
so i learned a new trick, if you give 50 Cp on maternal to the female and 10 cp on chartisma on the male, you'll still get 3 pups because the Cp on both amount to 60 Cp on the breeding points. (hope this isn't a bug)

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the amount of CP your female and male have determain the amount of pups you get. For females if you have 0 on materal then you get one but if you breed to a male with 60 or 40 CP on charisma then you could get 3 pups. Same with the other way around. low charisma on male but 30-40 maternal on female means you get 3 pups Edited at January 11, 2020 01:44 PM by Feiella
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I've gotten 3 pups from a male with 0 charisma and a female with 30 maternal many times. If I remember correctly, with 30+ maternal on the female or charisma on the male, you are likely to get 3 pups

Now i need to find out how to get 2 pups...

Moon Probably somewhere between 15-25 CP for two pups, I don't know really