

Hello! Welcome to the Family For Lost People! I am currently adopting. ^^ ~ Please fill out the form below: Pack name/number - Allegiance - Nickname - Role in the family - ~ Roles: Grandmother Sunny Grandfather
Mother Storm Father Lost
Aunt Fang Jade Royal Uncle Spite
Cousins Last
Mush . Sisters Dreamy Widow River Finn Ciel Seo
Brothers Neo Luca Ty Grim
Siblings Blueberry Glitch Moss Breezey
Other Zuzu Tadpole
Pets Fluff Sweet Raptor Lost lily Fox Luna Wof Desti Midnight Roofus ~ I will adopt anyone who wants to join my family ^^ I will also list everyone's names in my Bio in the Family section of my Bio, if it's alright with you :) Edited at March 9, 2022 07:55 PM by LostBoy_was.here

Pack name/number - Neo Saber Alliance - neutral Nickname - Neo, Max, Card, Cardinal, Saber.. Idgaf. Role in the family - brother. now accept me, the edgy red and black wolfsona. Edited at July 22, 2021 03:02 PM by Neo Cardinal

Neo Cardinal said: Pack name/number - Neo Saber Alliance - neutral Nickname - Neo, Max, Card, Cardinal, Saber.. Idgaf. Role in the family - brother. now accept me, the edgy red and black wolfsona.
Heh. Accepted :D Welcome to the (very tiny) family ^^

Haha, finally, my first ever family, even if we're the only ones in it >:3

Neo Cardinal said: Haha, finally, my first ever family, even if we're the only ones in it >:3
Same here XD :3 Thank you for joining ^^

No problem ^^ I always wanted to join a "family", but I always feel hesitant when I see the bigger 1000+ post families. Like I feel.. unwanted automatically. So, I saw this, and I figured, hey, why not. Now we just have to kidnap/wait for new family members!

Neo Cardinal said: No problem ^^ I always wanted to join a "family", but I always feel hesitant when I see the bigger 1000+ post families. Like I feel.. unwanted automatically. So, I saw this, and I figured, hey, why not. Now we just have to kidnap/wait for new family members!
Pff- We will definitely be kidnapping them- Just kidding, just kidding. But I get what you mean with the really big familys with heaps and heaps of posts. I honestly find it quite daunting ;-; . Would I be able to put you in the Family section of my Bio? Edited at July 22, 2021 03:14 PM by LostBoy_was.here

Yeah, im glad my new sibling understands ^^ I may poof randomly, and vanish for days on end, so don't be alarmed ^^ I have a.. tendency.. to get in trouble and grounded lol

Heh ^^ Lol . Do you watch the Dream SMP? I saw your poll with all (Some. Not all XD) the SMP names for your wolf (Who is very pretty, I might add).