
Table of Contents Post One - Table of Contents & Plot Post Two - Rules Post Three - What're the Reo / Koyo? Post Four - Base Information for Traits & Dragons Post Five - Roles Post Six - Sign Up Form Post Seven - Threads and Links ❤︎ Plot The king and queen are dead, and their deaths look like murder. Their dragons, soul-bound companions, are missing. Without their dragons, the six heirs can’t claim the throne, leaving the kingdom in chaos. The heirs grew up with the royal family and have equal claim to the throne, but something is wrong. Some of their dragons are gone, just like the rulers’. For twins, dragons are even more special—an extension of their souls with unmatched power. Two sets of twins exist among the heirs, though no one knows they’re related, not even the twins themselves. Half the heirs are from Reo, the angelic side, known for their light and noble traits. The other half are from Koyo, the demonic side, marked by darker, more rebellious tendencies. The two sides have a history of rivalry, deceit, and kidnapping twins to gain power. United twins are stronger than anyone else. If their true identities are uncovered, it could shift the balance of power entirely. With dragons missing, rulers dead, and old grudges resurfacing, the future of the kingdom rests on unraveling the mystery before it’s too late. Edited at November 29, 2024 10:42 PM by Salem
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Rules 1. Follow all of Eve's already made rules. You should already know them but if you don't click this link and scroll down to find the roleplay rules for the site: Click! 2. You're limited to two characters. This may change later on but it's unlikely. Please don't try to reserve three. NPCs not included. 3. You will have to reserve your own spot, you shouldn't be asking for other people. Admittedly I'm bad at keeping track of reservation end dates, so you'll be marked on the list for more time than you probably have. Reservations will last 48 hours with no extensions unless you're almost done, players can request to take your reservation slot if the time limit is up. 4. This roleplay is welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community, if you have a problem with that I'll fight you (It's a joke, mods don't hit me again/joke). 5. I am the host. If you have a certain idea that will cause some chaos, please run it by me first <3 I'll probably find a way to have it happen in a way that fits the plot. NPCs will be played by me if they're important (ex. A queen/king) but otherwise can be played by you, and your dragon will have to be played by you. 6. There is no limit for writing skills, but I would like semi-literate or above. No shame in small replies so long as there's something your fellow rp partners can do with it. No word limit, I mean. You're not expected to post quickly, just whenever it's your turn. You're expected to be active in the discussion though, just so we know you're with us still. 7. If you would like to leave, the slot will open up again but if you want to rejoin, feel free to PM me! I have a few fun ideas for how to get lost characters back in and so on. If you decide to leave the RP, you can have your character killed off or to simply go to an outside area but either way the spot will be open again here. 8. Please mark your characters as a WIP. Please PM me when they're done. I will not accept or decline a character if they're still marked as a WIP. If you need help in some area, pm me but please don't constantly ask the same questions over and over again. 9. Have fun! Put one of these three words under the "Other" section so I know you've read the rules. Lemon, Roar, Snarl. Bonus points for using all three lmao Edited at November 29, 2024 10:48 PM by Salem
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What Are The Reo & Koyo? The Reo and Koyo are two sides of the same family. The Reo are the light side, and the Koyo are the dark side. Even though they’re from the same bloodline, they’re very different. The Reo are all about rules, order, and tradition, while the Koyo are wild, rebellious, and don’t care for rules. Reo people are the angelic side. They’re calm, polite, and noble. They care about peace, beauty, and tradition. Their skin can be any color, even blue, red, or white. But they usually have lighter skin tones. Their hair can be any color too, but they prefer gold or white. If their hair is purple, it’s usually light purple or pastel. Their eyes can be any color, like blue, green, or light hazel, and they have a clear, almost angelic look. The Reo’s wings are big, feathered, and usually white or light-colored. They also have soft, feathered tails and tattoos that glow gold or white. These tattoos show their connection to light and divinity. The Reo use spears and arrows in battle, preferring distance and control. Koyo people are the darker side. They’re bold, fiery, and not afraid to break the rules. They tend to be more wild and unpredictable. Their skin can be any color too, like black, red, or deep purple. They usually have darker skin tones. Their hair can be any color as well, but they lean toward darker shades. If their hair is purple, it’s more like dark violet or plum. Their eyes can be any color, but they often have red, amber, or gold eyes that seem to burn with inner fire. Koyo wings are leathery, dragon-like, and dark. They also have tails that are more scaled and sharp. The Koyo’s tattoos glow in a black abyss color, like moving shadows. These tattoos are darker, showing things like dragons, fire, and chaos. The Koyo use swords and daggers in battle, preferring close combat and fast strikes. Both the Reo and Koyo have dragons, and these dragons are like extensions of their souls. The dragons are always with them and reflect their inner strength. But twins are even more special because their dragons have an even stronger bond with them. Twins are rare and powerful, and there’s a dark history of one twin being kidnapped to gain power. Tattoos are important for both groups. The Reo’s tattoos glow gold or white and are usually delicate and beautiful, showing light and grace. The Koyo’s tattoos glow dark, like shadows, and are bold and aggressive. Tattoos are personal and often tribal, but royal family members have tattoos that are more unique to them, not just from their tribes. Even though the Reo and Koyo are from the same family, they don’t get along. The Reo see the Koyo as dangerous, and the Koyo see the Reo as stuck-up. Their rivalry is old, and it’s caused a lot of problems. But both sides are important to the kingdom. Edited at November 29, 2024 10:19 PM by Salem
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Base Information for Traits & Dragons Dragons are not just creatures to the Reo and Koyo—they are a deeply spiritual part of their lives, and their connection to their riders is powerful. Each dragon has an element that matches the personality of the person they bond with, and that bond is more than just a relationship. It's a deep connection, almost like an extension of their souls. The Reo and Koyo each have different types of dragons, with the Koyo typically bonding with fire and abyss dragons and the Reo usually bonding with light or air dragons, though there are always exceptions. The dragons of the royal families, however, are different. Royals are more likely to bond with a Spirit Dragon, a rare and powerful type of dragon that is gifted with a deeper connection to its rider than regular dragons. The Spirit Dragons are seen as a gift from the divine, a symbol of the deepest connection between dragon and rider, and only royals have the honor of bonding with them. For the Koyo, a royal might bond with an Abyssal Spirit Dragon, a massive, powerful creature with dark energy that matches their fierce nature. For the Reo, royals usually bond with a Light Spirit Dragon, a graceful and noble creature that mirrors the light, peaceful nature of the Reo. Taming a dragon is not easy. To bond with a dragon, a person has to enter its territory and fight it. The fight isn’t about killing the dragon, it’s about proving that you are worthy of the bond. Dragons are proud creatures, and they won’t bond with anyone who isn’t strong enough to earn their trust. The bond is spiritual, and once it is made, the dragon becomes an inseparable part of its rider. While most people bond with a dragon at a young age, it is possible to not bond with one until much later in life. Sometimes, a person may not bond with their dragon until they are in their 30s or even older, though this is rare. Time moves slower for the Reo and Koyo, much like elves, so they have longer lifespans, giving them more time to form that bond with a dragon. The dragons’ personalities reflect the personalities of their riders. If the rider is calm and peaceful, the dragon will be the same. If the rider is fierce and hot-headed, the dragon will also be quick to anger. The bond between a rider and their dragon is strong, and it creates a connection that shapes the rider’s personality even further. For twins, the bond is even stronger. Twins are rare and highly respected, with their dragons becoming an extension of their very souls. Twins share abilities that no one else can match, and their dragons are a reflection of that power. The bond between a twin and their dragon is unbreakable, and it is said that no one can ever truly separate them. The dragons of the Reo and Koyo are not just companions—they are part of the soul, and they shape the path of the rider’s life. Together, they can accomplish things that others can’t even dream of.
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Roles The Reo - Reserved for The Tea Drinkers (Twinned To: ? ) - (Twinned To: ? ) - The Koyo - Raijin Ahyoka | M (He/Him) | Lightning | Played by Salem (Twinned To: ? ) (Twinned To: ? ) - Edited at November 30, 2024 01:33 PM by Salem
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Sign Up Form Full Name Name Meaning Age Gender Sexuality Appearance Voice & Accent* Strengths Weaknesses Backstory* Favourite Quote Theme Song(s)* Affiliations Other ❤︎ Feel free to add more detail to your character sheet as well. * Means optional. Please put something or nothing. Dragons will be paired with you in the discussion thread, so the dragons come to you later and aren't needed in the character sheet just yet.
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Threads & Links The Discussion Thread - Coming Soon. Unlocking at 3 Members. The RP Thread - Coming Soon.
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@The Tea Drinkers, Reserving ^^
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I am Semi-Literiate, I may write a lot of if the mood strikes. Twinned please, I don't really mind though Full Name: Tal (Last Name) Name Meaning: Rain or Dew Age: 16 Gender: Non-Binary, Trans, They/Them/He/Him Sexuality: Pansexual Appearance: Dark violet hair that's curly and ear length. Dark grey skin. They have dark orange eyes. They are 5’11 and still slowly growing, and will hopefully be 6’3 before they become their full size. Has worn hands and always seems to have a paper cut or two. They prefer to wear a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and black leather flat things. While in a more formal outfit they might wear a white dress shirt, tie (They have many colors), dress pants, suit jacket, and white socks. When they are out doing something they will normally have a black bag that is simmilar to a brifcase, but is a side bag.
They have leathery wings that are light grey with black speckles on the underside. Their tail is simmilar, but the speckles are lighter. They have a few tattoos. One is on his left outer uper thigh and depicts a vine covering up a skeleton. Every time someone looks at it they swear the vines have crawled even further. They also have a tattoo of stag antler on the back of their neck. On their top surgery scars they have a thread and needle connecting them, and resting beneath the collar bones. They try to stay fit, so they work out every so often. They have a look of weakness with a face that remains blank most of the time. While they may look weak they actually have a decent amount of stength. Thought they are skinny they are mostly muscle. Voice & Accent*: (I don’t know how to describe this) on the deeper side, it sounds a little rough, not snooty like a stereotypical prince.
Strengths: Getting up really fast. They sleep very lightly and can be up and alert within 10 sec. Loyal. They will return whatever favor to you, no matter the time gap. They may or may not have a journal they keep important info in that has a list of favors to return.
Can easily analyse tools to find ways to get out of tricky situations. By using what they have packed ahead they can easily get out of situations that others might have a harder time getting out of. Doesn't like to give up. Even if the task they have to accomplish seems impossible they will continue to work on it until they forget about it, complete it, or it gets passed on to someone else. Weaknesses: Logical thinking. They have anxiety about forgetting things so they have to think through the paths to see if they might need some random thing. This takes a lot of time and many people see it as them being unrealistic, though they have an uncanny ability to pack what they need for the “predicted” future. Sleeping. They have a really hard time sleeping and will wander around. They always feel like they are missing out on something when they sleep, so they will stay up until they are exhausted. Free food. They will drop everything to go and grab a snack before heading out to do whatever, also if someone offers snacks in return for a favor done there is no thought only trade. When food is offered they don’t think about many of the consequences, they mostly just agree. Constantly on guard and worried that someone will betray them, so they prefer to work alone. Even if you are a really close friend they might still try and anticipate a betrayal or attack. Backstory*: Grew up shy and mostly stayed in the library. Has gone on many late night adventures into town and the surrounding areas to explore and get out on their own. Is often sent out of trips to gather intel on others. They will willingly do this, regardless of if they are an allie or a foe. They are often shunned because other Koyo see them as too polite and Reo like. He was constantly made fun of because his wings were such a light color and that he seemed so weak and skinny. Favorite Quote: When someone says “Expect the unexpected” slap them and say “Bet you didn’t expect that, did you”. Theme Song(s)*: (I just did songs the would vibe to, I can add more if this is not enough) The King - Conan Gray, Cigarette Daydream - Cage The Elephants. Affiliations: None for now Other: They love lemons, especially when in pie form. Coffee… They live off coffee. They may seem cold to someone, but they might just be shy or watching carefully to take notes. They have a fear of sherpa or anything similar. They feel as if they are being absorbed and it makes them want to vomit. They like to journal and often talk about how the vines are clouding their brain and taking control of his body. The prefer to fight with a sword on a chain. Edited at December 7, 2024 06:07 PM by Charcoal