Genre: horror/ lgbtq/ science fiction.
You don't remember anything, nothing at all. Not your family, not your friends, not even your life. The only thing you can recall is seeing dark shadows like figures in your windows reflection then it just goes black. But regardless you are here now. : wherever here is: you think. You sat there tied to a chair in a small room that was painted all gray. There were a few cracks on the wall but they were straight almost like it was a bad patch job when renovating a house. There was no door, no windows, no anything just you and the chair alone. You fiddle around with your rope to see if you could get out “Don't touch the rope please. This will begin momentarily. “ the voice was all glitched out, like the speaker was from the nineteenth century.
Some time passes and nothing has happened yet so you again try to undo your rope but was abruptly interrupted by the aggravating nineteenth century voice “let the orientation begin” and with that the cracks in the wall grew in their thickness and basically devoured the wall in front of you to reveille, weapons? Small knives, short swords, long swords, crossbows, straight up bows, guns large and small. And there it was the cherry on top of the ice cream of the world. A low growl oozed from behind you. You slowly turn around, scared of what might be waiting. And where politely greeted with a tiger eyeing you down. “Opening the gate” a sharp buzzer rang in the room and the only thing keeping you safe, your life line, your thin line between life and a painful death. That stupid gate began to raise slowly.
(Vergil Odessa: the human abstract)
(Kiiroi Bara: WASTE)
assassin in training
(Luna: midna)
(Mara : the tea drinkers)
(Arrietty: moss pack)
(nikko: Zer0)
(Colten: Zer0)
(Rylie Fallout: the sketched pack)
1. eves rules.
2. Two assassins in training per sensai
3. You are limited to 2 characters for this rp.
4. No mery sues, weeping willows, none of that. Put your pronouns in other. Your characters are human they have flaws.
6. No having your own characters fall in love it's sad
7. pg14 at all times. And if you can put a tw on your writing if it is necessary.
8. there are going to be minors and adults in this rp please don't have a 20 year old fall in love with a 14 year old.
9. Don't create unnecessary drama.
10. hate the characters not the player.
11. Don't bring things like real life political, religious topics into this. There is going to be lgbtq+ topics if you don't like/ can't deal with that then politely leave.
12. If you read all the rules please put the missing number in other, along with your favorite flower.