
Rest In Peace fish... a lot of people who keep fish just say welp and bury them... I love seeing people actually be sad over their fish and care about them, fish are animals too. he lived a good life... he's in the fish afterlife now, reincarnated or something into a divine fish working for Poseidon himself - omg I didn't know he was a father, I'm genuinely emotional right now. 2 years Is pretty long in domestic fish years Edited at August 25, 2022 09:36 PM by Flamey

We are all gathered here today to mourn and celebrate the life of one beloved little fish. He was 2 years old. A family man. The father of 20 fins. All his daughters and sons are here to say goodbye to such a friendly and easygoing man. Edited at August 25, 2022 09:31 PM by WendiKore

I bought a $5 heater and it malfunctioned and boiled about 30 guppies while I was at school... one out of the whole tank survived I'll show a picture tomorrow. I had my own funeral at the toilet because I am convinced fishie heaven is down below.

Aww yes rest in peace little fishy. I the only fish I've kept also got snatched. Poor boy

May they all rest in peace in fish heaven. Who knows? Maybe Atticus will meet his old best friend Bruce the purple beta fish. They would always swim next to each other, even though they were divided by tanks. Bruce loves Atticus. The only fish he never attacked. Atticus, swim free, little buddy. The great oceans and lakes await.

I hade a fishy named Ambrocious. https://postimg.cc/S2TLMxPB She lived a long, happy 2 years but died when my sister dumped salt in her tank because she was mad that I wouldn't give her my fish. Rip to the fishy boi Edited at August 25, 2022 09:38 PM by crowskull

I know not many fish owners feel emotional when they lose a fish. But there is a good handful, myself included, that will break down the minute we discover a lost soul.

I bought my little brother like five years ago the prettiest looking betta fish and he didn't want to take care of it anymore. (I was like 12 he was 7) so I asked my mom if I could have it instead and she said no. So my little brother put him in a bowl and gave him to our cats who played with him until he died. He had him for like three months. It was very very sad ;-; fish are cool, I love fish but unfortunately can't have any right now

I had a fish named Mr. 305 (aka Mr. Wonderful) I assume he was sickly from the start, as we did everything to care for him, but he passed within a few days of getting him. :(