
Hello would you like a free relic because i have to much? if so please fill out this simple form
Pack Number: Total Amount of Relics:
my goal is to get everyone who enters up to 5 relics, but if you have more than five, its ok! Everyone gets something!
Note: i will be reusing this
Starting date: 8/3/2019 6:02PM (Game Time) Ending date: 8/3/2019 7:00 PM (Game Time)
Please enter all forms below! no entering twice and do not use this forum as a descision! only forms are allowed here, so dont say hi or thank you or anything! if you acsedently repost, its ok. just edit your last post to say "Repost" Edited at August 3, 2019 06:02 PM by Lovota

Pack Number:222668 Total Amount of Relics:(??) I have no relics and don't care about how many I may get(??)

Pack Number: 181489 Total Number of Relics: I have maybe two as I post. (One is a pup toy, and my pups have grown up already, and the other Im looking to sell.)

Pack Number: 236364 Number of relics: 1

pack 231442 and i have over 150 relics! i dont care if i get any.. just want to say thanks for sharing and adding to the fun of the game! i love that people give back so much!

New Giveaway Starting BelowEdited at August 3, 2019 06:02 PM by Lovota

pack number: 236546
how many: can i please get 1-3 pup toys?

Pack Number:234640 Total Amount of Relics:11, i'm looking for a few relics to craft them, but it doesn't matter how much i can get or which one

aprilleo10 said: pack number: 236546
how many: can i please get 1-3 pup toys?
the how many is how many relics you currently have aprilleo XD and plus, i dont have that much pup toys XD