
Hello, feel free to ask questions to Aeliyx or Maethyeiw -> Link clicky in character or out of character, it doesnt even need to be related to him, just have fun! Please participate it would make my day! Please, please please, no weird stuff, nothing icky is what I mean, keep it at most pg13 pleaseee. Edited at November 21, 2023 08:22 PM by Wildberrys adventure

Did you know they have a private chef that can make your favourite dish here? I mean, with the people I work for. It's the one good side to things - Raedier
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Was I aware, no, now that I'm aware does it change my standing, still negative. Food is a standard of life, I'd be happy eating wild potatoes, if need be. -Aeliyx Salem said: Did you know they have a private chef that can make your favourite dish here? I mean, with the people I work for. It's the one good side to things - Raedier

Would you change your stance on that if they were cooking for you and not them,though? Wild potatoes? Of all things, get an apple not a potato! - Raedier
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Cooking for me ey... intriguing, but no. Potatoes are better, apples take to long to grow and ripen, potatoes though.. just boil or roast them and your done. Simple, really -Aeliyx Salem said: Would you change your stance on that if they were cooking for you and not them,though? Wild potatoes? Of all things, get an apple not a potato! - Raedier

Please tell me you realize potatoes grow in the ground- They also take time- - Raedier
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Yes but.. for apple, you need to make tree, and let tree grow, the wait for pollination, then ripen time.. potatoes, have one?? Wait a considerably shorter amount of time, have many potatoes... heh -Aeliyx Salem said: Please tell me you realize potatoes grow in the ground- They also take time- - Raedier

You weirdo. Personally, I'd go for strawberries but that wasn't an option- Was it? - Raedier
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Anything is an option if you need it- Aeliyx Salem said: You weirdo. Personally, I'd go for strawberries but that wasn't an option- Was it? - Raedier

Y'know what.. true. Except for that time you stole my drink, so when it comes to drinks there isn't a whole lot i can do when the great Aeliyx steals it. - Raedier
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