish. They wanted the food to themselves. This half of the pack refused to believe that the pups should eat first, as they were not in this world for that long. The selfish ones wanted to eat first. They believed they earned it for being loyal to the pack for so many years. Their beliefs caused a drift between the pack as everyone's true colors started to come out. . Time goes by and things have only gotten worse. Fights have become more brutal, leaving wolves injured. Finally, the pack broke in half. The more caring wolves, kept the name as the Sacrificials. While the selfish wolves now call themselves the Nomads. Both of their territories are not far from each other, as they also share the same hunting ground. The Nomads begin to create a plan to take down the Sacrificials. They still want everything for themselves. And they will not stop until they get it. The Sacrificials want peace. But if they have to fight, they will. However, the Sacrificials begin to notice that their plans are being leaked to the Nomads. It is their duty to find out who is leaking their information, but also trying to create peace with the Nomads. Edited at March 26, 2022 04:54 AM by M I S E R Y

• RP Rules • . 1. Follow all WP and WPF rules. 2. If you use an image, make sure to properly credit and upload from the appropriate sites. 3. This RP is going to be somewhere between Semi-Literate and Literate. Usually, I am very lenient on word counts and literacy but this time I am going to be cracking down. For your forms, I want at least 300 words for appearance and personality, it does not matter if you use an image for appearance, I will still need a description. 4. I want to see good grammar. I understand a few spelling mistakes here and there but your posts should be legible. 5. Cussing is allowed, however, please do not go overboard with it. 6. Skip past explicit scenes. 7. This is a realistic RP. I do not want to see horns, purple fur, three tails, etc. 8. Do not make the whole RP about your character. One of my biggest pet peeves is spotlight stealers. 9. I do not want to see a 1x1 RP going on. Give everyone a chance to RP. If I see this happen more than once, I will create a posting order. 10. Try to be creative with your characters. I don't want to see super tragic backstories that led your character to be a complete ass. I see it all the time. 11. If there is any case of pregnancy, it lasts 3 IRL days. 12. Hate the character, not the player. 13. These rules are subject to change. 14. If you have any questions (reserving a spot, questions about the roles, etc.) PLEASE PM ME. I really don't want this thread to be clogged with unnecessary clutter. 15. Reservations last 24 hours. After that, the role will be open again. 16. For now, only one character per person. If not enough people join them I will allow others to have more than one. 17. Please try to keep genders even. Edited at March 26, 2022 06:46 PM by M I S E R Y

• Ranks • . Leader: The leader is self explanatory. They are superior to the rest of the wolves. The leader's word is law. They have the most experience within the pack and will tend to creating hunting parties, call for battle, pack meetings, or anything else they see fit. Their position is a very hard one to challenge and losing can result in serious consequences. . Second-in-Command: This position mainly comes into play when the leader is unavailable. However, most of the time, they help the leader with certain decisions. The second-in-command will sometimes lead patrols or hunting parties. They are the leader's most trusted wolf. Their position is also very hard to challenge and losing can result in severe consequences. . Spy: The Spy is the traitor. They leak information to the opposing group without their primary group knowing. They are skilled in intelligence as they usually have to come up with plans to be able to sneak off. The Spy could also be known as an instigator. They can be known as a good reason if a battle breaks out. . Members: The members are the bulk of a pack. They do various events such as hunt, go on patrols, and they are the first ones to go into battle. The members are respected by their leader as the pack would be nothing without them. These wolves show nothing but loyalty to their leader. Edited at March 26, 2022 05:03 AM by M I S E R Y

• Masterlist • . Sacrificials: Leader: . Second-in-Command: Tala | Female | Nikki Afton . Spy: Mishka | Female | Me . Members: - Marlow | Female | Rushie - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nomads:
Leader: {reserved} . Members: - - - - - Edited at March 28, 2022 12:40 AM by M I S E R Y

• Form • . Name: Age: Gender: Group: (Sacrificials or Nomads) Role: Thoughts on the Nomads? (for the Sacrificials only) . Appearance: Personality: . Strengths: Weaknesses: . Affiliations: Kin: Crush: Mate: Offspring: . Other: Edited at March 26, 2022 04:37 AM by M I S E R Y

• M I S H K A • . Age: 4 Gender: Female Aroma: Vanilla . Group: Sacrificials Role: Spy Thoughts on Nomads: She is working with them. They have her complete trust. . Appearance:  Mishka is a rather average wolf. She stands at roughly 32 inches and weighs approximately 140 pounds. She believes she is quite healthy for her age. Mishka has medium length shaggy fur that falls into many different colors. She has a slightly bushy tail and fairly large paws. Mishka is built with a feminine structure and with slight muscles. She is built more so for speed rather than strength. Which is also why others take advantage just because of her looks. They think she will be an easy target. . The only thing intimidating about Mishka, is her eyes. Those amber hues tell you right away that you have met your match with death itself. There is naturally a glare in her eyes. Sometimes she doesn't even know she is glaring at someone until she sees their body language change. In the sunlight, however, they do look less scary. They become almost a golden that has a soft look to it. . Mishka's pelt is that if many neutral colors that compliment her very well. A majority of her fur is colored a tan that is practically the base coat. Mixed in with the tan, is black. The black pretty much outlines her coat and her head. Along with that, she had white accents all around her body. She does have a more darker brown that can be seen mixed in all around her fur as well. Personality:  Independent - Fierce - Sarcastic - Loyal - Harsh - Skillfull . Mishka is known to be quite an independent female. She finds working alone to be more effective than with a group. Although she can work in a group, she just chooses not to. Mishka gets things done faster when she is not with others. But she understands that as long as she is in the pack, teamwork is a very popular thing. Mishka's social skills affect her teamwork abilities. She has a hard time communicating with others, which makes it very difficult. . Fierce. A popular word to describe this female. She is instantly aggressive towards others that are not included within the pack. Mishka will not hesitate to attack. Her job is to protect the pack and that is what she will live up to. Mishka has a hard time trusting others. If the pack, per se, let's an outside wolf join them, for any reason, it would take Mishka a long time to warm up to them. . Mishka's humor is through sarcasm. However, she is typically sarcastic when someone says something utterly ridiculous. She does not tolerate immaturity and cannot stand it, to say the least. If you say something stupid, Mishka will probably let you know that was you just said made no sense. She has no filter and cannot stress it enough. . Her loyalty for the pack is completely unmatched. They have helped her in too many ways to count. If it came down to it, Mishka would most likely sacrifice herself for the pack. If they told her to fight a group of wolves alone, she'd do it. Though she may not win, it is the fact that she still would go attempt to. Mishka has no thought of leaving the pack and she continues to lead them. . Going along with her not having a filter, Mishka can be harsh at times when she is in rage mode. She says whatever comes to her mind without thinking of how it might affect others. She will not hesitate to call you out on your bullshit. Mishka has a hard time controlling her anger. She gets irritated at the slightest inconvenience. Mishka has been working on it, however. . With the experience she has within the pack, it has made her quite skillfull. Mishka is a very intelligent wolf and she understands the way of life. She is very swift on her paws and flaunts it when she is in a chase. Mishka hopes to gain more experience within the pack and soon become better than she already is. . Likes: + Peace and Quiet + + Hunting + + Pups + Dislikes: - Noisiness - - Immaturity- - Ignorance - - Cockiness - Strengths: + Speed + + Intelligence + + Leadership + Weaknesses: - Brute Strength - - Stamina - - Hot Headed - . Affiliations: Nomad Leader - Close Friend Open! Kin: Open! Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A . Other: {Credits for all images go to wincey on DA.} | Edited at March 26, 2022 04:59 AM by M I S E R Y



• Form • . Name: Age: 5 Gender: Female Group: (Sacrificials or Nomads) Sacrificials Role: Second in command Thoughts on the Nomads? (for the Sacrificials only) She doesn't really have any Aroma: Honey . Appearance: Tala is a red wolf and she stands at four feet long and stand about 26 inches at the shoulder. She weighs 50 pounds and a black tail. She has white paws and red scattered markings. She has some light black/gray markings on her face. She has amber eyes and a black nose. She has white claws. She has lean legs and broad shoulders. She has white cheek and throat markings. She is smaller and thinner than the average Gray wolf. Personality: Tala is friendly with her pack and doesn't use her role unless needed. She adores pups in every sense. She does have a short temper at times which can not be good due to her rank. She is helpful within the pack and will actually go hunting when she isn't needed for her rank. She is social but not a lot because she does like her space. She is honest with her pack but also very loyal. She tries to always look on the bright side of things. She is only really aggressive when needed or when she loses her temper. . Likes: +Pups+ +Quiet+ +Sleep+ +Flowers+ Dislikes: -Rude wolves- -Loud noises- -Threats- -Wolves challenging her- Strengths: +Leading+ +Agility+ +Negotiating+ +Combat+ Weaknesses: -Short temper- -Sense of smell- -Pups- -Food?- . Affiliations: Close friend- Open! Friends- Open! Kin: Sister-Open! Brother-Open! Crush: Her mate Mate: Open! Offspring: Open! . Other: (Credits to all photos: HOTNStock on DA) Edited at March 30, 2022 03:44 PM by Nikki Afton