
Feel free to them anything have fun^^ Edited at April 2, 2022 11:51 AM by Budding Blossom



*Malaki walks up to you with Zorion following* "As of now me!" Malaki tells you. "But one day ill be!" Zorion adds

Budding Blossom said: *Malaki walks up to you with Zorion following* "As of now me!" Malaki tells you. "But one day ill be!" Zorion adds
i see- how does the ranking works? like whos the best and whos the least in leaders?

Key keeper sends malaki and zorion to do something. "Lets see. From best to not the best leader it would go me, Ocean, Neptune, Rose, Lake, Malaki, then Zorion." Key keeper tells you. All seeing Ocean, Neptune, Rose Bud, and shimering lake nod in agruement with key keeper. "Key keeper couldnt get challenged. He gives off a respect and leadership air." Shimmering Lake tells you

okay! if you could all vote whos the prettiest who would be the one who would be voted prettiest?

"I know this one. I may be new and not know everyone but i know whos the prettiest and whos not!" Zorion says as they come back over. "Rose Bud would be the prettiest, then All seeing Ocean and Shimmering Lake are tied, then Neptune, then Key Keeper, then Malaki and last but not least me." Zorion tells you.

what is everyones powers? and where does everyone live?(dimesions and stuff in a castle house that stuff) Edited at April 2, 2022 12:12 PM by diavolo

"Nobody really has any powers." Key Keeper tells you. "I come from this world." Key adds. "Me, Shimmering lake, All seeing Ocean, and Neptune are all from the same world. we think. We were born in a lab." Rose tells you. "Me and Zorion come from the world of pride." Malaki tells you. "Hence our coloring."