
~Old Bloodline Keepers~ Hello! This is a club for the keepers of wolves with extremely long bloodlines to gather. Here, we can meet to talk about the ancient bloodlines we've been lucky enough to have the honor of keeping them going, and to dig through the past! In order for a wolf to count, they must have bloodlines from 2016, or further back. All other wolf lines are old yes, but not truly ancient. Wolves with 100+ Generations are also accepted. CL Does not matter for these bloodlines, as they are incredibly long, and it's impossible to keep track of such a long line. . Post your Heir, and tell us about the oldest wolf you've found in their line!

I'll go first! This is my Old Bloodline girlie- I originally purchased her Grandmother Fallen, simply because I wanted a melanism wolf. She already had her generation listed, but I didn't think much of it and simply decided to keep the line going. However, recently I discovered just how far back her line goes! The oldest wolf found in her bloodline was the 5th wolf in game, born on the opening date of Wolfplaygame, 2014, Febuary 24th. I was both shocked, and honored that I had stumbled upon such an ancient line, that is basically the equivolent of WP royalty. I also managed to mix in her line with a beloved line of my own, so keeping it going has become a priority in my pack! ^^

Mortimer said: I'll go first! This is my Old Bloodline girlie- I originally purchased her Grandmother Fallen, simply because I wanted a melanism wolf. She already had her generation listed, but I didn't think much of it and simply decided to keep the line going. However, recently I discovered just how far back her line goes! The oldest wolf found in her bloodline was the 5th wolf in game, born on the opening date of Wolfplaygame, 2014, Febuary 24th. I was both shocked, and honored that I had stumbled upon such an ancient line, that is basically the equivolent of WP royalty. I also managed to mix in her line with a beloved line of my own, so keeping it going has become a priority in my pack! ^^
That is incredible! I don't have any super old bloodline wolves, but on my old account I had a wolf whose ancestors dated back to 2015, and maybe even farther. I didn't check, which I regret.

:( just looked at this girls bloodlines. I found a wolf from 2014, but she's inbreeded. I'm sad now- she's my favorite wolf Edited at October 11, 2021 10:42 PM by Lintang

The wolf has already passed but i had a pupper that was 70+gen

Im not sure what exact gen the pupper was though I stopped trying to count its gen at like 76 or 78 it still had a lot left to be counted but i was too lazy to continue

Mortimer said: I'll go first! This is my Old Bloodline girlie- I originally purchased her Grandmother Fallen, simply because I wanted a melanism wolf. She already had her generation listed, but I didn't think much of it and simply decided to keep the line going. However, recently I discovered just how far back her line goes! The oldest wolf found in her bloodline was the 5th wolf in game, born on the opening date of Wolfplaygame, 2014, Febuary 24th. I was both shocked, and honored that I had stumbled upon such an ancient line, that is basically the equivolent of WP royalty. I also managed to mix in her line with a beloved line of my own, so keeping it going has become a priority in my pack! ^^
Okay, but all of my line holders are related- your wolf is related to my wolves too!
Edited at October 11, 2021 10:11 PM by Lintang

Goldmeadow Indeed! I never thought lines from the first day were still around, so it was really shocking, and totally awesome! *^* . Lintang Hey, with wicked long lines, inbred doesn't matter! ^^ All we care about with these babies is keping their lines alive! And really?? Which wolf exactly? I'd like to know if I see any familiar faces in those lines- XD . Spoopy Awwh, sad they passed before you could keep it going. RIP little pupper.

mortimer literally all my line holders are related to yours- I'll put there links down

Lintang Oh dang- I'll be glad to check and see for myself then XD (Didn't realize my wolves' lines had spread so far, lmaoo)