
An alliance chat for CVS associates ! Go Ham and have fun! Random people will be selected at random times to have free art done of their oc <3 Alliance Art Discounts CloudVine = 50% off all art shops. Auction winnings put back into the alliance Alliance Wolf Discounts CloudVine= 50% off all wolf sales and Breedings

It's nice to be back on this site, it's been quite a while.

How long ago was the last time you played? if you don't mind me asking lol

Oh Lord sometime back in the 2015 era I think ? Really long ago

Oh man that's a long time haha ! That's when I made this account actually

I played for a while then due to school and everything I forgot all about this place, then nostalgia brought me back to try it again. Sadly my old pack is most likely gone now and even I don't remember its name

Oh for sure, free packs delete after 3 months and premium deletes after 1 year- I'm surprise this account made it this long to be honest with you with how many times life got me too busy to get on

At least it's still kicking and going strong lol Hopefully I'll be able to at least not get this pack sent to the shadow realm

right right lol, hopefully you stay for a long while this time! on a side note, I've got a lot of art to catch up on lol!
