
I have no clue what I'm doing. Gallery Link A few hours ago I was bored and decided to become an artist with no previous experience. With that being said this is my attempt to draw an OC of mine and I would like feedback. The anatomy seems a bit funky, he is supposed to be a wolf. I also colored him. For those of you that want to, you can go over and red line stuff so I can see what to fix! If you have tips on blending and colors that would be appreciated as well. I draw using Adobe Fresco, but if there are other good apps to use, let me know. I'll link minor stuff and put the images for more important stuff so this isn't too long. Thanks :) OC for reference(yes the oc is mine) All image credit from here down belongs to me. First red line  First red line and outline Altered final outline (I have no idea how I changed it this much)  Colored final product  Colored final product with OG lines behind it (for comparison, also I forgot to screenshot the red line that's under it. That one is in fact the original, the first red line linked at the top is the second red line I did in order to fix this. If that makes sense.) Edited at May 17, 2022 07:49 PM by Ciao

hello! very cute character youve got there!! ive been drawing canines/wolves in particular for going on 6(ish) years now id say, and ive learned a lot about drawing them over the years, so im here to offer a few tips (as well as some blue lines for future reference)! so canine anatomy is very hard to explain, but the way i improved is by studying the canine body by tracing over actual photos of wolves i found online. ive found simplifying their bodies and more specifically their limbs into simple shapes and refinining from there helps a ton for anatomy improvement! ive bluelined over your image and focused on a few different things, and ill list the links to view them below! these are just a few quick base sketches i whipped up within like 5 minutes so theyre not perfect, but i hope theyre able to help a bit! you have a lot of potential and im so excited to see your improvement!! if you need anything at all dont be scared to reach out to me and ill try my best to help! :) Edited at May 15, 2022 08:26 PM by jaune

Thank you for the help! I can definitely see how I can improve the design more, and the blue line especially helped. For the anatomy I think tracing a real wolf would really help as well. I appreciate your critique and i'll definitely reach out if I have more questions :)

Ah- I might be of assistance here. Anatomy is quite off, /lighthearted If I forget to add the redlines pm me I get busy lol
