
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Hello my fellow artists :0 I've got a question which miiight ruffle some feathers, but thought it might be nice to actually discuss this in a polite manner.
The simple question is, do you mind getting comments on your prices? Whether this is people calling your artwork too expensive, or recommending you price lower, or maybe even the opposite! With people saying something is underpriced etcetc.
Have you had this happen to you? How did you think or feel about it?
Personally, as someone who has been both drawing and selling art on multiple websites for a good few years, comments on how I decide to price my art aren't taken too kindly.
I've also received comments on y'know, things being underpriced. For obvious reasons this bothers me very little, but I'm personally quite happy with my prices - and I'm happy to explain that people are always welcome to tip me if they don't think I'm pricing high enough ahah!
I've had comments about art being priced too high or too expensive before, they're comments I typically ignore - I don't get them very frequently anymore. However I do find it disheartening to see people telling other artists, especially newer artists, to price things lower.
I firmly believe people are entilted to price things however they want, and comments on someone's prices should only be given if they're asking for feedback on it specifically.
What do you think? Do you agree?

Art Team Neutral
I don't really get people commenting on my prices, mostly because I don't do commissions often anyway. But generally i'll ignore people telling me to lower, and i'll thank people telling me to price things higher.
-But when I see another artist being told their prices are too high, especially if they didn't ask, and especially if its directly posted on their sales thread, I get pretty annoyed lmaoo Like whenever I see someone leaving those kinds of comments, they're genuinely on my shit list forever. I think it's really rude. And usually I see people just doing this to get art of their own characters a little cheaper. I've seriously never seen someone telling artists their prices are too high with genuine intentions Edited at August 22, 2023 04:00 PM by OCCULTIST
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Hi! I'm an artist, but the problem is I don't know how to post art on Wolfplay, could someone tell me pls?

I agree, I don't get many of these comments but when I do I get a little upset. Knowing most of them aren't artists and haven't the slightest idea how long it takes to get to the level the artist is at. I think artists should be able to price their stuff the way they think it's worth, if people don't buy it, they don't buy it. But undervaluing oneself for others is downright wrong to yourself. I just dislike those kinds of people so much DX
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
the Voidwolf Pack said: Hi! I'm an artist, but the problem is I don't know how to post art on Wolfplay, could someone tell me pls?
From there, you'll be able to get a direct link to your artwork and post the image here on WP by going to insert > image.

I prefer not to get these comments unless I specifically ask, and I've even had some close friends behave a bit rude about how I handle my business interactions. Especially as someone who has done commissions outside of online practice and for USD, being asked "How did you negotiate payment" is quite obnoxious in my opinion. It's my business :') That being said, sometimes, like if I've been on hiatus, I will state within my shop or somewhere that I am looking for critique on pricing or that it's negotiable! There are a very few cases where I have seen very new players pricing where maybe they could use a pointer or two, like explaining apples are worth more than mushrooms, their apple to mushroom ratio may not be beneficial to them, etc. but I don't think it's anybody's right to flat out tell them "That's too high" or post in their threads. Maybe a nice private message offering to help them learn how to advertise in chats or mentor them as an experienced artist. (If you're an artist) Edited at August 22, 2023 06:26 PM by Wilverbeast
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
OCCULTIST said: I don't really get people commenting on my prices, mostly because I don't do commissions often anyway. But generally i'll ignore people telling me to lower, and i'll thank people telling me to price things higher.
-But when I see another artist being told their prices are too high, especially if they didn't ask, and especially if its directly posted on their sales thread, I get pretty annoyed lmaoo Like whenever I see someone leaving those kinds of comments, they're genuinely on my shit list forever. I think it's really rude. And usually I see people just doing this to get art of their own characters a little cheaper. I've seriously never seen someone telling artists their prices are too high with genuine intentions
I absolutely agree! I think coming to someone's thread where they're actively selling and putting their art out there, and then telling them to lower their prices is downright disrespectful.
It's different if someone is asking for feedback on their prices, how they should price, why their art isn't selling etcetc, but for someone to go out of their way to post about prices being too high on someone's commission thread is quite rude in my opinion.
BJake said: I agree, I don't get many of these comments but when I do I get a little upset. Knowing most of them aren't artists and haven't the slightest idea how long it takes to get to the level the artist is at. I think artists should be able to price their stuff the way they think it's worth, if people don't buy it, they don't buy it. But undervaluing oneself for others is downright wrong to yourself. I just dislike those kinds of people so much DX
I can agree with this for sure. If you don't think someone's art is worth the price they're asking for, you can just go and buy from someone else ahah

my general rule of thumb is dont comment on any prices unless you are specifically asked. i find it offensive when others tell people how to price things unprompted - its like getting critique without asking for it. also in general, i noticed several small artists tend to underprice themselves already and im sure they dont appreciate the occasional: "amazing art, but i would make it cheaper!" art is a luxury and takes time and dedication. if you cant afford it at the moment, dont buy it. :) Edited at August 22, 2023 06:42 PM by sekizen

Can't really add on much unless I repeat what others have said. I don't like it, but I've started not to care anymore. My friends have very good judgement of art pricing so if I want pricing help I have them to help and also back me up when this stuff happens. So like. People can say it all they want. I won't change my prices for them. Don't have the fake game money? Sounds like a ~Skill Issue~ actually.
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I sometimes comment things like "I love this art! I'll definitely order when I can!". As an artist I understand that art is expensive and takes time so I generally respect pricing. If something is way too expensive for me, I don't comment or order, I just let it be.