
we are gathered here today to join flying potato and howls of thunder as they join together there families. ~ date is being changed ~ gifts are welcomed please PM flying potato or howls of thunder and tell them your gift gifts: Fangsoffire, gifed tocan feather turtle, gifted us a jug little evergreen, gifted us 10 mush getting gifts from but haven't reserved yet: pineapples Edited at April 23, 2021 09:25 AM by flying potato

Congradulations!!!!! Me and Evergreen aren't getting married yet.

thx i would have rathered to be pmed Cypress Road said: Congradulations!!!!! Me and Evergreen aren't getting married yet.

Wedding is being postponed until further notice.

I am happy to hear you guys are getting married :). I´ll be here at 12:00 am Gametime. Edited at April 22, 2021 10:46 AM by 🍑JuicyPeach🍑

🍑JuicyPeach🍑 said: I am happy to hear you guys are getting married :). I´ll be here at 11:00 am Gametime.
The wedding has been postponed, Potato isn't around at the moment, so we're trying for 12:00 gt.


mmmmm- more time for me to prepare some chaos- i mean nothing, im just gonna go do some, uh, eat some snacks, :3

Not on my watch, Pin >.> Lmao
