
Game Moderator Neutral
Ask me questions and as many as you like. If I'm uncomfortable I will say pass. If I pass feel free to ask a different question. Everyone ok? Then fire your questions at me
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Who is your favorite person on here? Whats your favorite color in a wolf (pelt, right?) Who is your biggest art lover? Do you enjoy doing art? Do you do any forms of martial arts? Do you have any "exotic" pets? Edited at March 7, 2024 02:21 PM by Howling to the moon

Who's your favorite artist?

Game Moderator Neutral
Nightwood 29 currently Leo's I have no favorite artist. I think all artists are great.
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Game Moderator Neutral
Howling to the moon said: Who is your favorite person on here? Whats your favorite color in a wolf (pelt, right?) Who is your biggest art lover? Do you enjoy doing art? Do you do any forms of martial arts? Do you have any "exotic" pets?
1) I have no favorites 2) I have no favorites 3) Art lover? What? 4) Yes I enjoy doing art 5) Pass 6) No. My family would no be happy. I have my shark cat
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art lover = someone who enjoys your art a lot

Game Moderator Neutral
Howling to the moon Ah I see. Thank you for telling me and to answer your question about it is I have no clue. Possibly not
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Favorite car? If you go into a book store/library, what section do you go to first?

Game Moderator Neutral
Howling to the Moon 1) I don't drive and I have no interest in cars personally 2) The section that has books on animal behaviour so I understand dogs, cats, horses better and I like to read about wolves, foxes, tigers, lions, cheetahs, snow leopard... I will stop but you get the idea Edited at March 7, 2024 02:38 PM by Feiella
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