
Lets do a wolf rrp! I dont realy know how it will go but lets play and see!

Doe crouches, sniffing the air for the elk. She hears a rustle in the nearby bushes, she stalkes over to see what it is. There is a curled up baby elk trying to be quiet. Doe bites the elk calf hearing it bones crunch under the force of her jaws. She trots off with the calf in her jaws.

She starts chowing down on her kill when suddenly a large pure black male wolf appeared, he had bright yellow eyes that were staring into hers. He walked forward torward her confidently. Doe began growling saying 'What do you want strange wolf of the darkness? I only have this calf and its half eaten.'. 'I do not want that calf young Doe, I have been sent here from my pack of the stars to warn you.' the black wolf said calmly. 'Warn me of what?' doe asked questionably. 'You will meet the wolf of your dreams soon, he will be handsome,nice, and a good hunter. You will bare pups with him and then he will leave,why?, because he has another mate to pss his genetics off to...' the large wolf sighed, Doe had no words! She was shocked and ran away from the wolf with the calf still held tightly in her jaws.

Doe had a dream that night of a brown and white male wolf, he was extremly handsome and kind. He led her to his home and howled with her to the moon. After they were done the brown wolf licked her and then disapeared, the only mark he left her with was the oneof her stomach. She was going to have pups. Doe shook awake suprised, her kill from the other day was still here so she ate th rest of it hoping to catch somthing today.

"Hey doe want me to help you hunt today?"

'Sure, thanks Silver!' Doe wagged her tail gratfully.

Silver how ever was hunting on her own time. Silvers hears a low pitch growl. She stops and looks around axiously. Relizing she had crossed the pack border and was lost.

Doe sniffs the air, trying to sent any prey around. Her tail droops, 'Nothing...' she said finally.

"Uhh doe where are you?We need to head back." Silver was scared after hearinng no response. She heard the low pich growl again. "aaaahhhh!!"

Doe trots back to her "camp" and lies down. She notices that Silver isnt with her. Doe starts panicking, she runs off trying to find Silver.