
Hi! This forum is only for the listed people that joined my wolf party partnership to post. If you have any questions PM us specifically. Here is where we will be posting some of the boosts and defected wolves that won't make excellent customs but may still want, kind of a trading/dealing center if you will. Mods, if there are any issues with this please PM me. Current Wolf Party Partners: 1. {Acerbus.} {185486} 2. {Viotto} {285483} 3. {Eno} {148987} 4. {Pandemonium} {194239} 5. {Pack Name here} {Pack number here} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are not one of the listed packs, please don't post the wolves you got, this is only for the people listed, our little wolf party raid group. PM us separately if you have any questions Edited at August 26, 2022 05:33 PM by ~Fearless

Notes! Raid will begin on spring 1 ^^ If you can't raid on the first of spring please let each other know in a reply Also wolf party partners, please subscribe to the topic to be notified of new wolves you may want. You can also reply with wolves you may be looking for, I'm pretty sure I've already informed you all what I'm looking for in PM's or in the other forum Whatever wolves I post will be free to any of you partners as a reimbursement for the wolf party partnership, now if you guys want another partner's wolf then that would be a private discussion between you guys, it could be free, a trade, or a sale, your choice, discuss it in PM's ^^ Edited at August 2, 2022 11:28 PM by ~Fearless

Being that i work all day majority tomorrow, Ill be doing it tonight as soon as it hits spring 1, I will post every single wolf that is unwanted by me Please PM me with the link and we can do a trade or any offer ^^ happy raiding

I will be doing the same as Viotto! Good luck :D
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Thanks for the heads up guys ^^ I'll drop a couple 1000 mush with you guys tonight as well, before FMC gets too hectic

Oh and if i dont post them all i will have a specific folder for them In here can we post what we are looking for? So i dont have a lineup of nastys

Viotto said: Oh and if i dont post them all i will have a specific folder for them In here can we post what we are looking for? So i dont have a lineup of nastys
Yep ^^ Feel free to state specifics you're looking for, that way we don't have to waste space keeping unnecessary wolves

We need acerbus on here >.> and sweet ill put the description im looking for

I PMed Acerbus with the forum link but I suppose they haven't checked it yet, they said they were participating on spring 1 so hopefully they hop on the forum before they start ^^

-Boost Matrons blessing Divine Health Surpassing Valor Outstanding precision Unparalleled Learning (Will only take if heavyweight) Defect Any defects that effect the pelt (will only take if heavyweight) Boost and defect Doesnt matter for boost and defect on which ones as long as its Medium weight+Heavy weight