
This is the place where the children of chaos create their devious plans! Post only if you are in the LunarOrbitPack/Aceblade Pack family, and are in control of one of the infinity stones. Don't tell Lunar about this cause she will probably kill me. Edited at August 4, 2023 09:26 PM by Axe's Edge

Mind Stone: AppleBottomJeans (yellow) Grants the user the ability to control minds - Reality Stone: Swift Blue <3 (Red) Grants the user the ability to shift reality (ala change environments, element forms, life forms etc.) - Space Stone: Shiloh (Blue) Grants the user the ability to travel between places In an instant - Soul stone: Desolated Stormbelt (orange) Grants the user the ability to control a person's soul (so you could end someone's existence, and give them another body, or just kill them.) - Power Stone: WolfPride (purple) Grants the user the ability to manipulate energy and unnaturally powerful strength - Time Stone: Shadow Hearts (green) Grants the user the ability to control time (can also destroy whole groups of life. So the user could destroy all life except themselves at once.) - Ego Stone: (brown) The Ego Gem holds the consciousness of the creator of the other seven stones (Nemesis) When reunited it brings her back to life Rythm Stone: (Pink) The Rythm stone cannot interact with the other eight, but it has some sort of hidden power and it is not yet known how to unlock them. - NOTE: The Ryhtm and Ego Gems are both off limits to all of you. Unless you can find and steal them no reviving nemesis or trying to unlock the Rythm stone. Edited at November 10, 2021 07:53 PM by AxeBlade

Ooo a lil cult, i like it B) ( I'm Swift Blue, wolfplay not letting me sign in mah main TWT

VIOLET CLOUDS? said: Ooo a lil cult, i like it B) ( I'm Swift Blue, wolfplay not letting me sign in mah main TWT

Yep I am the most powerful XD
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Wolf Pride said: Yep I am the most powerful XD
Meant to put the thing in brackets under the soul stone...

Wolf Pride said: Yep I am the most powerful XD

(was shiloh changed user) hey

Swift Wanna see me go off?
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Wolf Pride said: Swift Wanna see me go off?
Why yesh I do ovo