
If you have a better title, I will welcome suggestions. I think the title could be a WHOLE lot better. This club is for complimenting people about their roleplaying. Feel free to pop in. (Formerly +RP Compliments Circle) Edited at March 18, 2021 10:45 PM by Sir Froggington


Greetings, my RP peeples. c:




Hello Any suggestions for a better title? (Omgoodness. My positivity levels are low. I am about to start insulting my titling abilities.)

The Roleplay Positivists? Maybe, The Circle of RP Positivity. Or would that last one be too long? ^^"

@ns i love your writing sm, i wish i could become as literate as you someday :O also your characters are so, so rounded without you even trying. seriously a roleplay god @valkyrie also a might fine roleplay god 😈 you are one of my favorite people to rp with on here because we have the same general dislike for character traits and its v good @pudding cup one of the first people i ever rp'ed on here with, you're also like one of the kindest people on here and you have the best character ideas and overall oc's ;o; @tolkien jaela has my heart also youre like super easy going and its so fun to make roleplays with you and be in them with you <3 your ideas are literally the best in my opinion @rancid even though youre extremely gay and stoopid i still love your style <3 and i say it 24/7 but your writing style makes me incredibly jealous, i wish i could pull it off

alright lemme do one compliment for each of you so far
NS - i love how easy your posts are to read -- not in that they're simple or childish, but the way your writing flows is just so ,, nice!! you're able to describe the setting and your character's mindstate without getting completely off topic, and that's something i really look up to you for :)
[B]ali - i hate to bring this up again but YOUR LEARNING CURVE. bIMCH ,, from vendalla to these complex, well rounded characters who i really can get in the shoes of and care about. and the number of developed characters you have and the amount you're able to write?? so prolific. mad respect
[B]udding cu[B] - you were the person who first reallyinspired me to RP on this site!! i love the way your posts convey a clear mood and tone that fits so perfectly with your characters' personality, and i'm able to see the way they think and perceive the world without you delving into their inner workings which is amazing!! also i absolutely love your characters' appearance sections, you have such a way with descriptions <3 rancidddd - cybele cybele cybele
jk jk
your characters are. So Good ,,,,,, they are like ,, realistic but still interesting!!! i literally think about them when i'm not rping with you ,, i think about YOUR characters dude ,, and i wanna like talk to em and aaaAAA
im gon go bed now bye motherfuckers