
This is for the members of our Mafia family XD ~ Skittles mom: The Pack King Skittles other mom: Howling on the Cliff Skittles dad: Cinnamon Bun (also adopted me as a cat) Skittles other dad: Lovelol217 ~ In Laws-- Grandmother: Stream (Corgi), LunaKitty ~ Grandmother: Bee3 ~ Grandfather: ~ Aunts: Ravensrun, Drakina (Raven's wife), Bee(Skittles sister) ~ Siblings: Stxrmmix <3 ~ Cousins: Saint, Akira Fire, Gmail, Lord Savages ~ Cousins children: KillGraves, Diana Prince, Broken Archangel, ilovemydogs ~ Parent: Violent Nightshade Dad: 🌈Skittles Dad: The Local Southerner ~ Children: Serpents, VirgoFox, BloodKnights, NotByeJustBi, Nux, Falcon-The-Wolfy, Forrest Pack, De Vil, Night Shade, ForestGhosts ~ Children's spouses: Forrest Pack x Bee VirgoFox x Free Run ~ Children's children: ~ Blood Knights: Snake, Cookie VirgoFox: Loveless, AshesAndStarlight, d0ggidollz, Pixie Kit ~ Grandchildren's spouses: ~ (I think I have all of you, please pm me or comment if you're not listed) Edited at November 15, 2023 08:47 PM by Kit-Kat

Me and bjake arnt wp married or engaged yet :>. Virgofox is married to free run, and when did forest become my subling, when did bee your sister become my subling?! Also fox is no longer my child, and you forgot my children snake and the cookie Edited at May 7, 2023 05:32 PM by ~Blood Kights~

Yes, I am indeed married to Free Run, and our children are Loveless,AshesAndStarlight,d0ggidollz and Pixie Kit ^^ Edited at May 7, 2023 05:42 PM by VirgoFox

Bee is getting married to Forrest and you and BJake are a couple- plus Red was the one that had it there first ~Blood Kights~ said: Me and bjake arnt wp married or engaged yet :>. Virgofox is married to free run, and when did forest become my subling, when did bee your sister become my subling?! Also fox is no longer my child, and you forgot my children snake and the cookie

Ok, :/ that still don't fix the Childers problem 🌈Skittles said: Bee is getting married to Forrest and you and BJake are a couple- plus Red was the one that had it there first ~Blood Kights~ said: Me and bjake arnt wp married or engaged yet :>. Virgofox is married to free run, and when did forest become my subling, when did bee your sister become my subling?! Also fox is no longer my child, and you forgot my children snake and the cookie

I fixed it ~Blood Kights~ said: Ok, :/ that still don't fix the Childers problem 🌈Skittles said: Bee is getting married to Forrest and you and BJake are a couple- plus Red was the one that had it there first ~Blood Kights~ said: Me and bjake arnt wp married or engaged yet :>. Virgofox is married to free run, and when did forest become my subling, when did bee your sister become my subling?! Also fox is no longer my child, and you forgot my children snake and the cookie

I fixed it ~Blood Kights~ said: Ok, :/ that still don't fix the Childers problem 🌈Skittles said: Bee is getting married to Forrest and you and BJake are a couple- plus Red was the one that had it there first ~Blood Kights~ said: Me and bjake arnt wp married or engaged yet :>. Virgofox is married to free run, and when did forest become my subling, when did bee your sister become my subling?! Also fox is no longer my child, and you forgot my children snake and the cookie

I see :> now I think we should post the link to this one in the other one so people know 🌈Skittles said: I fixed it ~Blood Kights~ said: Ok, :/ that still don't fix the Childers problem 🌈Skittles said: Bee is getting married to Forrest and you and BJake are a couple- plus Red was the one that had it there first ~Blood Kights~ said: Me and bjake arnt wp married or engaged yet :>. Virgofox is married to free run, and when did forest become my subling, when did bee your sister become my subling?! Also fox is no longer my child, and you forgot my children snake and the cookie

Hey guys! I know i'm not part of the family but I just wanted to say that it's so big and cool!

Local toco shush your part of this family weather you like it or not