
Please look to last few pages for up to date art (Because this gallery is old and has art from 2020 to now) I've been avoiding this for some reason but here's my art gallery! Feel free to comment anything, even criticism is always welcome! All art I post here is done entirely by me unless I state otherwise in which it'll likely have been a stock image I used as reference or for a manip! I'm a digital and traditional artist and most of my art is equines. I mostly do personal art because I'm inconsistent in style, pricing, and deadlines or actually ever finishing things. Maybe I'll open a shop again but I am pretty busy a lot of the time. Feel free to ask though, and I do occasionally trade art. - Last few pages most recent, I experiment a lot and my style seems to change with every drawing lol - If you steal/trace any of my art or characters I might stab you. - ~Q&A~ App I use to draw: Ibis Paint X, very rarely photoshop. I have a drawing tablet for photoshop but usually just draw with my finger on my phone. Layers: 1-30 ahahahah (but usually around 5-10) Edited at April 22, 2023 10:26 PM by Sneaky Smeagol

So, ignoring a lot of my art, this'll be from when I did my most realistic style and whatever I've done recently. Little commision piece for a friend of mine, my first drawing in my hyper-realistic style! A personal piece I did for my stepdad on fathers day to remember our beloved dog, Koda, who passed away. (Credit to me, because its for a family member, I don't have the number for a wolf game on it lol) Edited at January 7, 2021 01:07 PM by Sneaky Smeagol

My most recent commision of Lucid Navy for pack 247835 (Also, by me) Edited at September 13, 2020 03:09 PM by Sneaky Smeagol

And here's my personal favourite (totally not because its a horse) which was an art trade with Boundless Credit to me, I just think my pack number looks ugly on the image so I write it here Edited at September 13, 2020 03:08 PM by Sneaky Smeagol

Your realistic headshots are to die for o.o That shading-


I swear, I have good reasons for not putting credit in. This is my first cat, and its a gift to my irl friend because their cat passed away. So again, I can't be giving irl people gifts with numbers all over it, sorry mods lol

Right, so next up I'm going to show a bit of a step by step of my long irritating process in case anyone wants to either try or just find out how I do it. I'll be adding to this as a WIP as I continue creating the art itself so it finishes when I'm finished! YOU WILL NEED: Ibis Paint X or similar app Photoshop or similar app Your mighty fingers A bit of sense on how lighting works --- Step one: Do some linearting, as long as the outline is good, don't worry about much else! I usually do my lineart on paper then take a picture and trace it on the app but you can just draw it on the app as well :) Step two: All powerful and dreaded bucketfill! Add a layer underneath your lineart. Make sure there's no gaps as you want it to stay inside your lines! Also, DONT use just any colour. Pick the grey right in the middle of black and white or at least as accurate to the middle as possible. Extension: So hide your lineart real quick and check the silhouette. See all the ugly little lines? Go over those with the colour you used for bucket fill. This is where you might add hair details or refine the edges so it looks nice! See! Much better! (Insert image that looks better lol) Step three: Make your lineart visible again and go into your brush settings. This is the brush I use, on low opacity. Ignore the size, I change the brushe's size all throughout! I also tend to change opacity depending on how much of a highlight/shadow I want or how sharp I want the shading.  Step 4: Using the brush settings above, I begin adding in highlights. I use a grey only slightly lighter then the other one and practically cover the entire horse, leaving only the darkest areas untouched and just going over the lighter areas over and over again to lighten them. Remember your light source and how shadows work while drawing. I often forget my light source and have to redo the shadows. Step 5: Start in on shadows as well as detailing the highlights more. Begin refining more detailed areas like the muzzle and around the eye. Switch your lineart layer on and off constantly, as you can use it as a reference for where shadows go but you want it to look good without the lineart on. Edited at September 27, 2020 01:48 PM by Sneaky Smeagol

ohhh these are really pretty<33 i appreciate the tips too! c:

Whoo! Not the same amount of detail, but this lil guy is pretty cool too! My cred is along his back but small.