
Ever wonder what time things occur? Sometimes I completely forget when things happen on this game, so I'm going to put all of them here. *"X" means it will happen at no specific hour A wolf's health heals every 15 minutes, so that would be at: X:00 X:15 X:30 X:45 Your wolves have a chance of dying at: 7:45 am every Monday Weekly awards are handed out at 12am every Monday. Day and night shift every 30 minutes so: X:00 X:30 A couple minutes after 12am so: 12:03-ish (am) Birth Females give birth after 80-96 hours of pregnancy (plus 2-5 hours of labor) at: X:00 X:15 X:30 X:45 Boarder patrol Your wolf will return from patrolling your boarder at: X:00 X:15 X:30 X:45 Reminders Reminders are sent at 12:02 am on the selected day Am I missing something? Comment below if so :) Edited at May 10, 2024 01:33 PM by Eternity

when is rollover? i always get confused whether it is 12am or 3am

Game Moderator Neutral
Leopard Lover said: thanks!
when is rollover? i always get confused whether it is 12am or 3am
It's a couple minutes after 12:00 AM. I believe 12:03
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Destinations End said:
Leopard Lover said: thanks!
when is rollover? i always get confused whether it is 12am or 3am
It's a couple minutes after 12:00 AM. I believe 12:03

Just updated the death script since I know it happens at about 5am now (that update happened a long time ago, but I just looked at this forum again). If anyone knows the exact times of death script, please let me know^^ Edited at January 27, 2020 12:37 PM by Moonshadow

Death script now runs at 6:45AM game time. :) It also now only lasts one minute - if you check all your Sad News mail, you will see that all the wolves that get taken by the death script pass away exactly at 6:45. Edited at January 27, 2020 12:39 PM by Serial Dreamer

Alright, I'll fix that now Thanks :)

Some events occur at xx:15 xx:30 xx:45 and xx:00
-Wolves give birth -All crafting alerts -PvP winner and PvP forfeit notifications (at the second 15 minutes period after the last movement) -Wolves returning from bordel patrol

Perhaps adding how am/pm works? It tends to confusing, at least to me. I get the basic...but maybe a slightly in depth explanation?

Terbus said: Perhaps adding how am/pm works? It tends to confusing, at least to me. I get the basic...but maybe a slightly in depth explanation?
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are asking, Am/Pm works exactly how it does in real life. AM is from midnight to 11:59, PM is from noon until 11:59. Edited at December 15, 2020 01:49 PM by Makato