
I need some anatomy tips, red-linning if you want(I don't mind you drawing over my lineart) on this wolf, I am bit miffed by legs in particular, thou probably whole wolf is bit wonky cause I am still learning. So legs are priority, but if you want to point out any other anatomy mistakes feel free to. I think front left leg is the best one, but dunno... Credits for art go to me:

hey ! i would definitely watch some videos on youtube to help you out. they helped me a lot , especially with the fur. you want your fur to go in different directions and more spaced for a more real look to it :)


of course ! and your legs aren't bad at all , they just need a little less stiff look to them. i say that because the back leg isn't to the point where it looks like it's supposed to have that bendy look to it. the paw kind of looks like it's floating a bit there. but i'd say you're doing just fine with the legs otherwise :D Written The Wolf said: Thank you for advice :3

References are your best friend! Look at multiple photos of wolves and their skeletons too in different poses. Here's one of my dogs with redlines to emphasize where the joints are. They aren't wolves but close enough on anatomy for this purpose I think. (Photo is my own)  The distance between the 'knee' and 'ankle' on the back legs is typically larger than in your drawing! On wolves the fluff would be more pronounced, but there should be a bit of a gap from the fluff to where that ankle starts. Wolves walk on tip toes rather than flat footed. - Going with that same sort of idea with comparing, if a front leg is like an arm, they don't walk palms down, but on the fingers with the 'wrist' not touching the ground. You showed it properly on the left front, but the right front looks like it's missing a joint in there.  I think making the paw a little longer on that right leg and making the leg itself shorter could make the distances look more even and make room for that joint. The two front legs should have roughly equal distances between each joint unless perspective is distorting it! I hope this isn't confusing.... I'm sick and this looks readable to me but I'm not sure I can trust my brain right now XD Edited at November 21, 2023 10:01 PM by Sneaky Smeagol

Thank you :3 and it is not as confusing as anatomy itself X) I know I just need more practice and I might be expecting too much too fast, but dunno, I try to improve on some aspects and thing I am focusing on at the moment are legs and how they carry weight and movement cause sometimes my legs, well, look okay, but bit unnatural for that pose/situation or I am reading too much into it when I am only half-way through the process ;-; nah, color can't save mistakes in anatomy, hide them a bit yes, but why hide when I can reddo and make it right. I am debating headshapes and fur textures as well as line weight too when it comes to wha I do, but at the moment all of those are bit too many changes to make at once and they don't really bother me since they are cute and simplified (it is just that I wish to make my wolves to look more like wolves and be able to express different body and fur types). P.S. I find it funny, how your dog is almost in the same position as my wolf X3