
Hello! I've made forums before asking about pet ideas, and although hamster was at the top of my list I was told no to having one by my parents. However, for my birthday they are letting me get one, so research has started! This is where I need help. I'm looking for enclosures first. I need something hamster safe, where they aren't walking on the bars, and something that isn't wooden for them to chew through. It also needs to have at least 600sq feet of space, and I need to be able to put in about 6 or 7 inches of bedding. The top should also be well ventilated. If anyone has a hamster and can reccomend a enclosure, or if someone is bored and wants to keep an eye out to help me, it would be much appreciated :3 Additional hanster care advice is always nice as well!
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I would recommend a fish tank. I used a 25 gal for my hamster but you can always get a bigger one.

Or you can get a plastic c and c cage and build it however big you want. I used c and c cages for my guinea pigs and it holds bedding well.

Hamsters need to burrow a lot, so I don't know about the c and c cages. Also, I'm trying to go off the reccomended size for stuff, so a 40 gal tank would be minimum. I think I found a pretty decent enclosure tho, it's just expensive.
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Well if you get a chance and c cage you can build it 2 panels high and then add a foot of bedding and they won't be able to climb the other foot to get out as it's plastic instead of the metal ones.

The square panels are 1 for by 1 foot and the rectangles are if I'm not mistaken 1 foot by 1 foot 5 inches. If you stand them up tall and do 2 tall it would be about 3 feet tall almost just about.

I'll have to look into that then :3
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I have 2 I have the metal one and the plastic one. I like the plastic so much better in my opinion. I would use bedding for my guinea pigs and even with a liner, with the metal cage bedding would just get everywhere because the guinea pigs would fling it everywhere but with plastic only mess of bedding I had to clean is whatever I dropped on the floor guinea pigs couldn't fling it out of cage.