
Game Moderator Neutral
feel free to ask me anything. If i am uncomfortable i'll let you know. No limit on how many questions. Anything goes and even personal questions are allowed. (If I am on my old computer then I won't respond) Edited at April 9, 2023 02:09 PM by Feiella
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Which of your many characters would you say you feel closest to, or you feel you've invested into the most? What's your favourite food/drink? :0 How did you first get into writing? What inspired you to first start, what do you like/dislike about writing? :D

Why do they nail down the lids on coffins? As well, why is it called 'lipstick' if I can still move my lips after I put it on? And why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? XD

Game Moderator Neutral
Hallbjorns said: Which of your many characters would you say you feel closest to, or you feel you've invested into the most? What's your favourite food/drink? :0 How did you first get into writing? What inspired you to first start, what do you like/dislike about writing? :D
1) the closest oc I feel closest and invested in would be between Kisha my first blind cat, Anja my wolf who does her own thing regardless of rules, Reisha who would love to watch the world burn and Mariella who was my first ever oc ^^ 2) My favorite food would be chinese or to be more specific honey chicken (yummy) 3) This is hard because i actually don't know what got me into writing. I would always write in a book when i was in school even when i was supposed to do work to the point i would have my writing book under my school work book then I just began writing a story without thinking. 4) I like how you can build the world, get your characters to grow as you write, add emotions without realizing and you just get so involved that you don't realize until too late and time passed. You have fun and love what you end up doing. As for what I dislike...I would say when as you read you notice that the writer/artist is not writing as their trueselves or not for themselves. If they are not being true then they won't like what they write and it shows. Edited at August 25, 2020 09:57 AM by Feiella
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Game Moderator Neutral
Sunstone said: Why do they nail down the lids on coffins? As well, why is it called 'lipstick' if I can still move my lips after I put it on? And why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? XD
Not sure but i think If they don't nail the lid on the coffin then the body might sudden wake up and go: I am out of here! :D Lipstick is called lipstick because it is supposed to stick to your lip not stick your lips together XD and glue refuses to stick inside the bottle because it is stubborn and wants to be free lol
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why are you so nice to me like i'm literally an idiot-

Game Moderator Neutral
bea said: ...how are you?
I am not bad thank you :) Cal'sRoyalRescue said: why are you so nice to me like i'm literally an idiot-
you are my sister and my friend :) We are both idiots
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Just realized how many mush I have hahhjhh sorry not released guess I have to fire a question, So why did you set this up?