
Administrator Lightbringer
Some Guidelines And Tips for Posting On This Forum1) If you need to copy paste something, try to use the "copy as plain text" option to avoid copying unwanted codes. 2) To add a link to your post simply copy paste the link. The game will automatically add the codes to make it clickable. 3) To add an image simply copy paste the image link. And the game will automatically add the codes to display the image. 4) If you are posting an image from a hosting site, please use the Direct Link. Don't use the links with code as it won't work. 5) If you would like to add your own styling to your post, please read our HTML Guide for available tags. https://wolfplaygame.com/htmlguide.php 6) Do not steal images from the internet and post them on our forum.
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9) If you are having trouble with copy paste, try using the Remove Code link. It will strip out all of the html tags from your post.
10) What are those arrows for? If you click the arrow it will take you to the last page of the topic.
Edited at March 29, 2017 10:43 AM by SixBears

I tryed using the imaging thing but it did not work

Where do I post my bio adds?

Game Moderator Darkseeker

Is DeviantArt a sight you can use to download images and use them on WP because my friend has a forum moderator telling them that it's not a sight they can use to download the images and use here (though plenty people do)but I didn't see anything against it when I read through the rules and the moderator won't answer my friend

Snow Clan said: Is DeviantArt a sight you can use to download images and use them on WP because my friend has a forum moderator telling them that it's not a sight they can use to download the images and use here (though plenty people do)but I didn't see anything against it when I read through the rules and the moderator won't answer my friend
Deviantart is not an image hosting site. You cannot use it, no one can. It has never been an acceptable site to upload images. You and your friend should read this: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=4&t=42 Edited at April 14, 2018 11:13 PM by Kodiak

Kodiak said:
Snow Clan said: Is DeviantArt a sight you can use to download images and use them on WP because my friend has a forum moderator telling them that it's not a sight they can use to download the images and use here (though plenty people do)but I didn't see anything against it when I read through the rules and the moderator won't answer my friend
Deviantart is not an image hosting site. You cannot use it, no one can. It has never been an acceptable site to upload images. You and your friend should read this: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=4&t=42
Can you or a forum moderator just take it down

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Evermist Clan-- You may submit a report for a particular post (click the yellow/black radiation button) to have it edited or removed.

Can I delete forums I have made?

Black Order said: Can I delete forums I have made?