
First of all, I'd like to say that this is a very relaxed RP, open for single sentences or complete chapter books XD, Just have some fun! ... Have you ever watched X-men? Well this is a bit like that, in a narrowminded world, certain individuals are given special 'talents' as some call it but a more accurate term would be powers. ... You are one of them ... Can you freeze water with your mind? Or maybe you defy the laws of gravity! Any powers welcome, but don't make it too powerful and only one per person! Edited at February 13, 2022 01:35 PM by Lupus Pack

Form ... Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Gift:

Name: Evamaria Age: 17 Appearance: Evamaria has long black hair with dark brown eyes with a hint of blue in the irises. she is an hourglass shape with long legs. She is very athletic and loves running. Personality: Evamaria is very kind and soft spoken she doesn’t speak unless it is important. Gift: Evamarias gift is that she can shapeshift into any animal but she can only do so for 2 hours and she can’t shift into mythical creatures ex: unicorn dragon

Sounds fun!
Name: Eva Age: 17 Appearance: Messy short black hair, short and thin, but agile, bright green eyes, small scar on her forehead above the left eye from an accident as a child Personality: She has a hard time trusting new people, but is overall kind. (Discovering her gift has scared her, and she is deeply confused, which honestly anyone would be) Gift: Confounding sight = (Telekenisis, Telepathy, [which she has not gotten used to yet] having visions) Edited at February 13, 2022 05:22 PM by Violet meadows


When can we start? have you created a Forum yet? Also I'm sorry my name is similar to the other character- And thanks!
Edited at February 13, 2022 03:44 PM by Violet meadows

Name: Rory Age: 16 Appearance: She is agile and of average height with long thick hair, which is a variety of brown, red and blonde highlights. Her eyes are a pale green and her skin is pale, freckled and sunburned in places. Because of her gift she now has wolf ears and tail which match her hair colours. Personality: She is fierce and stubborn, always trying to prove herself. She is fundementaly a good person but often she doesn't show it. Rory doesn't trust anyone, like ever, she keeps her head down and tries to hide in the shadows. ... Gift: Werewolf. Basically she is 'part wolf', that's her gift, she can understand canines, turn into a wolf and has wolf-like skills (agility etc). But only wolves. However this means that every full moon she turns into a wolf in her sleep, and doesn't change back till morning, she has no control when this happens and is a dangerous wild animal. Edited at March 5, 2022 08:19 PM by ⁕Lupus⁕

Here's the RP thread! ...

Name: zoluess nekimo (prefers to be called "orca" as in my lore zoluess means mistake) Age: 15 Appearance: he has short but nt too short fluffy and always messy black hair, deep green eyes like emeralds. he wears a ying and yang hoodie and black and green shoes Personality: he is sweet baby, but will not hesitate to turn someone down if they offer him something, often bullied for his size he is in a mental shell, not letting anyone in Gift: he has the powers of light and dark, but only at certain times, like he can only control dark at night and light at day Edited at February 13, 2022 04:36 PM by Karmas pet
