
What is the meaning behind your pack flag? Does it reflect on the pack yourself, or are they just your favorite colors?
My pack flag resembles a creek...sorta. XD The green is the bank, and the blue in the middle is the water. It reflects on my pack as well as my pack name, which means "creek" in German.

I chose my flag colors since I like purple and grey. (:
Plus, sort of a nod to the asexual flag colors.

My flag colors are based off my original alphas base coats. My alpha male was gray, and my alpha female was red (although I suppose my flag is more brown than ruddy).

My flag colours are suppose to(kinda doesn't look like it as it is just 3 stripes) represent a wolf in a a storm to go with my pack name. The blue is the storm and the golden pink colour is a pinkish golden wolf howling in the eye of it. Edited at April 23, 2017 01:13 PM by Howling Storm

My pack flag represents my pack because my name is The Dark One, and black is THE darkest color.

Bach said: What is the meaning behind your pack flag? Does it reflect on the pack yourself, or are they just your favorite colors?
My pack flag resembles a creek...sorta. XD The green is the bank, and the blue in the middle is the water. It reflects on my pack as well as my pack name, which means "creek" in German
I think its just suppose to represent you. It may have a significance in RP too idk. I picked mine to be light and bright bc it describes my pack in a way.
Edited at April 1, 2017 04:22 PM by Wacky Wolves

My flag colors are suppose to resemble the fires of Hades on the sides, then the river of flames in the middle.. .~.

Double post...xp Edited at April 5, 2017 03:39 PM by Phlegethon

Mine were going to be bright turquoise, but after consideration. I faded the light, and made it as it is now.

Mine are based off my beloved OC/mascot, Dash. While his color scheme is mainly greyscale, he has two colors that pop out: the blue of the bandanna he wears, and the yellow of his eyes. c: