Ranks | September 3, 2018 12:55 AM | |

How do I change the ranking of wolves?
Ranks | September 3, 2018 01:57 AM | |

Add dominance to them, most dominant male is Alpha male, most dominant female is Alpha female, and so on.
Ranks | September 3, 2018 04:59 AM | |

You can also take away Dominance CP to change ranks. You can purchase a Stare Down at Realm > Barter to drop a wolf's Dominance back to 1, and a Roadrunner Feather (which is found by chasing off the birdwatcher in the Desert but can also be bought from other players' Market Dens) will cut a wolf's Dominance in half.
Ranks | September 29, 2022 08:26 AM | |

So if my wolf Dominance is 1 will it become Omega?