
Heart of a Dragon
Located on the rugged and windswept Dragonspine Isles, Dragonspine Academy is an awe-inspiring institution built within the colossal skeleton of an ancient dragon. The academy's architecture blends seamlessly with the dragon's bones, creating a place where tradition meets innovation. The surrounding isles, with their jagged cliffs and misty forests, provide a perfect backdrop for the academy's rigorous training programs, which are just as difficult to traverse as the landscape they’re based in.
Dragonspine Academy is known for its comprehensive curriculum that goes beyond mere combat and riding skills. Students are also trained in diplomacy, leadership, and ancient dragon lore, preparing them to become the next generation of leaders and protectors. The academy is governed by a council of elder riders, each representing one of the different clans that inhabit the region. These clans have a rich history of alliances, rivalries, and ancient traditions that influence the academy's operations.
However, all hell lets loose when the academy’s most treasured possession, the Heart of the Dragon, an ancient artifact believed to hold the essence and power of the first dragon who once roamed these lands, the one whose skeleton the academy is built into, is stolen. The artifact ensures the stability and prosperity of the Dragonspine Isles, and, as a result, much of the rest of the world. Its absence can only spell disaster for everyone, but those within the Academy are not content to just sit by and do nothing.
To prevent impending disaster, a select group of students and their dragon companions are chosen to embark on a perilous quest to recover the Heart of the Dragon. These young riders, each possessing unique skills and bonded with dragons of various types, must journey across treacherous lands of the surrounding world in search of the Dragonheart, taking them places far from the familiarity of the academy.The students will face numerous challenges, including hostile creatures, treacherous terrain, and enigmatic foes who seek to exploit the Heart's power for their own dark purposes. As they journey, they’ll work to uncover exactly who it was that stole the Dragonheart, and come up with a plan to restore it to its proper place.
Weeee Wooo a New Dragon Rp. Edited at November 19, 2024 09:20 PM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow all of Eve's and WP's Rules
1. Be Active. Sometimes I'm not on for a couple of days, but I expect everyone to be as active as they can for the rp. Unless you are waiting for someone to post, you should be posting. Posts should be occurring every 3-ish days.
2. Reservations last 48 hours. You know how I work if they aren't done in time. You may ask for One Extention of Up to 12 Hours, but You Must Ask Before the Reservation has Expired.
3. Maximum of 4 Characters per Person for Now. You can only have 2 Dragons and 2 Riders, 1 in Each Available Role. HOWEVER. You MUST Make a Rider before you make a Second Dragon. You do not need to make a dragon if you want to just make a rider though. This is to keep numbers more balanced.
4. Semi-Realism and Semi-Literacy are required. Please do not make me explain myself. I will, however, be accepting more elf-like appearances for the Riders, so have fun with hair and eye color.
5. For Once, I am allowing you to pair your own rider and dragon if you want to. You do not have to, but you can if you'd like.
6. I reserve the Right to Deny Applications for this Rp. I won't tolerate disrespect or rude behavior if your application gets denied, or your reservation/character get removed due to inactivity. If you do, I won't even give you the option to fix it or return. If you are respectful, I am often willing to work with you.
7. These riders are not rookie riders, and they were specifically chosen for this mission by the Council of Elders, and it was decided by them who would be leading this mission. However, the Leader will choose who their Seconds are. So I will choose after all sign ups are filled.
8. Try to keep things even with genders, it's much more interesting if things are diverse. LGBTQ+ is welcomed and allowed here.
9. No Perfect Characters, Godmodding, Powerplaying, etc. I won't tolerate it.
10. Have fun!
If I forget something, I will add it in.

Roleplay Information
The Dragon-Rider Bond
The Dragon and Rider Bond is something unusual and completely unique, unlike anything else found in the world. It's the only type of bond that creates a connection between two different species that, while intangible, has quite a few perks or benefits.The bond is initiated either by direct eye contact or physical touch, and is often times painful for the human end of things for the first few seconds. This is due to the fact that humans are not used to sharing their minds with others, whereas dragons communicate telepathically all the time.The first thing that takes place is a marking will appear on the rider, designating not only that they belong to a dragon, but which dragon. This is like the physical representation of their bond. This marking shows up as an ouroboros dragon wrapped around the riders wrist, the color of it matches the scale color of their dragon. This marking burns like hell for the first few seconds, and then throbs for the next several days before it eventually heals and no longer bothers the rider. This is also where they sense things through. If their dragon is in pain, it'll throb to let them know. If their dragon is weakening, it'll pulse. If the mark basically burns off their skin, leaving behind a terrible, constantly painful scar, their dragon is dead. If the rider should re-bond with another dragon, this scar will be replaced with a new marking, but the scale color will be fainter to as a result.The bond between dragon and rider allows for several different things. The first is obviously the ability to communicate telepathically with each other. For a new bond this is relatively short distanced, however, as time passes, the distance increases to the point where it's over miles. The bond can also be used to instinctually find someone, no one really knows how this works, but if you focus on the bond, it will tug you in the direction of the other. This same bond also elongates the Rider's Lifespan. It by no means makes them immortal, but it can double, maybe even triple, their lifespan, causing them to age extremely slow. If their dragon dies, though, they start to age normally. They won't age rapidly to catch up, but they'll age at a normal rate again.The DragonsAll the dragons in the Rp are the age groups of young adult to adult, which is the stage where they are 50 years old or above, becoming full adults at about 250 years. The older a dragon gets the longer the aging stage lasts, ergo ancient is longer than adult, which is longer than young adult, which is longer than their adolescent stage, and so on and so forth. Dragons are considered semi-immortal but it has never been proven what age they die naturally at. For the Purpose of this Rp, all the dragons have to be within the age range of 55 to 450 Years of age, with a size of up to 19 for the Young Adults ones, and 27 for the Adult Ones. This is because, in my mind, anything larger would be significantly easier to find.
For your dragons, though, it will be up to you to come up with their abilities and their individual weaknesses. Of course, I will have a specific set of Weaknesses that apply to ALL dragons, but each dragon will also have their own. You must have 1 Weakness for Every 1 Ability they have. So if you give them 5 Abilities, you must have 5 Weaknesses for them as well. Half of all of your Weaknesses must also be Physical Weaknesses or Limitations. This is to keep balanced, so no one's dragon is OP. If I do not think you have balanced your dragon enough, they will not be accepted. Classes
Fire Water Earth Air Ice Crystal Storm Lunar Venom Runic Light Psyche Dark
Wraith Seer Dream
Remember, every dragon is different, even within the same category, so not all dragons of the same type are going to have the same abilities. Have fun, and be Unique!
Dragon Weaknesses & Strengths These are the Strengths and Weaknesses that all Dragons Share.
For Weaknesses: ⊗ Iron Weakens & Drains Them. ⊗ Soft Belly Scales ⊗ Cannot Fly with Injured Wings
For Strengths ⊕ Longevity & Superb Healing ⊕ Resistant to Specific Types of Human Magics [Curses, Mind Control, etc.] ⊕ Enhanced Abilities Such as Speed, Strength, etc. Edited at November 19, 2024 09:20 PM by Imperial Sands

The Available Roles
The Squad
The Squad Leaders 1. [I Will Choose a Finished Rider in Sign Ups that is Open] & Varkul'Duateme | M | Wraith | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1
The Second in Commands 1. [TBD] & [TBD]
2. [TBD] & [TBD]
The Dragons 1. Reserved for Cereal 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The Riders 1. Mikaela Hale | F | 26 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1 2. Reserved for Cereal 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9.
The Pairings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
The Second in Commands are NOT an open rank. I will choose them once positions are filled. So please do not ask to reserve them. I would prefer them all, dragons and riders, to be played by different people, so keep that in mind.
Edited at November 19, 2024 09:49 PM by Imperial Sands

The Forms
The Riders
Name: Age: Gender: Desired Rank: [Leader, Second in Command, or Squad Member] Dragon: Appearance: Personality: Strength/Skills: Weaknesses: Crush: Partner: Kin: Affiliations: Other:
The Dragons
Name: Age: Gender: Class: Desired Rank: [Leader, Second in Command, or Squad Member] Rider: Appearance: Personality: Abilities: Strengths: Weaknesses: Crush/Courting: Mate: Kin: Affiliations: Other:


Name:Varkul'Duateme The name is not entirely straight forward though, as he is not Varkul'Duateme Alone. Instead one is Varkul and one is Duateme, by he is never truly both. Age:337 Years Gender:Technically Male Rank: Squad Leader Desired Rank: Content Class Type:Wraith Dragon
Wraith dragons are... different... they aren't born like normal dragons, instead they are dragons who have made a deal with the soul of a previous wraith dragon. By merging their soul with that of the Wraith dragon's they themselves become a Wraith Dragon. Usually this results in one dragon, one mind, but in the case for Varkul, Duateme was a bit too powerful to be swallowed in the merge, therefore both are present within Varkul's twisted body. No one truly knows how the first Wraith dragon came to be. Rider: TBD Appearance: It's evident just by looking at Varkul that something just isn't quite right. There is something inherently twisted and offputting about the large male that has created an air around him that makes it difficult for others to approach him calmly. Sure, it may not affect other dragons as much, all of them are accustomed to the different auras other dragons put off, but humans? Most have a hard time being near him without being jumpy and paranoid, constantly looking over their shoulder.
With Varkul, it's hard to decide where to look first, whether it's his mottled, marbled really, two tones scales, or his large head with it's crown of glorious horns. Or maybe it's the two sets of wings-- very different wings. Or the long tail that tapers down to the second half that is thin and whip-like. Or perhaps its the two sets of eyes on his head, each set their own color, gleaming with the intentions of their own character. Whatever it is, Varkul is certainly eye catching, but it's not necessarily for good reasons.
He's a goliath of a male, standing at a rather massive 26 feet high at the shoulder, though he appears taller considering the height of his wings, and how high he can lift his own head. Varkul's length is nothing to scoff at either, with his body, from nose tip to the base of his tail, is a about 30 feet in length. Whereas his tail is about that same length on it's own, although it's a bit longer reaching 36 feet. His tail seems like it's too long for his body, but about the last third of it is significantly thinner, made to be whiplike in that portion. It's tipped with some wicked blades near the tip, making it a deadly weapon.
In terms of appendages, Varkul has eight. As mentioned he has two sets of wings, but also the normal two sets of legs. His front and back legs are rather normal in appearance, muscular and fit. This allows them to carry is powerful form with ease, making such a brute deceptively lithe on the ground. He isn't cumbersome or graceless, but instead he moves like a well-oiled machine built for destruction and violence. His strong legs end in normal draconic feet, the claws on his front feet, though, are overgrown and wicked curved. The claws on his hind feet are shorter, as per the norm for dragons, but still gnarly, able to deal damage when used correctly.
For his wings, Varkul's first set are your normal type. Large, membranous wings that are heavy and strong. Each wing is massive on it's own, but his wingspan seems to dwarf his height, and even the length of his body from nose tip to the base of his tail. They're truly massive but memorable things. His second set of wings, though? They're more... unique. Rather than just being a second, smaller version of the first set, these ones are quite different. They're more wyvern like, meaning they're a combination of being like a second set of front legs combined into a second set of wings. He does use them to fly, but he can use them in more versatile ways. Like his front feet, the talons on this wing are serious overgrown, to the point where if he's using them to walk, he has to walk on the knuckles withe claws folded back it isn't uncomfortable. On the limb of his larger wings there are also long talons, but they don't have as much utility as the rest of his appendages.
Varkul has a powerful neck, one that is a smidge on the longer side. However, it's his head that really pulls others in. He's got a normal draconic looking head, with sharp ridges, and rough scales. Vark has a pair of powerful jaws, but they have their unique traits. For his upper jaws, he's able to peel his lip back completely from his teeth, along his upper jaw to sink into a target better and uninhibitated by the confines of his lip. However, it's his bottom jaw that tends to unnerve others. Instead of having one solid mandible, it's more so separated into two sections. Like a snake he can spread his bottom jaw out, moving each side of his mandible independently of the other. He can bite with them as one, but it's used so he can lock in bites stronger, able to unhook one part of his jaw to get a better grip without letting go completely. Do not mistake his bottom jaw for being weak due to this design, if anything it's more durable because it has more movement which allows it to absorb blows better. This also leads him to doing what snakes do: eating things whole.
Upon the male's face are two sets of eyes, one set directly behind the other. They're both draconic in appearance with their slit pupils, but both are different colors. The first set of eyes, which is where one set would normally be, are a bright ice blue. Whereas the second set of eyes are a violet, with a bit of crimson around the slitted pupil. The first set belong to Varkul, but the second belongs to Duateme. With his eyes, which ever set is open is who is in control. However, if both are open, it means both are awake and present, and the only way to tell who is calling the shorts is their mannerisms, behavior, and voice. It's to note that Duateme's eyes always appear sharper and more lethal than Varkul's, which always seem to be a bit arrogant, but also a deadly calm.
If this doesn't catch someone's attention, though, the crown of horns on his head certainly will. Like other dragons, Varkul has several sets, though one set originates from him, while the other two seem to have originated from Duateme. The two more noticable horns are the largest. They curve from his head and jut outwards, running parralel to his jaws and face. The first set sits in the normal horn position, whereas the second set grows out a bit below that one, closer to his cheek. These powerful horns are about two to three feet in length, and each horn is about the width of a muscular human's arm. The third set of horns, Varkul's original ones, are a ram-horn like set that grown just behind the other two. They curl there, offering protection to the sides of his throat.
Aside from his head, there are other dangerous adornments to the male. Particularly the two lines of sharp, ridged spikes that run down the sides of his neck. They grow out of the scales on either side of his neck, each line of growth running parralell to each other, about four inches away from his spine on either side. The spikes grow out in a diaganol fashion, making him vulnerable to an attack from straight above, but since getting there is a difficult the spikes help protect him from attacks from the side. This jagged spikes continue to grow down his back as well, and they're the longest here. They grow shorter as they reach the base of his tail, where they shorten over time, until they completely disappear as his tail thins out to the whip like portion.
Varkul's coloration is hard to describe, but it is certainly unique. Looking as if two different patterns of color are fighting for dominance over the same canvas. The colors of his scales seem to dance and twirl together, in a beautiful, violent dance, a representation of the two souls in the singular body. First there is Varkul's normal color, a steely cold silver that has the barest flecks of an icy blue seen within it. Next is the deep purple and green scales of Duateme. Now it might be hard to picture, but when looking at him, Varkul appears to be a dark slate dragon, as the colors war in an almost microscopic level, giving him a base color of an odd shade of blue-green slate. However, when he moves, or the light gleams on his scales, you'll see the distinct shades of silver or purple or even green come to life. It gives him an almost iridescent look. So yes, while he is a mix of both colorations, they've combined in a way to create a completely unique appearance. If someone gets up close and personal and focuses, they'll be able to see the actually merging of the colors and how they dance, but it's not something you can see unless you're beside him. His gums and tongue are black, and his teeth are a slate grey color and have an almost metallic sheen to them. His horns and claws are also black.
Now, for their vocies. Varkul's is an incredibly deep, nearly basso tone. It's low and vibrating, and is easily identifiable even in a crowd. However, Duateme's voice is considerably higher pitched and considerable raspy, like speaking from a dry or dead throat. The difference in vocal tones is due to the fact that Varkul is a male dragon, whereas Duateme was a female, so her voice can't sound like how it was, so the scratchy, raspy sound is merely an echo of what her normal voice was.
Personality: Varkul Calm | Lethal | Low Patience | Strategic | Aggressive | Territorial | Power Hungry | Competitive | Domineering/Dominant | Violence | Assertive | Hawkish | Brutal | Efficient | Growly | Possessive | Blunt
Duateme Cruel | Spiteful | Vindictive | Sarcastic | Witty | Impatient as Hell | Hot Tempered | Malignant | Vitriolic | Rancorous | Jealous | Disdainful | Kind of Obnoxious Honestly | Extremely Aggressive
1. Spectral Ward: Varkul is able to create an ethereal barrier of freezing [in temperature doesn't actually freeze] energy that provides protection against physical and magical attacks while damaging any enemy that comes into contact with it.
2. Ghostly Terror: Varkul is able to generate a cold aura around him that instills deep fear and dread in enemies. It's can disorientate, as well as cause them to act eradically. It's a very unnerving feeling, and the longer they're in the aura, the longer the effects will last out of it.
3. Wraith's Touch: This is an attack that can be both physical or spiritual. But Varkul can channel the cold energy of his wraith abilities into the talons of his front feet. This allows slowly drain the energy and strength of an opponent. He can do this by holding the opponent and draining them, which is the faster method, or slicing at their essence, leaving a spiritual wound that will drain them over time. It will go away over time, and especially when they've rested. If he's just holding them, though, the effects stop the moment he lets go.
4. Ethereal Devastation: This is Varkul's breathe attack. It can often be mistaken for an ice beam, as it looks like one, but is also feels cold, though not enough to freeze or anything [his energy in general is cold]. But it allows him to Fire a powerful blast, or beam, of spectral energy that deals damage physicall and spiritually, as well as it creates a lingering aura of dread.
5. Phantom Scythe: Varkul is able to channel his spectral energy to take the form of a scythe at the end of his tail, allowing him to flick it around, cleaving and swiping at different opponents at will. Like his other attacks, this deals physical damage and spiritual damage, but mostly physical as he renders the energy in a temporarily physical construct.
6. Wraith's Gate: This is Vark's ability to open a gate, a portal basically, to the spirit realm. It's often used as an escape route for him, as living beings aside from himself are unable to enter without extreme consequences. However, he can also use this to summon Wraiths, the angry spirits of the dead, to come to his aid, either to be consumed to help heal him, or to spiritually attack those around him. This is an exhaustive ability though, and he can only do it once over periods of time. Since he shares Duateme's soul, that is why he is able to pass through without issue. Opening a realm from the Spirit World to the Mortal Plane is much easier.
7. Haunted Passage: This is Varkul's ability to communicate with the dead. By meditating he can spiritually communicate with the souls of the dead trapped on the mortal plane. However, he also is able to have the part of Duateme's soul that remains unmerged to the Spirit Realm to gather information, bring back spirits for him to interrogate, etc. However, Dua has to be careful while doing this, and she is notoriously unreliable and uncooperative.
Strengths & Weaknesses:Strengths + Dua will eat anyone + Versatile Ability Range + Physical Powerhouse & Durable + Steady, Strong Flyer + Enhanced Bite + Varkul will likely eat you too + Can consume or control spirits
Weaknesses - Varkul isn't always in control, and Duateme is not a team player. At all. - Not the Fastest or Most Agile of Dragons - Vulnerable to Attacks from Directly Above - Duateme HATES being dirty, it ticks her off. - The part of Dua's soul that remains unmerged could potentially get stuck in the spirit realm, and if she did, Varkul would be weaker. - Obviously his powers are draining when actively being used. - No really. Don't trust Dua. Beware the Crazy Lady. - Has to Physically Rest his Body because having to Souls is taxing
Crush:There may be a particular fiery she-dragon who has caught his eyes.. Mate:None Kin:Melpomene - Mother, Ice Dragon, Alive Zelophehad - Father, Dark Dragon, Alive Ingris - Sister, Ice Dragon, Alive Nilesh - Brother, Dark Dragon, Deceased, Killed by Varkul Izotz - Brother, Ice Dragon, Deceased, Killed by Nilesh Dzvezda - Sister, Dark Dragon, Deceased, Killed by Ingris Enkhtuya - Guardian Mother, Water Dragon, Alive Affiliations:Maybe Open Other: Ma Boy Credit for the Image Belongs to AshesDrawn on DA. No one else besides me has permission to use.
Background: Varkul, before he was Varkul'Duateme, was born as an Ice Dragon within a clutch belonging to a smaller, but harsh clan. His father was a Dark Dragon, and his Mother an Ice Dragon, and he was born into a Clutch of 5. Unfortunately, for Varkul and his siblings, the rules of the clan is that only 2 hatchlings may survive, 1 male and 1 female, and it's the strongest survive, meaning the strongest have to kill their weaker siblings to secure their right within the clan.
Within is clutch of five there were 3 ice dragons and 2 dark. Varkul's sister, Ingris, was not only the strongest female hatchling, but the strongest hatchling in general, and she quickly disposed of her weaker sister, the only Dark Female, Dzvezda. For Varkul and his two brothers, a Dark Dragon and another Ice Dragon, it was less clear. His Dark Brother, Nilesh, was quick to dispatch their third brother, Izotz, the Ice Dragon, who was signicantly weaker and smaller than both Varkul and Nilesh. This left the two vying for the position of the Male Offspring, but being so evenly matched in size and strength, it was not so easily achieved.
Nilesh attempted many times to take Varkul's life, but between Varkul's own resilience, and his sister, Ingris' favortism towards him, Nilesh was often thwarted. As years passed, all 70 of them, it became clear that neither offspring were going to be able to physically overpower the other, as the use of powers was strictly forbidden. So, his parents seemed to make the decision for him, his father choosing to allow Nilesh to take his place in the family, and ostrasizing Varkul. This was all due to the fact that Nilesh was a Dark dragon like his father whereas Varkul was an Ice Dragon like his Mother and Sister.
Thankfully, Ingris was in her brother's corner, and quickly found a lone female dragon on her travels that was willing to take in Varkul, raising him further and protecting him from the perils of the world. He will forver be grateful of his Guardian Mother, but the resentment over him being ostracized festered in Varkul, so when he was about 130 years, he ventured out in search of ways to overthrow his brother and take his rightful place within his family.
Which brought him to Duateme, the enraged spirit of the Wraith Dragon she once was, she saw a kindered spirit in Varkul and made a deal with him. By merging their souls to turn him into a Wraith Dragon, she would loan her power to him so he'd become stronger and be able to overthrow his brother. And he would loan his body to avenge her death and kill those who killed her. Unfortunately for Varkul, Duateme never had any intention of being consumed by his soul, and fought the merge after it began. This wound up with them being semi-merged, and both inhabiting his body, intertwined so that they are both fully cognisant, and present within Varkul's physical form.
True to their deal, though, Dua's power turning him into a Wraith dragon gave him the strength to return home, defeating and killing his brother. Only, his father became enraged at his son being killed, and chose to exile Varkul once more for it rather than allow him the place he rightly earned. Unfortunately, due to an injury sustained that left her with only one full wing, Varkul's mother was unable to go against his father, and was forced to watch her son, once again, be pushed off.
The male was going to uphold his end of their bargain when the pull for a rider began, forcing him to deviate from their chosen path to where they are now. He still intends to get revenge for Duateme, but now the odd pair have found a new place to consider him, and, while neither will admit it allowed, neither of them are very willing to abandon it and lose the only home they've had. Edited at November 19, 2024 09:21 PM by Imperial Sands


Name: Mikaela Kindra Hale; Goes almost Exclusively by Mika Age: 26 Years Gender: Female Desired Rank: Not Super Picky. Dragon: Open Appearance: Credit Belongs to Djarn on Picrew. Mika is an young woman with an athletic, but rather curvy build. Standing at 5'8" she could be considered on the taller side, and weighs about 161 lbs. She has more musculature and mass to her in general, with a strong set of shoulders, a matured bosom, narrow waist, and flared hips connecting to strong, powerful legs with thick muscling. Truly the young woman has what many could consider an hour glass figure, though her hips are wider than her shoulders are.
While her facial shape is more triangle in contour, Mika boasts a rounded chin with a stronger jaws, and sharp cheekbones, though she has a fullness to her features instead of being gaunt. Her eyes are upturned in shape, and slightly hooded, giving her a rather intense look to them. Above her eyes are a pair of well groomed, but full eyebrows, and below her eyes is a short and slightly narrow nose that comes to a rounded tip. Situated below her nose is a set of rather full, rounded lips that aren't often pulled into a smile.
In terms of skin tone, Mika has rather tanned skin, the bronzey sun-kissed hue a testimony that she has spent a lot of time in the sun, and is quite comfortable in it. She's naturally more tanned in tone, but much of her pigment right now is from spending time outside in direct light. Her eyes are a very pale hazel color that appear an almost straw color, like a pale gold that isn't quite bright enough to be metallic. The tawny color is light against her darker skin, but doesn't stand out as much as the orange color of her hair. She's naturally a red-head, but her natural tone is more orange than actual red. She can pass as a strawberry blonde at times, but she's truly an orange-haired red head.
Personality: Serious | Competitive | Sarcastic | Slightly Judgemental | Impatient | Easily Irritated | Not Quick to Rage Though | Over Protective Big Sister Vibes | Tom Boy | Brawler | Brazen | Bold | Confident | Not Easily Impressed | Tenacious | Resilient | Stubborn as a Mule | Might be Perpetually Grumpy | Ambitious | Decisive | Aloof | Honest | Assertive Mikaela embodies a unique blend of traits that form a captivating personality. Being serious is her default mode, approaching life with a focused determination that very few can rival. Known to be competitive to the core, she thrives on challenges, always seeking to outperform and outwit any opposition that dares to cross her path. Mika's sharp tongue is one of her her weapons of choice, laced with sarcasm that cuts through pretense and foolishness with ease. She's not one to mince words and can be slightly judgmental at times, sizing up situations and people with a discerning eye. Impatience seems to fuel her veins, and she's easily irritated by inefficiency or incompetence, though she's not the type to fly into a rage at the drop of a hat. Despite her gruff exterior, Mika harbors a fiercely protective instinct, especially towards those she considers her own. With her overprotective big sister vibes, she's quick to leap to the defense of her loved ones, ready to throw down and brawl even if it's not necessary. Brazen and bold, she faces challenges head-on, unafraid to push boundaries and break conventions and not the type to back down from them either. Confidence radiates from her every step, unshaken by the opinions of others which causes Mika to not be easily impressed, her tenacity and resilience pushing her to constantly strive for more. She's as stubborn as a mule, and once she sets her mind on something, there's no turning back or really shaking her off either. While she may come off as perpetually grumpy, someone who rarely lets out a smile, underneath lies an ambitious soul, driven by a desire to conquer whatever obstacles stand in her path. Rather decisive in her actions, Mika wastes no time in making her intentions known in anything she does. She exudes an aloof demeanor, preferring to keep her emotions guarded. Yet, beneath the tough exterior lies a heart of honesty and sincerity. Mika is assertive in everything she does, but especially in her beliefs and is unafraid to speak her mind, even if it means ruffling a few feathers along the way. In essence, Mikaela is a force to be reckoned with – a tomboy with a brawler's spirit, brazen and bold, yet fiercely loyal and honest to a fault. She navigates life with unwavering determination, leaving a trail of awe and admiration in her wake. Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths + Brawler & Scrappy + Surprisingly Strong + Rather Durable; Not a Glass Cannon + Not Afraid of Blood or Getting Dirty + Not Easily Scared or Intimidated + Strong Swimmer
Weaknesses - Not the Fastest or Most Graceful - A Bit Clumsy Actually - Kind of an Acquired Taste - Hard Time Paying Attention - Not the Best With Books/School - Impatient AF
Crush: None for Now Significant Other/Spouse: None Kin: None; Maybe Open Affiliations: Open! Other: I love her <3


You got it! Cereal said: Res dragon and rider? <3