Hey peeps I'm just trying to have a way to make some mushrooms to finally buy one apple! So this is one way for me to do that because my interactive didn't work out well. : Now let's get started! I'm not very good at characters but will draw them (any animal, I can figure it out) but I am moderately good at backgrounds! Heres an example: See it's not very good but that's some of the types of things I will do! I will charge anywhere from 50 mushrooms to 1 apple; depending on how much time I spent on it and how good it looks. Thanks for coming to at least look at Nighty's Nook, and I hope you'll help out!
** By any animal I mean ANY animal. I've drawn rats, elephants, cats, horses, and sometimes for fun will draw dragons. I will also draw humans but those will cost more as I prefer animals and BGs to humans.