
What would happen if Jesus stepped on a lego? - Okay just hear me out. If we step on a Lego it hurts like shit. But Jesus can walk on water, so wouldn't he just float above the Lego? But like also, Jesus can be hurt and was multiple times, so would the Lego have the same effect? If he did step on a Lego and got hurt then would the world collapse in on itself? Or would the lego get hurt and the lego collapse in on itself? - I need help solving this conondrom. What are ya'll's thoughts?

I think both would need therapy from this incident

LilDangerNoodlez said: I think both would need therapy from this incident
Agreed, also pre-beating-death Jesus and post-beating-death Jesus have different qualities. Pre-Jesus was much more human and God wasn't there to watch his every step, so it depends on wheter a God thinks stepping on a Lego is minor incident or something major he should help with. Post-Jesus is of ghostly quality therefore unless there was a Lego ghost inside of material Lego I think he'd be fine. P.S. I know some things about Jesus, but please don't hold be too litreally onto every word

Scientifically the air has water in it, so theoretically he could just float above the Lego.

It would hurt Jesus like hell, just like the rest of us.

I agree with Crooked Magic, he was human just like the rest of us but damm standing on a lego hurts😭 Crooked Magic said: It would hurt Jesus like hell, just like the rest of us.