
Welcome to the Canine Admirers Chat. You are welcome to join us whether you are part of the alliance or not. You can talk about anything related to canines or anything else as long as it follows the rules. Have fun! Edited at August 31, 2020 09:35 AM by ~Non Sequitur~


Hello. I'm glad I'm not hanging out all lonesome in this chat. I love dogs so much. I didn't see any alliances that focused on dogs, so I had to do it.

What's everyone's favorite type/breed of canine?

Too many to count for me. If it's a big dog...and not EXTREMELY drooly...I love it XD But I love St Bernards even though they're drooly so I guess that's out the window. I like any sort of huge mountain dogs at all, huskies, GSD's No small breeds really

I like some small dogs. I like Westie, Jack Russel Terrier, Corgi (that might be a medium dog. I'm not sure) I'm not overfond of retrievers or anything huge, but I like most medium to large dogs. I like Australian Cattle Dogs. Someone in my family had one, and he was awesome.

Heeeeyyyyyyy! My favorite breed id the Tamaskan.

I wonder which wolfish dog is closest to the wolf. Welcome to The Canine Admirers. If anyone has ideas for a better name, I am open to suggestions. This is the one that won in the poll, but I had some pretty lame ideas.

Tamaskan's are close but there is another hybrid I can't remember that also has a similar personality to a wolf.

I got a smaller dog. I did a DNA test on her, and she is part Norwegian Elkhound, Russel Terrier, Samoyed and other unknown breeds. She is smaller than a corgi, but larger than a Russel terrier. I always thought that she was a corgi russel terrier mix. I'm amused by the Norwegian Elkhound