
Hello! I was trying to find one of these earlier with no luck, so I created my own! Breeding & Selling Price Guide: If you plan to put your wolf up for breeding or sales, here's an outline of what I've decided to do. Formula: {[R(0.75)+T(1.5)] X W} X V
Edited at July 30, 2020 04:31 PM by Thunder Claw

R: Rarity Total Rarity X 0.75 mush
Looking for suggestions on how to impliment this: Common = 0R Uncommon = 10R Rare = 20R Legendary = 40R Dynamic = 45R Crytalline = 50R
Edited at July 30, 2020 04:35 PM by Thunder Claw

T: Talents Total Talents X 1.5 mush
Should this be a flat rate or should it vary depending on the trait? Example: High value talents = 3 mush each Middle ground talents = 2 mush each Low value talents = 1 mush each Edited at July 30, 2020 04:41 PM by Thunder Claw

W: Weight Given the weight chart, W = the number for weight class.
75 - 89 lbs = 1 90 - 109 lbs = 2 110 - 129 lbs = 3 130+ = 4 Edited at July 30, 2020 04:42 PM by Thunder Claw

V: Vitals Average out all the wolf's vitals and ignore the +/- for now. Divide average by 10 Edited at July 30, 2020 04:31 PM by Thunder Claw

All Together Formula: {[R(0.75)+T(1.5)] X W} X V
Take a neutral, 125 lbs wolf with 50R and 25T
{[50(0.75)+25(1.5)] X 3} X V
TBC Edited at July 30, 2020 04:49 PM by Thunder Claw



Quoting Desti as to why this will be locked aside from it being a duplicate: "We don't need a pricing guide like this. No wolf is or isn't worth a set amount of mushrooms/apples. It's completely up to the user how to price a wolf and they shouldn't feel like they're supposed to be restricted to pricing by a guide. New users would very incorrectly be turned to thinking they do have to follow a pricing guide if one is listed in the game guides. No price is wrong, but at the same time no price is fully right. People have full rights to freely price their stuff the way they want. If you want to try haggling that price with the seller, then try haggling, but trying to force them into lowering the price or argue with them they're over pricing a wolf/item based on what you feel it's worth isn't allowed. Because of all this, I'm locking this" Edited at July 31, 2020 05:27 AM by Akugitsune328
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