Wolf Play : Graywing x Boeing
 Blood Demons
05:32:37 Blood
I'm so annoyed I just warriored stone my custom who was only 7 instead of my 16 year old
05:30:43 She/her
I forgot I had her :/ I hate SVs
-WP Click-
05:21:28 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
I didn't max him but I'm close to maxing him in social
Boo, personally I would if he were mine.
05:13:36 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
-WP Click-

should I buy bronze figurines to get more cp so he can be maxed in social?
Has anyone managed to speak to the sheepdog?
Whenever I click talk the adventure block just goes blank.
Cypress, I'd never give up my dog, not ever he's my world.
04:58:13 01
id choose to move out with all my things id be to depressed without my dog but honestly I dont know your situation so it is just my opinion
 Cypress Road
04:55:02 Cy, love
If yall had to decide between moving out and getting to keep all your stuff including your dog but getting no help from your family and moving back into your parents house but having to get rid of just about everything including your dog, what would you choose?
04:34:14 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

What should I name these 2 boys-
04:30:20 Will
New dye new dye yeahhhh
 LaPearl Park
04:14:47 Mystery Machine
Hi is it worth keeping enchanted water or not?
04:14:22 The Minor Nuisance
Welp, It's 9 pm and I'm going to bed.

G'night, Y'all!
 Pink Tears
04:09:12 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
i dont know-

part of me wants to do a river but i think thats a little dark considering le lore
04:07:38 The Minor Nuisance
...is octopus something to make it on?
04:07:16 The Minor Nuisance
Oh, cool, an OC!



...Nup. My brain isn't braining. All I can think of right now is octopus. I don't know why. Just is.
 Pink Tears
04:04:05 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

maybe? im trying to get ideas and also think of possible oc refreces since im basically making a phone wallpaper of my oc where the center is his eye

literally the only thing ive thought of on my own is his dog but i dont wanna draw a dog lol
03:59:52 The Minor Nuisance

A storm/cyclone, perhaps?

might fit the colours better.

But I'm no artist (profile pic is proof), so my suggestions probably aren't that good.
 Pink Tears
03:56:44 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

hm- i think it would look a little off since the eye is a clouded (blind) albino eye
 Ghost Queen
03:56:43 Ghost, Queen, Hades
Hmm I need 700 bones to get everything I want Xad


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Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 03:24 PM


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Please do not post if you are not one of us but please feel free to read along
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 03:40 PM


Posts: 302
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Good morning! :D
Character posts now?
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 04:12 PM


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Character Sheet
Name: Leaf
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Leaf has a black under coat. Her chest and tail tip are white. Leaf has orange patches spread out across her fur. Leaf's fur is fluffy around the chest and tail, everywhere else is long but sleek. Leaf has one green eye and one brown eye. Unfourtunally Leaf was born with only half of her left ear.
Personality: Despite her ear, Leaf is very good humered. Leaf is very young and playfull. Leaf has two brothers, so she enjoys roughhousing and playfighting. Leaf is very up-beat and spunky. Leaf enjoys helping taking care of the younger pups.
Strengths: Acurate eyesight, fighting, flexable (helps her fit through small spaces), tracking
Weaknesses: Slight hearing loss, clausterphobic, shorter legs, (not deformed, just shorter), OCD
Other: Has two brothers, her dad left when her and her brothers were born, lost her sister when she was 4.
Human Form
Leaf is 4'6, she has dark black hair. Leaf was born with a rare skin condition that causes her skin to have a few slightly darker patches. She has a slimer build. Leaf's hair is long and frizzy. Leaf has been bullied for her hight many times. Leaf has to wear a hearing aid on her left ear because she is missing part of her ear. Leaf gets complements for her different colored eyes.

Edited at June 24, 2024 04:29 PM by Graywing
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 04:18 PM


Posts: 302
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Name - Leonid ("Leo")
Human/wolf shifter
Leo has brown hair, green eyes and an angular jaw that clenches with stubbornness more often than he would appreciate it to. He stands at 5'9", and generally holds himself up straight as much as he can.
Leo is built on more of the skinnier side of things. He may be considered underweight compared to everyone else, but this isn't exactly apparent when you come to meet him.
As a wolf, he displays mostly hazel brown fur coating that develops into low black socks, and a black paintbrush tail. His green eyes remain the same, and similar qualities in his face can be seen in both his human and wolf forms.
Leonid has many defining personality traits. For one, he posesses an innate sense of what he thinks he is going to do is likely more correct. Sometimes called "stubborn" by other people, Leo has a keen moral compass, and usually uses this to his benefit.
Hanging off that is Leo's "stubbornness". No, he doesn't call it stubbornness. He calls it determination. Even if he's in the wrong, he's still there arguing for his point. Stubbornness... determination... those two things blend together in Leo's mind.
This may lead to him being completely overwhelmed by other people - especially in cases where there is no definitive right or wrong. Leo will often clench his jaw in such situations, and usually this would be their only warning that he isn't changing his mind.
To people he is more comfortable with, however, he has more of an open mind - read, it is easier to change his mind. Yes, he still will be stubborn, but he's more likely to accept your opinion.
Speaking of which, Leo's friendship circles are significantly more defined than others. To most other people, he seems like someone who wouldn't be the greatest of friends, but to those who know him he really associates himself with those he forms bonds with. Examples of this might be his fellow pack-mates that he is friends with. Leo mainly won't care about anything that doesn't affect him or anyone in his inner circle of friends. When something does, however, he has a fiery will and will defend his friends - sometimes with more passion than he would defend himself. This is another defining aspect of Leo's personality - he is loyal to those he believes is right. Even if they aren't. Loyal to a fault.
Although Leo's disposition may be high, Leo still posesses higher degrees of empathy than most people. This may sometimes be percieved as a weakness, however his beliefs and sstubbornness sometimes collude together in forms of his mostly empathetic nature should something need it. When it is not needed, however, this nature tends to tuck itself away, and Leo's main personality comes out.

Edited at June 24, 2024 04:26 PM by Boeing
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 04:33 PM


Posts: 411
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Leaf hurried to her next class muttering under her breath. "Great, just Great, it's the first day and I'm already confused." She stopped as one of the juniors rubbed the top of her head, making fun of her height. As he walked behind her she kicked the back of his knee, sending him crumpling to the ground. Everyone around her laughed and she couldn't help but smirk.
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 04:40 PM


Posts: 302
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Leo stood in a corridor, utterly befuddled. He checked the mp he had in his hands again and again. Shouldn't his classroom be... right here? He scanned the area thoroughly for any clue and - shit. Did he seriously go to D block rather than P block? Cursing under his breath, Leo started quickly walking in the direction... that he thought was P block. This college was too big. And now he was probably going to be late. Becuase he was on the other side of the goddamn college.
The doors were clogged with students. Goddamnit. This was going to slow him down even further.
Why did he have to be late to his first physics class?
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 05:56 PM


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Leaf took one of the seats in the middle. Right when she sat down the bell rang. "Right on time," she quietly said to herself. About five minutes later one more student walked in gasping for air. "I'm sorry I'm late, I got lost." He took the seat next to leaf and quickly took out a pen and notebook.

Edited at June 24, 2024 10:07 PM by Graywing
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 10:10 PM


Posts: 302
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Holy shit. Holyshit. He was late. Holyfuqingshit.
Leo slipped in and hoped the teacher didn't notice him. His name was written on the board. "Mr Dudding". Leo swallowed a laugh at his name.
Unfortunately for Mr Dudding - as his name appeared to be - Leo was really late.
"SorryIwaslate-Igotlost..." Leo mumbled. He hoped that... Mr Dudding... would accept it. Surely he wasn't that late.
He dropped into the closest seat that he could see that was empty - next to a pretty short-ish girl with interesting eyes - Leo ignored her for now, trying to regain his senses as he sat down.
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 10:20 PM


Posts: 411
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Leaf started packing up right after the final bell, thank goodness she had a break now. She hated physycs but her parents had forced her to take it. She looked over to the boy that had come in late, "I don't think Mr. Dudding likes you very much. First day and you're barging into his class late, nice first impression." She smirked, "I'm Leaf, what's your name? Please don't say it's something stupid like Dudding"
Graywing x BoeingJune 24, 2024 10:40 PM


Posts: 302
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Leonid choked on a dark laugh. Mr Dudding was a rather silly name.
So, her name was Leaf. He'd never heard of a Leaf. Leo took a moment to study her.
She looked slightly over a foot shorter than him, and with long black hair. And - damn, that wasn't something you saw every day. One green eye, one brown eye.
Something about her direct stare spoke volumes about her to him. He wouldn't see any harm if he established something with her.
She was pretty - no, Leo thought she might have been beautiful. He didn't really care about the hearing aid he could barely see.
Leo thought for a moment, then replied in kind.
"I'm Leonid. Leo for shorts."

Edited at June 24, 2024 10:47 PM by Boeing

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