Wolf Play : Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)
11:40:53 Tay

I haven't been trying for fmc this month, just exploring after work but I've doubled most days so not much time to explore
11:34:21 Lil Techy | Techno
fmc sucks this month for me
11:32:44 Tay
I need more blue jay feathers too, and I would rather keel over than keep exploring in swamp :(
11:31:14 Tay
I just need more mush for wolf party. I have 10k saved up right now, but I want to save up 50k before I do wolf party again, and wait till spring 1.
11:30:49 01
does anyone know how I should breed me ExW female ?
 Chaotic Twins
11:30:00 Ryder,Kalian
I am craving roast beef splits XD
 Red River Wolves
11:29:56 Redd
A day or two before June 17
I haven't signed in in a bit, when did they change the amount of CP we get to distribute?
 The Night Walker
11:17:59 Anemoia/Aedra
Even with the wings she looks nice, I dont think it's overdone with them. ^^
 Chaotic Twins
11:17:14 Ryder,Kalian
I think I should remove her wings
 Chaotic Twins
11:16:59 Ryder,Kalian
-WP Click-

I dont know how I feel about this XD
11:16:39 Deli Rum
>.> I'm craving a good roleplay...
 Chaotic Twins
11:15:53 Ryder,Kalian
and now I only have 89 moonflowers XD
 Chaotic Twins
11:14:10 Ryder,Kalian
I figured out what I'm getting but it probably wont all look good together its all gear stuff
11:13:01 Running Dog
She needs moon flower crown and start dust wings. Well, that is what I'm partial to
 Chaotic Twins
11:10:44 Ryder,Kalian
what should I get for her from the FMC shop

I can only spend like 1539 moonflowers

-WP Click-
11:06:24 Running Dog
Broken Dawn

Ragnarok? Flames of Galaxy? (I am terrible at naming, sorry)
 Broken Dawn
11:06:21 I complain a lot
 Chaotic Twins
11:05:31 Ryder,Kalian

Jasper, Flynn, Reed, or Rowan, Phoenix, and Rory.
11:04:27 Running Dog
Yes, Kalian, you may call me Silverfish.

Honestly I think that is the first player given nickname I have received since I started in 2018 (not this account)


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Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 4, 2020 03:05 PM


Posts: 3776
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Please do not post here unless you are a part of this alliance.
(mods; please move this if needed)
Hello everyone! This is where you will be able to post your writing pieces related to the prompt of the week, which I will be keeping a list of people who make a writing piece based off of the prompt, and the actual prompt. The prompt will be changed every Monday. If enough people do these, I might throw in some prizes!
Some rules are just to be kind, respectful, and please ONLY post your prompt pieces here. Below are the other forums for the Meraki alliance.
If you have any questions, please contact me and I will try my best to answer!
Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 4, 2020 03:05 PM


Posts: 3776
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Week 1:
"I love you."
"That's pretty stupid of you."

-Floating in Space with Troops
-Swoop with Remembered
-The Ravens Flight with Mourn For the Angel

Week 2:
"I trusted you!"
"Well you can't exactly blame me, can you? It was your mistake."


Week 3:
Write about a princess who is the best assassin in the realm, but nobody knows this.

-Non Sequitur with Enoch's Daughter

Edited at August 23, 2020 11:47 PM by wolf.
Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 4, 2020 05:53 PM

Former Pack

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Nineteen year old Hannah Verilis is a human. A complete and utter human. Maxwell Infurnum on the other hand, he's...well, he's a demon. A demon who is using the high ranking Hannah Verilis to gain information as to where exactly the Troops of Vanri are. Never heard of the Troops of Vanri? Well, that's the point; these elite Angel warriors are a sort of secret service for the highest ranking famlies of Vanri, a magical world.
Hannah skips through the halls, eyes aglow with anticipation for her date tonight. She pulls up Maxwell, her boyfriend of six months, contact and taps the call button with a perfectly manicured nail. As she brings the phone to her ear, the male picks up.
"Hannah? Is everything alright?" He asks, feigned concern laced through his husky voice.
"Yeah, Maxxie. Just calling to see where you are." Hanna quips cheeirily.
Maxwell sighs a bit. "I'm pulling up now, babe." And that he did, his sleek sports car rolling to a stop in front of the girl.
Hannah hangs her phone up and climbs in the car. Giving her beau a kiss, she settles into the leather seat.
Later that night.....
The couple had made it to a picnic spot on a hill, under a hanging tree and were now eating the dinner packed by Maxwell himself. Said demon had gotten the information he was sent for and now had to....tie off loose ends. He turned to Hannah and gave her a kiss. The girl kissed back before pulling back to say those faithful words; "I love you."
Maxwell gring evily, taking his true red eyed, ram horned, bat winged form. "How stupid of you..."

Edited at August 4, 2020 05:57 PM by Floating in Space
Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 6, 2020 12:14 PM

Former Pack

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“I love you.”

“That’s pretty stupid of you.”


Bombs rain down along our borders, sending shockwaves down the deep earth. Screams of agony echo in my ears and I cringe inwardly. How horrible this war is. Gunshots spray the field, blood splattering the floor and bringing color to it. Soldiers race forward only to get thrown down. Death everywhere. The enemy had taken the fort before we could.

The fort. The only advantage in our grasp. The advantage that had slipped away all because of me.

I lay wounded, my breathing labored. I gasp for air, bodily fluids soaking the front of my crumpled uniform. My once white shirt is now pure red, bright as a target. Someone calls for retreat and footsteps pound away, the injured being helped by those who can walk.

I know they won't find me.

I'm almost invisible, stuck under a large, broken piece of a tank. I had dived under here for cover, but not before the enemy had shot my leg. My limb was useless now and forever. It had lost so much blood, all my clothes were covered in the stuff. The grass and dirt around me are stained. A couple hand-lengths away, a friend I had known since childhood lies dead, their body mangled after being trampled by the very tank that now shields me.

They won’t come looking for me.

I'm a pathetic lieutenant. I know they won't come searching, not after this massacre. Not after I had failed to sound the alarm. Cheers break out near the fort and I know our army has fully retreated.

If only I had stayed.

I had been part ofThe Rebellion. The army which is now celebrating and feasting, but my general had insisted I go and become a spy. My work had been successful, so successful they had sent Phoenix, the one who lay dead at my feet. We had been worked tirelessly, and soon had become lieutenants together. We had been forced to kill comrades in The Rebellion’s army. The Rebellion had then seen us as traitors.

Nothing matters anymore.

Life is fading away from me, slowly yet inevitable. The pain seeps through me. My leg is making me slowly die. My stupid leg. The very leg that had saved me with it’s counterpart by making me run, run far away from the place that beheld my demise.


Footsteps sound close behind me and I start to turn. Too late. A wrenching pain floods through my very being. I glance down to see my good leg trapped under the tank. How had I not noticed? Oh. The pain of my bloodied leg. The unbearable pain. The pain that is the only thing I understand right now. Voices are near. No, one. Another is shouting from the fort.

“There’s a dead body here! And there’s something under this piece of metal. Gimme a second!”

The metal groans as it is almost lifted up. A strained voice grunts and shifts. I now see their feet and legs. It is a man. “Why is this so heavy?” The voice is gasping now, their breathing as labored as mine.


The piece is shoved away, a tan man standing before me. I squint, my newly released leg tingling with numbness.

“There’s a dead one here! They look familiar…”

The man squats down and looks at me quizzically. I try to talk, but my throat is dry as sandpaper.

“Go back to the fort and tell them everyone here is dead!”

The other person yells something back and races away, a door slamming shut from far away.

My voice.

“Who are you?” I whisper, my voice sandy and hoarse. The man jerks above me and looks at me in shock.


I nod slowly and give him a good look again. It’s Matthew. Matthew. My Matthew. I open my eyes wider, the sun glaring into them and I retreat, my eyes squinting again.

“What are you doing here?” His voice is an angry whisper.

“I’m in the war…?”

His eyes search mine and I can see the familiar crease of his brow. See his annoyance. His confusion, but most of all, his dawning of remembrance.

Emotions are for the weak.

The saying drilled in all soldiers’ heads. I can’t help but remember me and him. Him and me. Before I die I open my mouth to say something I've been dying to say. He doesn't stop me.

“I love you.” My voice is soft and gentle.

His gaze hardens quite considerably, turning cold and cruel. I look into his ocean of eyes, a sea of feelings and intelligence.

“That’s pretty stupid of you.”

The words strike me and I flinch. He straightens and snarls in a manner unlike him, “You choose now to tell me? After years together? When you’re dying?”

I reach out a weak hand to touch his cheeks. He grabs it and throws it back at me. I watch, mesmerized as he reaches into his belt. He pulls something out. Something that reflects the sun. Something bright enough to blind me.

His hand flashes forward. I don't react until I realize what he's done. Matthew stands up and steps back, looking at me coldly. I follow his gaze and see a sword plunged into my gut. Blood oozes out and I feel light-headed.


He ignores the question. “You’ll never be remembered, but if you do, you will be remembered as a coward.” He spits the words violently.

The lights fade from my eyes, my last second being of his words and him glaring at me. Glaring as if I was nothing. My blood continues to flood out my body until I am a pale ghost. He watched the entire time. When I'm dead, he turns away and stalks to the fort, leaving his sword in my cold, bloody body. My spirit fades away, forgotten and never remembered.

He was right. I wasn't remembered. And those who did saw me as a traitor, as a coward, and as a failure. The Rebels won and Matthew became one of the five leaders given land. He always remembered me, but how, I don't know.

I only wish I could've returned the favor and stabbed him in the gut.

Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 6, 2020 02:46 PM


Posts: 5186
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[ Mourn For The Angel ]

"I love you"
"That's stupid of you."

The memories of her are a painful reminder that you can't win in the game of life. If you find someone who loves you, it'll eventually end, and you'll end up lonely. I only wish I held her closer I should've apologized to her, but yet I yelled at her instead, in the heat of the moment I decided her fate. Now she lays in front of me, her face looking so beautiful as if she was resting but she isn't going to wake up, I won't be able to see her smile, I won't ever hear her laugh again, I always told her she had a laugh that came from an angel. I remember when we always went on a walk she always talked about how she wanted a dog, but I kept telling her that the landlord wouldn't allow us to have a dog. She just looked at me with these big doe eyes and I always was tempted to get one for her, she just meant the world to me.

I always joked about there being a spot reserved in hell just for me, she just scowled at me and told me that I was going to go to heaven. I knew from the day I saw her she was meant for heaven, she was so carefree and took care of everyone- Something I'm not. Tears dripped down my cheeks as I tried to muffle my cries as I thought about her, her family would take care of her when we got into fights and they'd ask.
"Why are you still with her?" She'd only shrugged, I was clueless about how much we really loved each other until I saw her lying in her casket. There was only one conversation that we had that stayed in my head, it was during our 3 year anniversary when I took her to see my home town.

"I Love you."

"That's pretty stupid of you."


"Because I'm not a good person, I don't deserve you."

I remember the way she looked at me with pure confusion in her eyes, we stood there in silence until I broke the silence by quietly whispering back.

"I love you too."

Edited at August 6, 2020 02:57 PM by The Ravens Flight
Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 7, 2020 12:42 AM

Oleander Kiss

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A Cheesy Romance

At 16 years old, Zoey McCain felt like the universe made her so it had something to laugh at. She felt she was made so mothers could explain to their children what not to be. At five years old her parents got a divorce. At seven years old, not only did her parents get re-married, but Zoey has moved to another country. At ten years old, she was moved BACK, And then at the ripe age of eleven, you guessed it, they were divorced again.
It was always so funny to Zoey that her mother couldn't understand why Zoey didn't understand what love was.
Now, There were a lot of things in life Zoey didn't understand, Love is one of them. She grew up wondering why those smart girls in all the movies always fell in love with the gross player boys who have kissed like every girl in the world plus a few. That was until she met Jake Sterling for the first time.
Everything happened so fast, one day she was nervously talking to one of his friends, and the next she and Jake were making out on his couch, And walking hand in hand around the school. No matter how many times people told her "He's just going to break your heart" She didn't care. Zoey was infatuated with this guy, She couldn't take her eyes off of him. They spent night after night with each other, Zoey convinced this was what love was, Hiding in cars and bushes so they could kiss, Sneaking parents alcohol to abandoned houses using Zoey's car, just too get so drunk they couldn't tell up from down.
One night, The two were sitting on a beach, feet in the water, alcohol bottles in hand, when Jake suddenly turned too her "You know your utterly clueless right?" He asked in that gruff deep voice every girl seemed to swoon over. "Pardon?" Zoey asked leaning too place her head on his shoulder. Jake shoved her away standing up "You're clueless! I can't believe you actually trust me! Do you not listen too what other people say, Or are you too blinded by your own Idiocy?"
Jakes's arms flailed dramatically as he spoke, Spitting with certain words making Zoey cringe. "Honestly Zoey! Ive been using you this entire time! It was funny at first, But it almost been a year, And somehow, you STILL haven't noticed! It's not even funny anymore! I actually pity you!" Zoey looked at him, brows furrowed, her mind racing processing what he said. "But.."
"But WHAT Zoey?"
"But... But I love you."
Jake suddenly laughed "You don't even know what love IS!" he exclaimed dropping his bottle of beer into the white sand. "How can you love someone, when you don't even know what love looks like hmm?" Jake kicked his bottle towards Zoey "Honestly Zoey. I'm done with all of this. Don't get my wrong, Your so nice, Your Gorgeous, But I can't date someone as clueless as you." Jake turned walking away "Let me know when you've got a brain that can think for its self yeah? Then maybe we'll try again"
Jake was already halfway down the beach towards a bus stop when Zoey stood "Jake!" She called out hands trembling "I love you!"
Without turning his head so Zoey couldn't see the tears streaking his face, Jake rolled his eyes and yelled back, "That's pretty stupid of you huh!"

Edited at August 7, 2020 12:44 AM by poisend rose
Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 10, 2020 02:14 PM


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Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 18, 2020 12:45 PM


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Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 23, 2020 09:37 PM

Sir Froggington

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Enoch's Daughter

The king was striding towards his daughter's wing. He walked with a purpose, and the castle staff and learned to avoid him, when he was in that type of mood. They had learned to notice that he always headed toward his daughter's room. While many of the staff were familiar with the princess's abilities, the secret didn't leave the castle. They knew better than that, because it would mean certain death.

Not even rumors escaped. The ruthless king had ensured their silence. He never chose staff without family, because he had found them easier to manipulate and control. They needed a way to provide for their family, and the king was more than capable of taking that ability away. If that didn't suffice, they could always threaten the family later. He knew that running a kingdom was hardwork. Traditionally, his family ruled by fear instead of loyalty or love, so he had begun teaching his daughter the way.

Nearby was a neighboring kingdom. He had heard that they were planning on making an alliance, and the king feared that it would be so they could attack them with greater strength. At least greater security that they wouldn't be attacked, while they were waging war. He wanted to unstablize them, so they wouldn't be able to go through with the treaty. If an opportunity opened up, he was sure to quickly take advantage of that. If a golden opportunity occured, he decided that he would try to conquer the kingdom.

His kingdom was rising, and he was collecting troops. He knew it would be hard to keep their movements secret, but that is what needed to be done. It would be best if this could be a surprise, and their army would be used to its best advantage. He knew that the secret to destabilzing a kingdom was taking away the heir. He also wanted the job done properly, so he would choose the best. The best lived in the castle with him. He preferred to keep her busy, because it meant that she couldn't sit around stewing.

From experience he knew the dangers of her stewing. It was extremely perilous to have her pent up anger pointed at you. It hadn't occured to him, when he had first sanctioned the order, and had the bright idea, that it was foolish to train a young princess to be an assassin. She would be unbalanced because of the teenager years already, and adding another thing to that never helped. He didn't spend a lot of time with her, and no one had taught her morals. Children commonly became mad at the parents, and it wasn't wise to keep around someone who was able to kill you. When you became an assassin, he knew you had to drill out mercy, which was scary if she decided her next target was him.

It was best for everyone if he found a way to get her to leave the kingdom. He knew she might see through all of his politics and confusion, because she was trained and smart enough, but he needed her out. When he entered his daughter's side of the castle, he paused for a moment. He wanted to make sure that he looked like a king. He could have summoned her to his chambers or he could have called a private meeting, but he hoped this would draw less attention.

He entered her sitting area, and waited for her to come.

He felt uncomfortable enough in his daughters sitting room, so he remained standing. He felt at a disadvantage, when he was sitting. It was harder to manuver, and he felt that he didn't look as impressive or using his size to his full advantage. He knew it probably would't mean much to his daughter, but she was short. He wasn't a super tall man, but he was a good bit taller than his daughter. He felt that being larger might make her think twice even though his mind told him that she was trained to kill anyone.

He knew he wouldn't be able to match her, especially, since he hadn't brought his sword with him, but he felt that if he was standing there was a bigger chance that he would be able to flee. His daughter was very observant, and he was sure that she would be able to deduct that it was him who was visiting her. She knew the reason he would come speak to her, but would she know who her target was.

He paused a moment, when he heard the door open, and he saw her enter. She didn't appear particularly princess like. She was wearing a gray cotton dress. It wasn't colorful or fancy, and wasn't in style at all. It might be around farmers and such, but he didn't consider it an outfit fit for a princess. He had learned to not argue about this, and save it for when it really mattered such as formal evenings. He appreciated the curtsy, but he still felt uneasy. He noted her sweet expression, and felt further discomfort.

"You know why I am here. Have you guessed the target?" he asked her. He was always impressed by her skills of observation and deduction, and he liked to see further proof of it. He wasn't totally devoid of observational powers, but even when he did notice things, he didn't understand what he had seen. It meant nothing to him, so he wasn't really paying attention. "The kingdom of Arathorn is making a treaty with one of their neighbors. I don't like it. It would make it easier for them to conquer us. Even if they didn't work together to destroy us, Arathorn would have one less enemy to watch. I want this stopped."

He looked at her trying to decide if he noticed any ah ha moments. "If they are destabilized, I want to take advantage of that also. If I see an opportunity, we'll use the momentum to take over their kingdom once and for all. Unless you think differently, I want you to kill their heir. I want you to make it look like their neighbor did it. I don't want this treaty going through," he said with some venom. He hoped she understood the importance of this mission. If she completed this and everything worked out, it would be a win win situation.

"Our army will be waiting for word of your success. Upon our hearing about the tumult in Arathorn, we shall attack. We won't be able to waste precious time, so get word to us quickly." He hoped this would keep her from being tempted to terrorize those who lived nearby, including himself. He wanted her out of here, exercising her mind and doing something he considered useful. "Do you understand the mission? Will you accept?" he asked her. He was hoping this would be purely formality.

While he had other assassins, none of them had as high of a success rate. She had truly proven what she was good at, and he wondered sometimes if it had been a mistake training her. It might help her when she became ruler, and she might appreciate it, but would it backfire on himself and his family. He had seen what was transported into his daughter's room. He didn't understand her obsession with plants, which he knew little about. It confused him, but he had not reason to not acquiesce with her request.

His mind was racing through plan b's. She could always try to be spiteful. It was hard to tell with her. Technically, this murder didn't need to happen. They would probably manage fine without it, but he thought it would be good for everyone except Arathorn."I am sure you know how to complete this mission, if you accept. I'll leave it in your capable hands," he told her. Since she was a princess, he was fairly certain that she could get a hold of all the materials she needed. From her training, she would know how to do this without drawing attentnion to herself.

He could feel something in his stomach sink at her forbidding expression. His daughter was unpredictable, and hard to appease. He wasn't sure exactly what he had done to displease her, but he could already tell that he wasn’t welcome here from her sour expression. Frankly, it amazed him that he could be intimidated by his own daughter. He had an integral part in bringing her into existence, and he tried not to disturb her. He wasn’t sure if he could have avoided her displeasure, but it was too late now.

He knew he would have to forge on with his debriefing of her mission. It was better to try to get it over quickly instead of waiting around for her anger to grow. Carefully, he studied her, because he knew if he observed any warning sign of her anger breaking upon himself, it might save his life. He knew sometimes you could see when someone was thinking hard, but he couldn’t see her mind hard at work through her facial expression. Because he thought he knew his daughter at least this well, he knew that she must be piecing together what he was talking about.

It would be unusual, if she didn’t make some effort. After a while, he began to feel like he was talking to a wall. Her eyes sort of glazed and they didn't dart around as quickly as when he had first entered the room. Her eyes were glazed over and she appeared to be staring through whatever she was looking at as if she wasn’t paying attention. He was certain that even if she wasn’t paying attention she wasn’t missing anything critical knowledge otherwise she would be paying attention.

She was a smart girl, and she knew what she needed. It still irked him that she didn’t respect him enough to give him her full attention. He was a king and her father after all. He paused for a moment wondering if he should ask about her plans. She was a princess, so she had full access to most things. She could probably handle it on her own, and if she was touchy, she might be offended by an offer of his help. His eyebrows went up in surprise at “I got it.”

He gave her an admiring smile. He felt an odd feeling of warmth towards her. His little girl had grown up quickly. Even though her skills frightened him, he couldn't help but be impressed by her. Without thinking, impulsively, he did something unusual, "I love you."

"That's pretty stupid of you," slammed into him. The reply was quick and harsh. In his heart and mind he knew that was a reasonable answer. He had turned his little girl into a monster. He hadn't ever shown love to her before. What was he even talking about? Why had he let such a thing slip out? He had only used her. Even though he didn't know what love was, he knew this wasn't it.

She whispered hoarsely with cold eyes, "I trusted you!"

It was the most emotion he had ever seen from her. Normally, she kept her emotions under a tight lid. He realized what a mistake he had made. His lips moved without him being able to think about it. He didn't want to take responsibility for his actions. He started shrinking away from her.

"Well you can't exactly blame me, can you? It was your mistake."

She recoiled, and he knew that he would pay for it. He was the parent. What had he even been thinking? He waited to see how she would respond. If she didn't react now, there would be a reckoning later. After a moment of standing there, she resumed with their brainstorming. Her planning had occurred quicker than he had thought it would. He waited patiently with his full attention unlike what she had given him. He didn’t want to be caught having to ask questions, because it always made him feel childish and dumb. When she began talking about a bird, he hid his impulse to sigh. Maybe she wasn't finished making a mastermind scheme. He began to be confused about what she was babbling on and on about. After he took a moment to try to listen he realized she was trying to remember the heir’s name, but he couldn't understand why this was important information at this time.

At first he couldn’t remember the name, but it came back to his memory before she remembered. Since it was taking her a while, he was tempted to just tell her, but she didn’t appreciate being interrupted, so he let her stumble through it herself. He was impatient, and it was sort of painful for him to wait for her to come to the same conclusion as he had. After an awkward minute or so she voiced the answer slightly louder than her normal tone. “Peregrine!" Finally! He knew she hadn't taken that long, but it was still a few minutes he considered lost.

This was a perfect opportunity for sarcasm, which the king had to restrain himself. He might have tried if the sarcasm had been particularly witty, but he would have just provoked her without any real satisfaction. He might have done this before he had had a child, but he had learned wisdom since then. He knew better than to push dangerous characters when it was totally unnecessary. He inclined his head slightly, that she had given the correct answer. He could hear the sound of victory in her voice, and she even flashed a rare smile.

That flabbergasted him. What a thing to smile about. Still, he did feel some affection for this girl. He was happy that they could move on to a more important topic, and he was glad to see a smile. Still, he kept a smile off of his own face. He kept quiet, because he was sure she would have something to say, and she wouldn’t appreciate delays. He wasn’t one to keep others waiting either and he wasn’t one to tolerate a wait. He could be wrong, and they might have similar moments like the one that happened previously. Finally, she began what he had wanted from her the whole time.

Her plan.

She went through what would work and what wouldn't. She said that they wouldn't be able to come here. He wasn't surprised by that conclusion, and he really didn't think that would work at all. He didn't want to kill them on his own land. He wanted them to be vanquished on their own, so he could take it over. He nodded his agreement. She would need to go to their castle, which he assumed she would be able to figure it out. He vaguely remembered the reputation she had sought to establish for herself.

He barely paid attention to it, since he knew what she was really like. He didn't want to pay attention to lies, because he may begin to believe them. He still saw through her deception easily, because he was familiar with what was underneath. When she mentioned needing to get there with an invitation, he felt his mind go blank. No quick ideas struck him. Her smile was cold and to himself unbearably self satisfied. He felt a quick surge of anger at her demand, but he had told her what she wanted.

He thought that assassins were supposed to be more independent than this. They shouldn't need the help of their employer. He shrugged this off, as he tried to figure a way out to get her in. She was his child, so he would suffer if she failed. There was no reason to not help her other than being petty. "Whatever you want," he muttered under his breath irritatedly. He stroked his beard trying to come up with a reasonable solution. He stared at his daughter for a moment before his eyes brightened.

He had to work harder than ever to keep a smug smile off of his face. “I have a solution. It will further my plan even if you fail. You will get engaged to Prince Peregrine. That way, there will be an understood treaty of marriage. With that on the line, I’m sure you will work even harder than usual,” he found himself saying without as much tact as might be wise. “Either way, I have a back up plan, and you have a way in. If there is another way, I’m sure you will figure it out. After all, you are the assassin,” he told her.

Credits to the Solareclipse and my roleplay

Edited at September 6, 2020 05:40 PM by ~Non Sequitur~
Prompt Place (Meraki Alliance Only)August 26, 2020 01:10 AM


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