
~ Introduction ~ Ah- Humans aren't on earth and there's some crazy water problems- Edited at March 14, 2022 04:07 PM by Dark Matter

~ Forum Rules ~ 1. Follow Eve's rules. 2. I will give you three chances before kicking you, whether it be because of rudeness, inactivity, or failure to follow the rules. 3. Reservations will only last 24 hours, I will PM you when it ends. 4. I have the right to decline any sign-ups, and I may be a bit picky.
RP Rules
1. Cursing is allowed, but please keep it to a minimum. 2. This is a Literate RP, three paragraphs (300 words) are the minimum. I might make an exception if you have writer's block, but I need to be let know beforehand. 3. You don't need to be extremely active, but one post per week would be appreciated. 4. I decide when the days pass and what the weather is. 5. Hate the character, not the player. 6. PM me if you no longer wish to be in the RP, and we can figure something out. 7. Romance is of course allowed, but if anything serious happens please skip through and keep it PG 13. 8. If your character gets in a fight make sure the other player is okay with this, especially if you plan on getting your character hurt/killing them off. 9. I also do expect proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation; small mistakes that happen every once in a while is okay, but it cant be every single post. 10. This roleplay is realistic. There is no magic, and because of the tribal state of the humans, unnatural eye and hair colors don't exist. 11. Please try to keep genders even, they don't need to be exactly equal, but I don't want there to be a huge gap between the genders. I will be locking one if this happens. Ad WIP Links Sign up: You are here Discussion: N/A Roleplay: N/A Edited at March 14, 2022 03:57 PM by Dark Matter

~ Solar System ~
Star The star that this system orbits around is a hot glowing ball of hydrogen and helium and has 1.1 the mass of the sun, making it a yellow dwarf slightly larger than the sun.
~ Planets ~ There are seven planets that orbit this yellow dwarf, three rocky planets, two gas giants, and two ice giants.
Fowen The closest planet to the star is Fowen, and has the same atmosphere as Venus, though is quite a bit larger, with an equatorial diameter of 8.456 miles. This is a hellish planet that's 54.3 million miles away from its star and appears to be a goldish orange through a telescope.
Thero Thesa is the smallest planet in the solar system, with a diameter of 4,673 miles and a distance of 73.7 million miles from its star. Through a telescope, Thesa appears to have a blondish beige color with a few discolored creators, as it has no atmosphere. Thesa has two small moons orbiting it.
Reverie Reverie is the first gas giant of the solar system and is 113.96 million miles away from the star, right in the goldilocks zone. Reverie is slightly smaller than Saturn, having a diameter of 69,862 miles. The gas giant has seven major moons, as well as many small unnamed rocks orbiting it, and has a rusty reddish color.
Eyora Eyora is the last rocky planet and by far the largest of the rocky planets. It has a diameter of 15.856 miles and is 138.6 million miles from its host star. Although the planet is right on the edge of the goldilocks zone, all its water is frozen due to a weak atmosphere. Eyora has a small ring, three large moons, and appears to be a grayish brown with white-blue polar caps.
The Belt Like many solar systems, this one has an asteroid belt, which starts at 374.4 million miles from the star and ends at 643.8 million miles away. There are some larger rocks in the belt, but none large enough to classify as more than a dwarf planet.
Toka Toka is the first ice giant of the solar system, and although both ice giants are nearly identical, Toka is the smaller one, with a diameter of 30,645 miles. It is 856.7 million miles away from its star and has 18 moons. Through a telescope, it has a soft sky blue color with darker and lighter blemishes.
Fega Fega is the second ice giant, and the larger of the two, though barely, as it's only 31,987 miles in diameter, just over 1,000 miles larger than Toka. It's 1,260.7 million miles away from its star and has 19 moons. Fega looks almost exactly like Toka through a telescope, and one would have to look at the individual blemishes to identify the planet.
Easpur Easpur is the last planet of the solar system and the largest. Though many call it a gas giant, it is, in fact, a brown dwarf, also known as a failed star. Easpur emits no light, though when looked at through a telescope seems to have glowing stripes moving along its dark brown exterior. Easpur is 2,086.9 million miles away from the star, is 81,860 miles in diameter, and has 87 moons orbiting it.
Reverie Reverie, the gas giant our world orbits, is the third-largest body in this solar system, and is slightly smaller and less massive than Saturn. It has a rusty red coloration with darker and lighter streaks, similar to Jupiter or Saturn. The three most obvious things to note about Reverie are its seven moons, its dark blue-ish gray polar caps, and its red eye, a bright red circular storm that darkens near the center.
Thibus Thibus is the closest moon to Reverie and is a rather dark, barren rock.
Sorene Sorene is the second closest moon and is the smallest of the moons, barely large enough to be spherical. It is light gray.
Sytell Sytell is the largest of Reveries moons, about the size of Mars, with liquid blue oceans, mountains, and even some plant life.
Pleth Pleth is the second-largest moon, about the size of Earth's moon, in fact, and has the same creamy white coloration.
Arveri Arveri is the second smallest moon and is a light creamy color.
Aor Aor, only slightly smaller than Plethun, is a dark gray in color and has white polar caps, making people believe this moon has a small amount of water and ice.
Corise Corise is the furthest moon from Reverie and is the only one with active volcanos spurting almost daily, though the lava is too far from Sytell to see without a good telescope. Edited at March 26, 2022 10:16 AM by Dark Matter

~ Sytell ~ Sytell is the only body in this solar system with liquid water and an atmosphere thick enough to protect the planet from solar and planetary radiation and contains oxygen. Sytell has an equatorial diameter of 4,124 miles, making it slightly smaller in size than Mars, though it's a bit more massive, giving it 0.89 the gravity of Earth, meaning that jumping and lifting things on Sytell is just a little bit easier. The days on Sytell last, rounded up, 36 hours, though it never really gets dark, as Reverie is always lighting up the sky with a pale eery rusty red color, making the sky yellow that slowly fades to blue on the furthest edges from Reverie during the day and a rusty red that fades to a dark night sky at night. As Sytell and Reverie are tidally locked, the red-eye from the gas giant is always facing the Sytell, glowering down... or to the side rather, of Sytell. The moon itself, though commonly called planet to the people that live on it, or satellite for those who want to be precise, is quite similar to earth in many ways, though is quite a bit more extreme in many of those ways, as living on this celestial body isn't exactly... easy.
Terrain on Sytell Sytell has a pretty "extreme" terrain, with extremely deep ravines with lava flowing freely at the bottom, and pillar-like rocks that go on for miles, in all directions, including down, and some mountains that reach heights of 15 miles, though because of Sytell's thick atmosphere, the air up there is surprisingly breathable and doesn't freeze you to the bone. To fall anywhere on this moon is to fall to your death, pretty much, so a sure foot, strong grip, and quick reflexes are a must if you ever wish to leave the base camp. What isn't super tall, or protected by tall walls, is covered by water, at least once a day. The tidal forces caused by Reverie are so powerful they create tides 11 miles high, so any plant life either already lives underwater, on the mountain peaks taller than the tides, or evolved to survive in both water and air, though usually, the land is quite barren between the sea level and mountain peaks, with only hardy plants and animals surviving the force of the tide.
Creatures on Sytell scary aliens ~ Information on the Humans ~BeliefsThey worship the eye on the gas giantTraditions Knowledge is fearedTechnologySolar-powered tech from... somewhere?Base Camp Safe from the aliens. Edited at March 26, 2022 11:06 AM by Dark Matter

Edited at March 14, 2022 04:05 PM by Dark Matter

Character descriptions and masterlist
Will take me a while to finish this because I am bUsy- woo- Maybe like a week? Hmmm... Edited at March 14, 2022 04:17 PM by Dark Matter