
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Flying home to rainy britland today So Ask my OCs questions :> I'll answer them whilst in the air and will post the responses when I land! You can ask them pretty much anything, some might have art responses some just text. Anyone outside of 'Sales' is fair game. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like! :0 https://toyhou.se/Ammonite/characters You can also ask me questions about my OCs if they're too intimidating or something Edited at May 24, 2024 10:02 PM by Eternity

What is Nakai's favourite meal Out of harmless curiosity, of course
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Amazing you will go into my little google note so I can see it when my internet goes caput in about an hour

Exactly how many teeth does Halogen have? What type of gem does Pink Dawg have in it's forehead? How did you come up with Sistreth's name?

Apollo: How do you find it most comfy to sleep? - Any: what is the moment that changed their life the most? - Saika: How did you obtain your weapon? Was it your first weapon? - Oceanus: Is it hard to brush out the fur legs or easy? If you need help, who do you ask? - Snel: how fast can Snel go? - Any: What is their favorite food? What will they do for it? Edited at May 24, 2024 10:52 PM by Zeraphia
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ok halogen is so cool but tell me what would you do if suddenly you woke up one day and your fancy tail disappeared