
Administrator Lightbringer
This week we'd love to know how you feel about trophies! What type of trophies would you like to see? Do you actively try to obtain them? Poll Question: Do you try to obtain trophies?Total Votes: 94
Yes, I want all the trophies : | 37 | 39% | | Yes, but I only want Event trophies : | 1 | 1% | | Yes, but I only want Breeding trophies : | 1 | 1% | | Yes, but I only want Exploring trophies : | 4 | 4% | | Yes, but I only want PVP trophies : | 3 | 3% | | If it happens, it happens : | 41 | 44% | | I don't care about trophies : | 7 | 7% | | Other (Describe) : | 0 | 0% | | You have cast your vote.

Top battle wolf and battle earnings are the ones I actively aim for. Top PvP would be nice to get once. The others happen when they happen.