
This will be our allaince chat! Have fun y'all. Put suggestions and any other helpful things here while I figure out how to manage this! Right Now, I need: Your Bugsonas (what kind of bug are you) Art (banner, avatar, palette) Edited at September 7, 2024 06:01 PM by BuggyOs
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anyone see any good piles of dung lately
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los campesinos! said: anyone see any good piles of dung lately
yeah i'm looking at it right now

Salt Shaker said: los campesinos! said: anyone see any good piles of dung lately
yeah i'm looking at it right now
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sorry that was mean of me..

is this even allowed in Big Beehive
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guys what are our viewpoints of laying eggs in paralyzed spiders is it inhumane or is it retribution for what spiders have done against all bugs

i prefer to lay my eggs in piles of dung
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los campesinos! said: is this even allowed in Big Beehive
Big Beehive feeds lies and deceit who cares what it thinks los campesinos! said: i prefer to lay my eggs in piles of dung
avoiding the topic at hand Edited at September 8, 2024 08:28 AM by Salt Shaker

i have a friend whos a spider and i havent tried to lay eggs in them so i just really have no opinion
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