
I looked through and didnt see this already made. Please lock if I missed it though
So, you want to save your mush for something, but wolf party and gear just look so tempting, right? Well, with my method you should be able to save up that precious cash without going on a spending spree.
Explore a lot. Gather all of that mush. I suggest exploring in the jungle. Buy moves and (if you're premium) a team heal. Explore at least 80-100 moves at a time. I promise that if you're killing everything you come across (prey and enemies) and you sell items like toucan feathers, you'll get loads of mush.
Everytime you collectively get 1000 mush in hand, put it in your mush hole. This can also be done in increments of 500 if it's too tempting.
Keep doing this and make goals for yourself. I recommend goals like "at least 1000 mush a day" or "level up at least 1 territory a day" if you have goals, it will motivate you to keep exploring
This method also helps if you have a battle team. It makes it easier to kill enemies while getting less damage taken from battle. This probably wont work with weak wolves due to them being hurt constantly and not being able to kill enemies efficiently Edited at April 12, 2019 05:54 AM by Moonshadow

I personnaly reccomend tundra for a great mush deal ;)

DarkCloudClan said: I personnaly reccomend tundra for a great mush deal ;)
That's definitely a good territory as well. Lots of bears

What I do is I keep 100 mush on me at all times, but put the rest in my Mushroom Hole.
It adds up quick, that's how I've gotten 6/45 apples for my custom.

Where is the mushroom hole?

Valiance said: Where is the mushroom hole?
In the secretary bird

i also recomend doing games that you don't spend as much as possible, like pack life,(if you're lucky you'll get 10 mush) beetle, and mushroom search, ect.

I personally recommend atleast *attempting* to try and sell art. Or auctions. Auctions are great too. With these combined, it's the way I've been able to save up around 75+ apples in these short 2 months I've been back.

LucidLove said: I personally recommend atleast *attempting* to try and sell art. Or auctions. Auctions are great too. With these combined, it's the way I've been able to save up around 75+ apples in these short 2 months I've been back.
This. Art got me most of my mush/apples. Even selling designs or adoptables. It all adds up eventually.

Tip #1 = Don't be an Aku qwq The legit answer is adoptables and YCHs! If you don't wanna spend time exploring, art is a great way to make some mush and it'll add up eventually!
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