
Just thought of another idea and that is I would like to hear expriences with how you broke a bone or bones. Im curious how it was for anyone who has broken bone, dont worry if you havent you are a lucky bean :3. Have fun everyone! Edited at February 24, 2022 09:59 AM by Lazy Kingdom

Well, I broke my first bone roller skating with a friend. I was 6 or 7 and my friend had fallen over, and in an attempt to be a total chad and save her, I ended up falling on my right arm and fracturing it :p Second bone break was probably at 9, I was riding a dirtbike and crashed into pillar and landed on the cement. I rolled onto my offside (my left) and boom. Fractured my forearm. aNOtHer time was when I was riding, I don't remember the age but I was young- I was riding on the rump of this horse when someone made it trot. Low and behold, I fell off and boom. Fractured my left forearm aGAIN I've never broken anything other than arms LMAO

I broke my nose getting out of my grandpa's car at preschool. I was stepping out and tripped over the lip of the interior and faceplanted on concrete. My grandpa took me to the doctor and I got my nose reset. I didn't go to school because of it. My grandpa was terrified to tell my mama that I had broken my nose, even though it was an accident. I wasn't crying, but he was crying.

I've never broken one of MY bones but I broke this kid's leg because he punched my best friend

When I was about two or three, I somehow broke my collarbone by falling off my toddler bed. No idea how I managed that, but it was a literal break. Not just a little crack in the bone, I mean like a clean, actual, break. And then when I was eleven, I rode my friend's bike and fell off it, breaking my right thumb in the process. But in my defense, it was either hit the ground or bulldoze over the mean neighbor's mailbox

I broke 2 fingers from netball at the exact same spot in the exact same court with the same person so yeah I don't use that court anymore. I also broke another finger when I was walking through school and I forgot there was a little step there and I triped fell on my finger weirdly and the office person gave me some ice for not even 5 minutes and told me it was fine (it was not nearly needed surgery I think). I broke my ankle doing sport twisted it a hole. I also dislocated my shoulder and toe doing something we are not 100% sure the shoulder we think I broke playing sport but yeah. I have a few more stories too of stuff :D Edited at April 25, 2022 06:52 PM by Lost_Griffin

My left arm got broken when I was eight. It was from me falling down the stairs because I was a ``clumsy child``. At least that's the story I told the nurses at the ER. Thanks dad. :)

So I don't know if this counts as a break but when I was like, 5 months old, my mom was handing me to my brother and he was playing a game and had his arm out, and his controller vibrated, and instead of him turning his head he turned his body with his head, and my mom dropped me on my chin and I split my lip open so yeah ;w;

Alright, so basically,, I was ten or eleven, and it was recess at school. The kids in my class were playing football. We didn't have a football so we used some random kids shoe. (haha) I caught the shoeball, and apparently it broke my left hands pinky finger. Why? No idea. Wasn't even a hard throw. I think my bones are made of thin glass. To this day my pinky finger looks deformed.

i stubbed my toe running from my mom against the leg of a couch. it was some of the worst pain i'd ever felt but she told me to stop making a big deal out of it. eventually we went to the doctor and they were like "omg why didn't you come in sooner" then i had to run the mile in gym class and i got yelled at by my teacher because he thought i was faking it